Is there a time cap?


Paranoid Android
Aug 1, 2007
Up North, England
For my latest game I'm playing a 12 civ game with all victories disabled except conquest (normal game speed).

It's now 1923AD, and there are still 10 civs left in it. The time victory's disabled, so if necessary I can keep this war going past 2050, but is there an actual year when it just cuts out after that, or can you (in theory) keep going until the year 3000 if necessary? Cause it doesn't look like it's gonna be finishing any time soon and I wanna kill these . .. .. .. .. .es
I dont think theres actually a limit. I remember having research many many times Future Tech on a game with those setting. But if theres a limit u'll probably get bored (I mean feel like making a new game) or win before it : )
Yeah, I can't imagine a game on Monarch+ with 10 out of 12 civs left in the modern era and going for a conquest. That could take forever!
With time limit disabled, the game will carry on indefinitely as long as no one triggers the remaining victory conditions. There are one or two game mechanics which may cause problems if dragged on as long as 3000AD. Inflation for instance increases steadily throughout the game, and may eventually become impractical (particularly in BtS). Global warming is another potential problem, as once triggered tile swill steadily convert to desert. Given sufficient time, you could end up with a situation where all the land is turned to desert.
try not to take too long the inflation will kill you long before it kills your enemys.
Hmmm. Now I'm imagining a Falloutesque post-apocalyptic world...

Could be interesting.
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