Is this the most you can get?


Oct 16, 2003
Well, as you probaply see, this map isnt exactly standard, but for the purpose of the test it serves well.

It seems to be impossible to maximize both production and culture in one turn.

But does anyone have a clue how much max culture per turn would be?

This city made 214 cpt, but didnt have any coastal wonders or army related wonders.

Just for kicks of course! :crazyeye:
I don't exactly understand what you mean by "Maximize culture and production" at the same time but your city seems to be missing one crucial feature that would increase production by a lot more: Change one of those coal tiles over to an iron and build the iron works, it adds an additional 100% to the city's production(Adding 100% means taking the city's production before bonuses from factories and power plants and adding it on to the production)
Hmmm, interesting. I agree with QwertySoft though... Iron Works will rock this city into serious overdrive.

There was an old thread or two where someone built ALL the GWs in one city, although I can't remember what the culture per turn was...
Good point. The Iron Works would be a great bonus there... But still! :eek:
Look sharp guys. The iron is already there. But I'm not sure about the maths to bring it to 484spt.

Is your civ mobilized?
I do see iron listed as a resource up in the top right of the city menu, but not on the map iself... maybe it's under the city.

I'm with Yndy, though. What exactly is going on there to get that 484 stp? I don't think he's mobilized, cuz he's building the Hoover Dam from scratch, something that's impossible under mobilization.
could he not have set the Hoover Dam up from scratch under Normalcy and then have mobilised in the same turn?
It got Iron Works.
At the time I'm in Golden Age which took the production from 412 to 484 if I recall correctly. But how much more could I get from Mobilization?

If the city was placed on the iron would it still produce the same amount of food, shields and gold? If so I would get another shield from the hill with Iron-source just north of the city if converted to coal. and that would double a bit with IW, Fact., Nuc., Man.
Funny thing though. Wonders demanding 1000 shields were finished in to turns, but doesnt that demand a third one to get the last
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