Is there room for casual players?


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
I've been looking at this for a while, trying to decide if it's worth my trouble to join. My available time comes in short bursts, and I'd be the type of MP who would enter in strong debate over issues that are important to me, but probably just vote on issues which are unimportant or lost causes. Lack of a party which shares my political position might still prevent me from joining up, but before that can become an issue, the "casual player" problem has to be solved.

In case there are others like me who can't be here all hours of the day and night, but would like to participate when it counts, what say you? Do you want the added strength which comes from legions of part-timers, or do you close the door and declare this place reserved for the fanatical few who are here all the time?
I would love to have you. I am, along with other posters, trying to create a game enviroment where casual players can play. Very few posters apparently have hours to spend on the game. As PM, I didnt want to spend more than 30 min, tops.
I want part-timers. I think it's great that we have a model country, but I don't think it should be insanely detailed. The way this is going, well, we'll wait and see.
I, too, hope there is room for us, because I am now extremely interested in getting back in the game, but I don't have time to post much.
I think there is plenty of room for casual players, and with Splime as GM, that will actually happen. Then again, this game is an off-spring from OT, so it should be seen as it is, a casual law-making game taking place in a model parliament.
That "negotiation" thread was a very different thread, with some other intentions as well as negotiation. It was more or less there to tell us we should not set up another game for various reasons, not to make this game more palatable for other gamers. We wanted to tell in the negotiation thread that we wanted this game to shape up more to our liking before we would rejoin, not to volunteer for two or more months of the same grievances and sacrifice the other game.

If the game shapes up nicely with new GM and all, you may see both new and old players come back, but we are not doing the job this time, you are.

The fact that the vote institute is too vulnerable to sudden recruitment waves is the very main reason we left, the Abstract Vote was nothing but the last drop out of a long series of trespasses.

The negotiation thread was never intended for us to be a place to disclose our list of gamers, dispute intellectual property rights on the game content and background or to question individual character traits. However, it became crystal clear in the first post I was not individually wanted back in the game, and that Splime was the only one that recognized our dilemmas, even though we may disagree somewhat (I respect disagreement, as long as it is well conducted).

I will hold my peace with you Lightfang and Red Door, as promised.

I still believe in this game as a casual gamer-thing, but I think the ones more interested in military aspects and a more realist game model should be able to explore the "Darker Civilitas" without being branded as traitors. We also agreed to involve a Civ4 MOD for a Civil War/Invasion end-game, as we do not want to play this game for several years. We want a defined beginning and end.

With Splime to captain this boat, I actually may believe this game would work.I also think Splime would fix up the Factbook, as soon Methos has transferred the Factbook from Perfection to Splime. Splime has in general impressed as a GM in the NES games around here, and seems well researched and very productive. He is also fair and impartisan. He is also not lazy, and do things other people spend months on within a few minutes.

Splime is one of the three reasons I gave the history here, to be honest.
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