Sorry to jump off topic here, but does that mean you don't support Russia's development of the Iranian nuclear program?
Well, there is no clear evidence that Iran will use its nuclear weapon to "wipe Israel out", and if you look at the map, you'd realise that the prospect of such an action is very remote, Iran is virtually surrounded from the north, west, east and from the sea, by US armies, fleets and air bases. Israel is one of the most advanced and capable military powers on Earth; they could easily cripple Iran. US has invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, both which border Iran and Bush is openly calling Iranians evil and Cheney is making outright or thinly vailed threats against Iran, while even the moderate democrats are refusing to take the option of first nuclear strike off the table.
So, yeah, Iranians are probably going to use that nuke for self-defense.
Well, I don't where to begin. Maybe the lost decade in Latin America, support for all sorts of dictators, Suharto, El-Salvador, and the massacres in Nicaragua... all in all, Reagan administration was probably one of the bloodiest.
I think we're operating under different definitions of terrorism.
No, we're probably not. What happened in Nicaragua was terrorism. It was the use of violence and threat of the use of violence for political purposes. Many things are. What happened in Afghanistan after 9/11 was terrorism. Bush first threatened to bomb the country, unless they hand over OBL (without any evidence, of course, but its not like the powerful need to present any) and later he came out, declaring that the Afghans need to change their leadership, or be bombed, which is even more massive case of terrorism. You can find terrorism involved in any war, the term is simply so broad.