Iraqi Freedom


Feb 14, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Now that Saddam has been caught I was wondering whether or not anybody has begun work on a Iraqi Freedom scenario?

If so when will it be complete?

I know Eivind made some really good units, but he's not creating a scenario.
I wonder what nations there would be?

Americans: the liberators or oppressors, depending on your point of view.

Marshall Islands: the trusty allies to the Americans as part of the "Coalition of the Willing."

Iraqis: the underequipped nation on the receiving end of the stealth bombers; they lose their palace during Turn One.

French: this civ has nothing to do with this scenario. All French units have a movement rate of zero to reflect this. Note that human players who will play as the Americans have this nation renamed "Freedom" in rules.txt

Al Qaeda: the civ that just sits in its remote caves and laughs throughout the whole scenario.

North Koreans: the civ that's geographically far-removed from the action but slowly builds up its nuclear arsenal because of it. Alternate history: North Korea wipes out everybody, the end.

Liberal Media: the civ that spends all its time "giving aid and comfort to the enemy." But since the enemy varies depending on your point of view, the Liberal Media is allied with the Americans, Iraqis, AND Marshall Islanders.

Hee hee :p
You know, I might just do this... what's the maximum known length for a civ name? I don't know if Marshall Islanders will fit.
I say wait ten years, then we can make a scenario. The war isn't really over yet...But a quality Desert Storm scen would be nice. I have a basis for such a scenario, but never really got started. If anyone's interested I could help out. Or a Iraq-Iran war could be interesting...
My opinion: NO. I did not demonstrate against this war to later appreciate or tolerate a scenario on it. There are limits of taste.
Originally posted by Mercator
Does that mean you do approve of, say, WWII or the Vietnam war, and their civ2 scenarios? :rolleyes:

Since when does Civ2 have to be politically correct?

I concur.

I demonstrated against the war as well. I'm generally against any kind of war were people dies. That doesn't mean I wouldn't play a war scenario though. I both play and design war scenarios. That's the beuty of civ, it's just a game!

But I do hope that the one that makes this (if made) will keep American war propaganda to himself. The same would of course go for an anti-iraq war scenario maker. Let's keep politics out of civ2 scens. :)
Hey guys,

I thought there is an opportunity here to make a completely different kind of scenario- Mike is right: It won't work and the civs wouldn't make sense. However, what about a more economic based scenario? We all know the war was about oil and there can be trace element of terrorism in it. It would take a lot of work, but messing with some of the rules.txt you make a few things happen- have an ULTIMATE PETROLEUM RESERVE wonder and when the city of Bagdad is taken have a bunch of terrorist attacks.

You could have an mission to capture Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden- while all of these things are going on.

When Saddam is captured you get a lot of money for that- same with bin Laden. When you find the the Terrorist camps, the same thing. You could even have the little huts as "minor" torrorist camps and rewrite the game.txt-

This could be a pretty darn good should do it Mike.

Just an idea.

Now that I am thinking about it, You should have the Franco-German alliance as a civ or the UN. You could still have other nations, that are the Coalition or allied such as USA, UK, and Spain. You could also have alternative history:

-Bring ISREAL into the mix.
-What IF North Korea did ally with IRAQ?
-What IF IRAN decided for a LAND GRAB?
-WHAT IF it became world war III? (Pakistan attacks India, North Korea attack Japan and/or South Korea, Isreal attack Iran)

It could be fun either way...

Sorry, just more ideas.

Originally posted by Stefan Haertel
My opinion: NO. I did not demonstrate against this war to later appreciate or tolerate a scenario on it. There are limits of taste.

Speaking as someone who also protested against the war, while I certainly sympathise with that view, I think that it's OK to make and play an honest scenario on it. If there was an 'Osama Bin Laden' or 'Jacque Chirac' unit in Baghdad I wouldn't even unzip the file.

That said, I have no sympathy whatsoever for people who make and distribute scenarios of wars while the war is still going on. Aside from the fact that such rushed scenarios always suck, it's immoral to entertain yourself by playing a computer game on a topic people are currently dying for.
Well then, by that rationale, no one can do the Operation Iraqi Freedom scenario yet. 'Cuz that war sure ain't over.

And I agree with your opinion, btw. Historical scenarios, yes. Current-world scenarios . . . well . . . it does seem kinda distasteful. That's why I don't play any of those DESERT STORM video games. I even have a hard time watching "Good Morning Vietnam," though maybe that's due to other reasons, like Robin Williams.
I like the WWIII idea, because that was the risk we (The Americans) took when we undertook this war.
Erm... You were attacked by Japan and then Germany declared war on you. But I sure like it as well. Probably the most balanced war in history.
I meant Operation: Iraqi Freedom, not WWII.
:D Hehe, sorry about that. Understand now how weird that must have sounded :lol: ...I don't even remeber making that post. I posted it after I came home from a party you see;)
No problem, we al make "mistakes".

Look, since most here don't like real war but don't mind a simlation (that would be Civ2 scenarios on the topic), maybe it would work for warmongers as well.

To stop war do the following:
Provide George W. Bush with a copy of Civ2 along with a really good WWIII scenario. Then he could play that instead of making war in real life (and at a microfraction of the cost)...I'm sure many Iraqis would approve. ;) :D

I actually did try designing a scenario of the Persian Gulf War at one point. I created the beginnings of a good map of Iraq (wasn't a gigamap though) and was deciding on what type of units to use. Thing is, if I found that if I made the scenario even remotely realistic, Iraq would get creamed no matter what (epecially if played by the AI ;) ).
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