Is It Worth It?


Latina Goddess™
Aug 22, 2003
Wishing I Was Here
Everyone breaks up sometime. It's just the cycle of life! It's painful and it sucks, but do you think it is still worth it to fall in love again? Or have you been burned so badly that you would rather be alone than risk getting your heart broken again? I already know the answer from some people here. *cough*simondarkshademarinecorps*cough*
You got no choice, Mother Nature and her magical fairy
Hormones will see to that.
Having never broken up nor been burnt, nor fallen in love for that matter, nor having a heart to break, one's thoughts are quite clear.
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
Having never broken up nor been burnt, nor fallen in love for that matter, nor having a heart to break, one's thoughts are quite clear.

Wait, hold up there. How can you talk about how useless love is and stupid and flimsy it is, and yet you have never experienced it? It is like a person saying, "I don't like apples" because the saw a few people eat them and not like them. How do you know you wouldn't like it? You've never tried. It's like saying you hate a certain religion without knowing anything about it. It is just, well, ignorant.
There's a huge difference between never having fallen in love and not understanding it. Love isn't just something shared by couples, it's also quite common in families.

I see no base or credibility to your suggestion that Simon is ignorant.
Don't know, don't know, I've been in love before but I've not been in a serious relationship [oh, lets just be honest] in any relationship before this. And I know she was badly hurt after being left by her ex, because he fell in love with his assistant after 7 years with my current (now and forever) girlfriend (lucky me), but I swept her off her feet, and she landed in my arms (gosh I'm getting lyrical) and she had sworn not to do the mistake of commiting to any realtionship ever again, but here we are 18 months later (we just celebrated one and a half years together) and I believe we love each other more for every day that passes.

To the point, I don't think I could commit myself to anyone after being dumped by this particular lady. It's too serious, I wouldn't trust anyone anymore. But as Ozz says, mother nature would probably make the hormones stir again at some point, and then there would be the sexual attraction for somebody new again and there are actually relationships that last thought they start out with sex.

It's probably simply a question of attitude one might think than one wil never date again if one breaks up with a current partner, but feeling will pass, if not, then it's sad. It's all about being emotionally available and though most think they won't be that ever again they will be.
I don't like cannibalism, nor approve of it. I have never taken part in it.
It suits me fine. It is like the recent thread where a chap made an argument that people should withhold comment on places they hadn't been to. That one went down in the same manner.
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
I don't like cannibalism, nor approve of it. I have never taken part in it.
It suits me fine. It is like the recent thread where a chap made an argument that people should withhold comment on places they hadn't been to. That one went down in the same manner.

What the heck are you talking about? :confused: you don't sound superior when you talk like this....
Originally posted by superslug
There's a huge difference between never having fallen in love and not understanding it. Love isn't just something shared by couples, it's also quite common in families.

I see no base or credibility to your suggestion that Simon is ignorant.

I say it's pretty impossible to understand love between a couple if you've never experienced the real thing. Loving your family is quite a bit different.
Originally posted by Skullbones

I say it's pretty impossible to understand love between a couple if you've never experienced the real thing. Loving your family is quite a bit different.

So true. It is a different kind of love. When youare part of a couple, there are other feelings swirled in. It's a whole different animal.
I won't speak for another poster, but the impression I got from his post was that having personal experience with a subject is not a good criteria for contributing to the conversation.

As per his example, by your line of reasoning, one would have to have participated in or somehow had first had experience with cannibalism is order to have the right to condemn it. That being the case, 99% of the Earth's population would have no right to say that cannibalism is wrong.
The only quality/behavior where 'couple love' differs from 'family love' is in the area of sex.
Originally posted by superslug
I won't speak for another poster, but the impression I got from his post was that having personal experience with a subject is not a good criteria for contributing to the conversation.

As per his example, by your line of reasoning, one would have to have participated in or somehow had first had experience with cannibalism is order to have the right to condemn it. That being the case, 99% of the Earth's population would have no right to say that cannibalism is wrong.

Oh, okay I get it. Cannibalism is a heck of a lot different than falling in love. People actually die in that act. Someone is physically gone from this earth. In love, you may feel emotional pain, but no one actually dies.
Cannibalism was only one example. Here's another: someone who has never been to Alaska has no right to be opposed to the proposed ANWAR drilling. Also, those who have never visited Iraq aren't allowed to protest what's going on there...
Originally posted by Superevie
So true. It is a different kind of love. When youare part of a couple, there are other feelings swirled in. It's a whole different animal.

;) So very true, you are not supposed to at least feel lust for your family members nor friends even though the caring part, loving and sharing, are the same, but in a couple it get's so much more deep.

And you can't judge something that isn't ethically or morally wrong (or culturally) on the same grounds as something that is. Loving isn't wrong. Taking another humans life is wrong (cannibalism). So you can't compare love and cannibalism for instance, but you can prevent youself from partaking in a relationship if you now yourself that well that you know you will hurt this person (again something that is morally wrong - even though it happen - only if it is premeditated - you can judge it - cannibalism is premeditated).
Originally posted by superslug
Cannibalism was only one example. Here's another: someone who has never been to Alaska has no right to be opposed to the proposed ANWAR drilling. Also, those who have never visited Iraq aren't allowed to protest what's going on there...

Well, actually you're right in that someone should not protest if they have not been to the place where the problems are occuring. I DO think it is ignorant. Due to freedom of speech, however, everyone is allowed to say what they want, no matter how ******ed it is. But if you notice, people in positions of power have visited these places before they make a judgement. (just to go along with your metaphor. ;))
Well, someone who participates in cannibalism would certainly know a little more about it that one who has only watched a show about it on tv or read a book on. That doesn't mean that neither can contribute.

The only quality/behavior where 'couple love' differs from 'family love' is in the area of sex.

Uh... I apparently don't love my family as much as you do. :cringe: ;)
Originally posted by Superevie
Well, actually you're right in that someone should not protest if they have not been to the place where the problems are occuring. I DO think it is ignorant.
You just flamed the whole OT forum in one sentence and came out against the First Amendment. I now consider you a traitor.
Superslug is quite correct in his/her/its analysis of what one meant.
Originally posted by Skullbones
Uh... I apparently don't love my family as much as you do. :cringe: ;)
The reason I see a connection between the two types of love is because eventually couple love can lead to the creation of a family, hence family love. When you marry someone, you are adding them to your family, albeit they're the only family member you should be having sex with.
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