Is "Islamaphobia" dangerous?

Is that fundamentalist atheism or the moderate kind?

And how would you persuade a moderate or fundamentalist religious person to be an atheist?

Should there be some kind of publicly-funded deprogramming... er... programme? Or adverts on the TV?

But wouldn't that be throwing the baby out with the bath water? Harris makes the sound (imo) point that some religions are less liable to subversion than others. Or maybe I don't mean that quite. He did state that Jainism couldn't be hijacked for violent ends, though.

Harris points out that the different precepts of religions have different effects on the actions of their believers. While some encourage actions and beliefs that are extremely harmful to human rights and humanity as a whole (ie. Islam) the effects of others are notably less harmful (Harris brings up Jainism). Note it does not make them right, or any less insane for believing in the supernatural in the first place; only slightly more benign.

As to how to persuade people to be give up their religion, only two words are needed: education and confrontation. We've done it before in the West with the decline of Christianity, where in the face of science and reason Christianity has died a slumbering and rather pitiful death with the established church in the UK for example becoming more of a social club than a real 'church'.

We can't allow Religion to be held on a pedestal immune from attack. We have to point out again and again the inconsistencies, stupidities and downright nastiness of it. Start with the children of course. Religious history should be a compulsory course for all students (none of this 'religious education' nonsense). Let the kids see how the religions have been created and evolved through the actions of man not some fairy in the sky. Allow them to see the ridiculousness of it for themselves.

While at the same time, just as the Americans have to confront the political forces of Christianity, we in Europe have to face down the far more dangerous forces of Islam (which in its very essence is a political force). We can't allow the widespread homophobic, anti-woman, anti-science, and sectarian views of both the so-called moderates and radicals to go unchallenged. We cannot allow them to influence our society or politics. And we have to find ways to aid those who find themselves, through no fault of their own, in communities dominated by this unpleasant ideology.

Of course what will really happen to combat Islam is absolutely nothing. That would require our elites to have some kind of spine, which seems to have been removed from the European political class ever since the world wars.
Islamophobia isn't more dangerous then antisemitisem...
I might, however, regret saying that.
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