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Iranian army to be equipped with S-400


Dec 26, 2001
Iran's Response to the American saber rattling i guess...


Iranian army to be equipped with S-400
Wed, 05 Sep 2007 21:54:40
Vice Chairman of Russia's State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky has urged the fast delivery of the magnificent S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran.

Speaking at the open session of Russia's State Duma on Wednesday, Zhirinovsky stated, "S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems should be delivered as early as possible to enable Iran to defend its air space."

The S-400 is a new generation of anti-aircraft / anti-missile weapon system developed by the Russian Almaz Central Design Bureau.

The S-400 is capable of detecting and destroying targets out to a range of 400km (250 miles), such as aircrafts, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, including those with a range of 3,500 km.

Sources confirm that the S-400 is capable of detecting and destroying aircraft made with low observable materials such as the American 'stealth' aircraft.

Russia provided Belarus with the same system a short time ago.

The S-400 is so sophisticated and powerful that can change the military balance of a region since it is capable of hitting targets that were previously considered untouchable.

The anti missile system has an unbelievable speed of 4.8 Km per second which is faster than a bullet leaving a Kalashnikov machine gun.


I doubt that Iran will be able to purchase enough of these systems and train the crews to a level needed to effectively "ward off" an American air attack but still with these system added to what they have i doubt that they can be destroyed in 3 days.

So, SAMwise (;) ) Iran has:
S-400: Unknown number, twice the range of Patriots, claimed to be able to intercept "stealth" aircrafts as well as Ballistic and Cruise Missiles
S-300: Unknown number, comparable to Patriot system, newer version are also capable to intercept ballistic missiles (all can intercept aircraft and cruise missiles)
Ghareh About 10 launchers, a (licensed?) copy of the S-200VE "Vega-E"
Pechora-M: Recent (2001?) Russian Modernization of the S-125, A less upgraded version shot down a US F-117 Nighthawk "Stealth Fighter" in Yugoslavia
Sayyad-1: Allegedly a modernized S-75 (Still of Considerable danger if uses S-75M Volga, HQ-2 or comparable level of modernization)
Tor Missile System: At least 29 systems, Low-to-Medium altitude, short range missile system, considered one of the most accurate SAM system around
Buk: successor to the well-regarded Kub, the newest versions are considered quite dangerous
I-Hawk: Unknown Number (30 Launchers?) "Improved version of the original US Hawk system"
Pantsir-S1: About 10, Medium-to-Low altitude, short range, air defense system (12 missiles and 2 auto cannons per system)
Shahab Thaqeb: A Copy of the Chinese FM-80 (itself a copy of the French Crotale) still quite dangerous though.
Kub Flexible and Mobile SAM system, once very successful but now considerably aging.
Tigercat: British missile system (an extremely useless system i might add :p)
And 6 Different Types of Shoulder Launched missiles, from pre-Vietnam era soviet designs (functionally obsolete) to the latest Chinese systems that are said to be superior to the newest American FIM-92 Stinger versions.
The S-400 is a fine system. I have done some research on this particular system before and it is more or less going to track anything, but the B-2 Spirit.
Lets hear it for our 'friends' the Russians.

Exactly how do they expect Iran to pay, then Iran didnt pay them for the work being done on the nuke reactors?


I hope they sell them...deploy them....and then we blow the hell out of them.
The S-400 is a fine system. I have done some research on this particular system before and it is more or less going to track anything, but the B-2 Spirit.

Wasnt one of the head engineers of the B-2 arrested for selling secrets to China, Iran and an handful of other nations? He might very well have given them a way to detect it.

Edit: in fact

Noshir Gowadia
Nov 1968-April 1986: Design Engineer, Northrop Corporation.

"One of the principal designers of the B-2 Bomber; conceived and conceptually designed the B-2 Bombers entire propulsion system." (Purdue website)

"Calls himself the father of the technology that protects the B-2 stealth bomber from heat-seeking missiles" (FBI)

Lets hear it for our 'friends' the Russians.

Exactly how do they expect Iran to pay, then Iran didnt pay them for the work being done on the nuke reactors?


I hope they sell them...deploy them....and then we blow the hell out of them.

The Last system they bought, the Tor Missile System, they Paid 700m, the Nuclear reactor thing was about "Missing" two monthly 25m payments, i doubt they can buy ONE S-400 system for that money.
I've also read somewhere that Syria bought/ordered one Billion worth of arms from Russia, of which a part was to be delivered to Iran.
The claim that it can hit stealths is if true only true for the F-117, the B-2 and the F-22 are of the next generation stealth tech so its highly doubtful they will be able to down our first strike weapons.
Iran has some money and needs air defense, (america is going to bomb them)
Russia has some extra air defense and needs some money.

So they trade, Didn't america want these country's to become capitalist?
Did anyone else find the way this article was word,... odd?
The anti missile system has an unbelievable speed of 4.8 Km per second which is faster than a bullet leaving a Kalashnikov machine gun.

I never heard of Press TV before, so thats why I am asking. anyone know how trustful of a news site this is?
Lets hear it for our 'friends' the Russians.

Exactly how do they expect Iran to pay, then Iran didnt pay them for the work being done on the nuke reactors?


I hope they sell them...deploy them....and then we blow the hell out of them.

Russia still cool, you pay later, you pay later!

This actually looks like something of a good thing to me. Right now the fewer wars in the region, the better off it'll probably be. The article does seem to be from a sketchy source though, what with it's .ir, attacks on 'Zionists' and an article on how the US forms the Axis of Evil in Iraq. Amusing that the other side likes the term as well.
Meh no big deal

If America bombs them they will be dropping so many bombs and missiles at them that Iran will simply run out of missles
I hope they shoot down lots of imperialist planes
Lets hear it for our 'friends' the Russians.
Last i checked a different country doesn't need the US to tell them that they can sell them anything

Exactly how do they expect Iran to pay, then Iran didnt pay them for the work being done on the nuke reactors?
Theirs that american "I'm better then you so i'll kill you attuitude"

The only dumbass is the one that underestimates a person.

I hope they sell them...deploy them....and then we blow the hell out of them
Sure and then we could nuke them and claim it was self-defense (I wonder how many right-wings would still back bush when/if he does that.) Keyboard warriors at its finest!
Meh no big deal

If America bombs them they will be dropping so many bombs and missiles at them that Iran will simply run out of missles

So?? All they need is to launch some of the anti-ship missiles (sunburn).
Never mind, I found this little gem that told me all I needed to know about this "news" website.

Those who follow what's going on in the world know that the invasion and occupation of Iraq were based on a myth created by the neo-conservatives in America, trumpeted by George W. Bush and spread by a Zionist-controlled media.
It then goes on to blame Jews.

As for the missile it self. It has many draw backs that if Iran doesn't plan for, will make this Missile system just for show (but thats all most weapons system are really)

Its a huge missile, 4000kg, and it has a powerful high end radar. What means it going to have a huge foot print. Your going to see this missile and radar system way before it sees you. You will also see where it was fired from.

Now I don't know if it can really hit a B-2 or not. But I'm not too sure if it can live long enough to fire its missile.
George2816 -Oh and I figured I wouldn't get the pleasure of seeing the newest liberal nut to cfc ot.

Anti-ship missles, A: They don't have them in the quantity that would be necessary to take out any of our ships, let alone enough to be effective. B: If they have any they are not of the quality that would be effective. C: Have you heard of the Phalanx defensive system onboard most ships. It consists of one or more turrent guns that shoot out tens of thousands of rounds a minute at incoming missles headed at the ship. One turret I believe is supposed to be effective against 3 or more targets. I think were safe.
Those who follow what's going on in the world know that the invasion and occupation of Iraq were based on a myth created by the neo-conservatives in America, trumpeted by George W. Bush and spread by a Zionist-controlled media.

That what happened isn't it??
So?? All they need is to launch some of the anti-ship missiles (sunburn).

Our ships stay far enough out to sea that the curvature of the earth hides them form direct missile fire. They would need a AWACS plane or such to remote guide them. Then they need to make sure to keep that AWACS safe, and ect ect.

Air/missile defense is more then just having really big and cool missiles.
George2816 -Oh and I figured I wouldn't get the pleasure of seeing the newest liberal nut to cfc ot.

Anti-ship missles, A: They don't have them in the quantity that would be necessary to take out any of our ships, let alone enough to be effective. B: If they have any they are not of the quality that would be effective. C: Have you heard of the Phalanx defensive system onboard most ships. It consists of one or more turrent guns that shoot out tens of thousands of rounds a minute at incoming missles headed at the ship. One turret I believe is supposed to be effective against 3 or more targets. I think were safe.

Sorry to burst your bubble but people make a few fatal mistakes. A: your underestimating your "enemy"(If you call them that) B) you should read http://www.rense.com/general59/theSunburniransawesome.htm
The US Phalanx defense employs a six-barreled gun that fires 3,000 depleted-uranium rounds a minute, but the gun must have precise coordinates to destroy an intruder "just in time."
Saddam Hussein's mobile Scud launchers proved so difficult to detect and destroy over and over again the Iraqis fooled allied reconnaissance with decoys that during the course of Desert Storm the US was unable to confirm even a single kill.

C) Assumptions are the mother of all screw-ups (HMM didn't bush assume that the iraqi's would like us? Didn't saddam when he invaded iran think that iran's minority would join him)
Dude, don't you know you shouldn't believe everything you read off the internet? look at the website before you use it to prove a point.

http://www.rense.com/ LMAO!!! what a joke website. right at the very top of the page is a anti aging drug link. The rest of the site is of 9/11 nuts and Jews being behind, well everything. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Inforwars.com is more believable.

So your claiming that anti-missiles are just for show?? What was my point C again??
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