Is anybody out there?


Keeper of the HoF Annex
Hall of Fame Staff
Apr 19, 2005
Hi. I've noticed that even though most teams offically have 17+ members listed there's probably about 5 or less that even know the game exists or they are on a team. Is anybody still interested in this besides Saber? I can vouch for 9 of us in Saber that are really interested in killing everyone else continuing the game.

Anyone else?

BTW, I'm not speaking for Saber per say, I didn't run this by my team first but they are interested in any results I'm sure.
Team Council is definitely still interested and motivated. A quick count shows that 9 people have made constructive comments within the past week, which is not far (if at all different) from our heyday. But things are in a bit of a lull right now. The calm before the storm I'm sure... ;)
As a personal comment, I'd like to see strict enforcement of the 24 hour rule on turn turn-around. If we are "definitely still interested and motivated", it seems that WE could advance the save a lot quicker than it has been advanced. I know this is just a game and I know people have real lives to contend with, but if you can't play the game just surrender. We would consider it an honorable gesture. Really, we would. To speed things up, we've even drawn up a surrender form. Just sign here. :deal:
Well, a large part of the reason for the delays is because we want people to be involved and comment. We could probably advance the save faster, but would have less fun if we did.

I'd like to make a counter proposal. Given the complexity of the game at this point, how about we formally extend the turn timer to 48 hours, and then enforce that limit strictly instead? And yes, I mean that seriously.
That seems like a reasonable proposal.
I can understand that playing the save in this stage of the game is quite a lot of work, something that may not be possible within 24 hours, but I think it's very important the pace stays somewhat decent, to keep intrest intact.

Well, a large part of the reason for the delays is because we want people to be involved and comment. We could probably advance the save faster, but would have less fun if we did.
Well, really, you have ~3 days to discuss every turn, and, at least for us, there haven't been that many interesting things going on that warrant a lot of discussion. If there was something interesting going on, I could live with some of the turnaround times here, but having a week for each turn just to decide what to build and where to move your workers is way too much.
I'd just retort that you have no idea how many interesting things that are going on, but I'll refrain :p.

Seriously though, you do have a point, but I still think that 3 days is too short. And many of the things we discuss actually can't be discussed before we get the fresh save back.
As a personal comment, I'd like to see strict enforcement of the 24 hour rule on turn turn-around.

Yes, I agree. What penalties are we gonna use? We need something serious in place to solidify the 24 hour rule and keep Chamnix from playing the save in four hours.
Ok, I understand your weak position. ;)

Here's the deal. If Chamnix gets the save out before 24 hours, you lose. If you take more than 24 hours, you lose. :smug: I like this game. :thumbsup:

Sound good?
I'd be more inclined to agree with a 72-hour strict enforcement plan...

well, i suppose 48 hours won't be that bad as long as we can still request an extension as game events may require more time.
Thanks for your responses. I was hoping for a sort of role call of who might be actively around. I take Niklas at his word, but I'd just like some more to check in so I know you're there. I note team Free hasn't posted. I know Whomp is around from the Deathmatch and turn tracker, so I'm making any demands of team Babe, right now.
yeah - I'm here and interested!

Niklas outlined our main issue - but the other problem we have is that there are only 1 or 2 people still around with the time and expertise needed to play the save.

If that person is gone for some reason, we get stuck.

That said - I'd be ok with stricter enforcement of the turn-timer IF we make it longer than 24 hours.

But who would enforce this? I haven't seen our Admins around here for a while...
I just saw Ginger_Ale in the PBEM forums this afternoon.
Hi. I've noticed that even though most teams offically have 17+ members listed there's probably about 5 or less that even know the game exists or they are on a team. Is anybody still interested in this besides Saber?
Team FREE is still interested.

Sluggish, perhaps, but still willing to go the distance.
You must have thought he meant expetise in playing Civ3. :lol:
Well, this was a really cool game and just wanted to know if anybody else was still into it, it seemed like a lot of people said yes then didn't comeback again. Thanks for posting, those that did, to the others (execpt Whomp)... well nevermind.
What do you mean it was a really cool game? Did I miss the ending - or isn't it cool any more? :confused:
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