Is audio recording quality related to your sound card?


On a Stark Trek
Oct 25, 2003
North Dakota, USA
My friend is letting me borrow a Yeti mic to see if I wanted to buy it from him.

Here's the link so you know what I am talking about:

It connects to your USB and record etc etc. Pretty simply.

I am currently recording on Audacity. I plan on getting Adobe Audition since we use that at school and I get a pretty nice discount since I am a college student.

The sound sounds...ok. I mean it's nothing special. I thought it would be higher quality. So I am thinking it could be one of a few things:

1. My laptop is 2 years old and the soundcard is older then the school computers.
2. My Logitech speakers hooked up to my computer make the sound not as clear.
3. Recording with a USB makes you lose quality.
4. I'm recording in my apartment with bare walls for recording.
5. Audacity maybe?

I haven't tested a mic on any other computer so I should do that just to see.

I really like the mic so far so I might buy it either way, so just seeing what you guys think!

How "bad" are we talking here? Is it worse than recording on your phone, for example?
I can't comment on the technical side, but if you don't notice anything special about it, it doesn't look like something worth buying. It might be good, but if you can't take advantage of it with your system there's no point to it.
So I recorder really quick samples.

Here is the mic off my laptop computer:
Mic off laptop

And the Yeti USB Mic:

Can you tell a difference that much? I think I might have to play around with my settings.

EDIT: lol ok I got it. I still had my laptop mic on yet. That's what I call a newbie mistake :(

Anyway here is what it sounds like now. a LOOOTTTTT better!

Thanks for everyone that has helped!
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