Is it just me or...

Oct 29, 2003
United Earth
The problem is that i can no longer look into my cities when I have edited a scenario. Since this was okay for the original civ3 and PTW, why is it a problem for conquest editor? :confused: :confused:
Because this feature was removed for modded scenarios. There are about 50 threads on this topic already.
If there is such a high demand for this feature, then why remove it.

Atari have a lot of explaining to do…hmmm.. Why was the game even made by Atari. Inforgrames were doing a great job. :confused:
Why was the city view disabled for mods?

Perhaps because every modmaker was getting their own 'bug reports' because when a player builds some new modded wonder like the 'Sears tower' or something, the colossus or UN would appear in the city view.
Originally posted by HamaticBabylon
Why was the game even made by Atari. Inforgrames were doing a great job. :confused:

We are straying off topic here, but Atari = Infogrames. Infogrames bought the rights to the name Atari and then changed their name.
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