Eh? I'm not familiar with this.
Nicaragua. (and in other parts of Latin America as well, such as El-salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Colombia, etc, US has heavily supported such actons).
The establishment of intention is, I think, critical in situations such as this. To give an example, let's say there is a man in a room with a gun, a room otherwise populated by innocent people. I then walk into that room with a gun, and with the intention of shooting that man with a gun, and start shooting at him from across the room. Chances are that I will hit some of the other people in that room, but they are shot by my own carelessness, not because I intended to kill them. This is why the law distinguishes between First and Second Degree Murder charges. Now, I hope you can see how this is different from the next situation, where a man walks into that room and just lets fly, killing whomever the bullets find, with the sole intention of simply killing people. Neither is right, but the establishment of intention is what makes the first man a moron, and the second a monster.
Well, if you drop firebombs on densly wooden cities in order to kill of few soldiers, you're commiting a collosal atrocity, not any legimate military action against enemy soldiers. Or when you drop over a million tons of explosive devices on a defenseless peasant community to supposedly "cut off enemy supply lines", you're commiting a colossal atrocity, not a legimate act of war. If you pour weapons to genodical dictators and states (Turkey, Suharto etc) and you're fully aware of how those weapons will be used, you're commiting a colossal atrocity. And so forth.
I don't really like to defend terrorist organizations, and when I do, I'm usually somewhat of a devil's advocate, but what Hamas is doing, sort of pales in comparison to the oh-so holy and pure Reagan administration, for example.
What about The Firebombing of Dresden? The Massacre of the Poles at Volhinia? The Sook Ching Massacre? Hue? The Rape of Nanking? Any of the cleansing during the Spanish Civil War?
Yes, these were (state) terrorist actions, and United States is subject to the same standards. Therefore, similar acts commited by CIA and US military establishment, are (state) terrorist acts as well.
Everyone does stupid and horrible things in war.
True, but simply noting that will not suffice.
That doesn't make it right, nor am I condoning it, but don't act like the United States is a renegade among countries in this. Surely its record is no more tainted than any other country in history.
No, of course not. I'm not biased against what US does, even though you might think so. All empires, throughout history, Romans, Soviets, British, Germans, Greeks and so forth, always bragged about their benign intentions, their civilized and enlightened ways, and labelled their enemies as utterly evil, while at the same time, they (meaning usually the jingoistic elites) violently subjugated peoples for their own materialistic and various political needs.