Is the Conquests score I get..


Jan 28, 2003
McLean, VA
Does the victory type affect what score I get? My score for Rise of Rome is real low, I won by domination. I loaded up the save before I won however, disbanded a town or 2 so I wouldnt win by domination and played out and won by timing out, but my score wasnt that much different. It was still low compared to the other the score I get regardless of victory type?
Score is based purely on your territory and population (happy faces count more), the number of years before 2050 AD that you win, and the difficulty level.
Well, should all Conquest maps have the same averege score? or are some campaigns gonna yield less points?

Because in Chieftain:
My Mesopotamia campaign was around 2000
My Rise of Rome was around 700
My Mesoamerica was 190
My Japan was around 500 (but that was diplomatic, I could stretch it out to be longer and better, which I plan on doing)

The rest are 8000-12000, my napoleonic one being 30000. in RoR and mesoamerica, i won by domination. in mesopotamia, i won by end of turn-limit. if i ended RoR or mesoamerica by end of turn-limit too, the score is around the same.

im just wondering why those scores are so low compared to my others.
The total score is the average of each turns score ((happy, content, territory)* difficulty level factor). The longer the scenario lasts, the higher potential score you can get. Because the score is averaged, games where you start with a larger population give you a bigger score than starting out from scratch. Assuming it's a long enough scenario.

There's also a bonus applied for finishing early. The earlier you win, the bigger the bonus. I have no idea how it works in scenarios with custom turn dates however.

There is no reason for the different conquests to score similarly. You can't compare one to another.
anyone else have comments for me
Difficulty is the biggest factor ive found in the scores. On the scenarios ive played them all on SID and for abit of fun i played a couple of them on chieftan just beacuse i wanted to kick some arse. My Mesopotamia score on SID is 12000 odd but on Chieftan it was 3000 odd. The Napoleonic one was the second one i played on chieftan. On SID i scored a whopping 85000 odd and that was through the game ending on its time limit. The French were the first casulties and i was hoping at that point that would be the end of it. Peace went on for a long time until the Spanish got stroppy with me and it just became so tiresam that i was glad once the timelimit arrived. On the chieftan my score was not even close 20000 odd cant be more specific than that and that was an outright victory.
I've no idea about scenarios. In a standard game the score is calculated as follows:

Total Final Score = Base Score + Victory Bonus

Base Score = Average of (tiles owned + content citizens + specialists + 2 x happy citizens) for all turns played.

Victory Bonus = (2050 - win date) x difficulty factor if you win, or zero if you lose.

Difficulty factors: chieftain=1, warlord=2, regent=3, monarch=4, emperor=5, demigod=6, deity=7, sid=8

That's everything I know about Firaxis scoring.
The difficulty factor is applied to the base score also.

Scoring works the same in the scenarios with the only possible exception of the victory bonus. Don't know what it uses to replace 2050 if anything at all. Since the end date of the scenario is calculatable, it may very well use that. Thus a scenario that has turns in weeks or months would have a much smaller victory bonus score.
Ive noticed that factor about date . There you are about to in the game by conquest. Last enemy on the map you have them surrounded and think hey if i beat them this tun it will effect my score. So the tuth is if you want a really high score at this point you should just fortify lots of tough units around that last city and keep building your empire you would end up with a massive score. I biggest score ever is 85000 odd and that was with an 1800s finish i just wonder what it could of been if i had held out to 2050. The map type i was playing on was huge and it was a conquest victory.
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