Is ‘speciesism’ as bad as racism or sexism?

Do we harvest organs from:

  • Neither

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Anencephalic babies only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pigs only

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Both

    Votes: 13 59.1%

  • Total voters
A cow, on the other hand, is not even that frightened - she probably doesn't expect that from a human, because she has been living with him for a long time (a year at least, and he is her breadwinner and protector).

lmao holy horsehockey the misogyny in this one
lmao holy horsehocky the misogyny in this one
Tbf, -gynae (also in misogynist) only refers to human females :)
It's like calling the cow a woman.
The attitude may be termed such by association, but it is a stretch when it explicitly was about a cow. Those animals, of course, in no way are acting in analogous ways to humans, male or female, and show far more basic behaviors.
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A b***? :huh:

That could in all honesty simply be a female dog. :yup:
A male farmer isn't usually referred to as a cow's "breadwinner". That term refers to whoever in a HUMAN family is the primary provider of food and other necessities such as shelter.
I used deepl for this sentence. And sometimes it uses words that are not very familiar to me
upd. And I wanted to show the cow's point of view
Also, in russian "breadwinner" can be reffered to cow or horse. Since in Russian Empire most peasants lived very poor (or after ww2, when there were simply no men) and cow was major protein provider (milk)
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This PC stuff gotten outta control
Farmer can't even ho no more
“He had a broad but normal face, and an advanced- sized belly, and he laughed: “Lady of Evening! Lady of the Evening! Lady of the Evening!”

Now can you believe that?!? What in the world? You can’t even say “Ho! Ho! Ho!” anymore?! What kind of commie crap is this? I don’t care who you are! His name is Santy Claus, and he cracks deer with a horsewhip, breaks into people’s houses, drinks rum and eggnog, and looks like Uncle Jessie from “The Dukes of Hazard” End of story!” -Larry the Cable Guy
“He had a broad but normal face, and an advanced- sized belly, and he laughed: “Lady of Evening! Lady of the Evening! Lady of the Evening!”

Now can you believe that?!? What in the world? You can’t even say “Ho! Ho! Ho!” anymore?! What kind of commie crap is this? I don’t care who you are! His name is Santy Claus, and he cracks deer with a horsewhip, breaks into people’s houses, drinks rum and eggnog, and looks like Uncle Jessie from “The Dukes of Hazard” End of story!” -Larry the Cable Guy

Nothing to do with the overall topic I kinda feel obliged to post this in response regarding Santa...

That a cow living on farm usually has known the farmer for its entire life and associates humans with food and protection.
I do not see it. Beef cattle are either extensively reared, in which case they are getting their food directly as grass, or some sort of feedlot system where the feeding is automated enough that I do not see the animals associating it with the farmer. Animals that need hand rearing most certainly do, but that is a problem as they respond differently to humans as the rest of the herd so makes herding more difficult (at least in sheep).

I see no way an cow could understand the level of "protection" that a cow gets from a farmer.
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