Is the good and beautiful a lie?


Sep 9, 2006
There is a quote I can not get out of my head: (paraphrasing)

"Beauty is the poudered sugar on the world. It tastes sweet, but a small gush and it is washed away. And we are left alone with our horror in a frightful world."

At first I recoiled at this view. Surely the good was as real as the bad. Why deny the former any legitimacy, any realness, and the bad all of it?
But in time, I came around. It wasn't an entirely correct description of the world. Bad and Good both are real. But I came to see, it gave the world a very good characterization. On a very fundamental, philosophical level. It did not so much describe how live is, to us, to a person - but, how life is, objectively. How an entirely objective person would judge it. So a fictional person. Non-existent. Yet, imaginable, and revealing in its POV.
The "good and beautiful" is subjective.
"Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith that I am searching for."

You have discovered Aesthetics
The "good and beautiful" is subjective.
I agree.

"Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith that I am searching for."

You have discovered Aesthetics
Have I? But what about the real stuff. As well - Aesthetics?
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