On Regent level I always attack in Ancient times, focusing on
my Unique unit if I have one. Otherwise, I use either horseman
or Swordmen+catapult. Depending on whether I get Horseback Riding or Iron Working first. I try to take out the
closest civ that allows me to minimize the number of
land borders with other civs. I disagree that this weakens
you, because you will need that land eventually and better to
have it sooner, where you can build it up, rather than later.
Also, you might get some great leaders that will surely
strenthen you. Plus, you will be better than the AI at
getting this attack going fast and quickly decimating the
other civ. Usually I end the
war with a Peace Treaty and get anything I might need from
that civ, leaving them harmless with a 1-3 cities left. Sometimes
I can get 2 civs out of the way before Middle Ages
(especially with Mounter Warriors).
I like to play a kind of cyclicle strategy where I am on the attack
as soon as I learn a powerful new unit and then once I've used
that unit to clobber another civ or two I go into buildup mode,
switch to Republic or Democracy and make my nation
strong until the next big unit comes along. So really I like to
attack at least once per age. The cycle goes something like:
1) Ancient times: attack 1-2 civs with Sword+Cat or Horse rush.
Once learn Republic, go to peace and build up
2) Middle Ages: Go straight for Chivalry and attack 1 civ
with Knights. Go straight for Military Tradition
and attack another civ or finish off the first
with Cavalry. Usually can stay in Republic the
whole time. If not, once war is over
switch to Republic
or if you have Democracy, switch to
that, build up terrain, hope you got a
GL to make imperial palace.
3) Industrial Age: After a Sanitation, Nationalism, go for Tank
ASAP. Once you have Tank, Mobilize for War
and pump out disgusting amounts of them.
Conquer nearby Civs. Use Great Leaders for
Hoover Damn, reposition Palace to minimize
corruption. In this war you pretty much have
to Raze every city or place massive troops there
(with 117f). If you must, switch to Monarchy
or Communism to avoid disorder. In my latest
game, I must make an average of 10
tanks a turn. And I got there first, so I'm pretty
much in charge.
4) Modern Age: Always over by this age so far. But I'd focus on
destroying any civ that is close to Nukes.
This works great for me on Regent/Pangea/Huge/16 Civs or
Standard/8-12 Civs. But the great thing about this game is
that it probably wouldn't work very well on other settings.
Every game is a little different. For example, if you are stuck
on an island by yourself none of this will work.