How many times is Jerusalem mentioned in the Qu'ran?
Answer: zero.
But they did build a mosque ontop of the temple mount.....a Jewish temple.
How many times is Jerusalem mentioned in the Qu'ran?
Answer: zero.
It really is irrelevant whether the Iranian president said that quote (which he apparently did not) - or the Iranian News Agency (which is run by the government) reported that he did (which is the case). In any case the official Iranian statement issued by the Iranian government was at that time: The president said that Israel is to be wiped out.
Anyone including the NYT is quite justified in reporting that this has been the Iranian presidents view...
How many times is Jerusalem mentioned in the Qu'ran?
Answer: zero.
The JOOOOOOOOS!Still trust our zionised mass media?
How many times is Jerusalem mentioned in the Qu'ran?
Answer: zero.
How many Muslims prophets died in Jerusalem?
Answer: one.
Muhammad didn't die in Jerusalem. So, of which Muslim prophet do you speak?
Jesus perchance?Muhammad didn't die in Jerusalem. So, of which Muslim prophet do you speak?
Where is your evidence of such prisons? Iran is more or less a democratic state (ie, more than America), Ahmadinejad was elected by universal suffrage and secret ballot.
It always amuses me to see Americans go "oh, god damnit, they elected a conservative, they're still gonna be a dictatorship."
Jesus perchance?
Pasi Nurminen said:Where is your evidence of such prisons? Iran is more or less a democratic state (ie, more than America), Ahmadinejad was elected by universal suffrage and secret ballot.
It always amuses me to see Americans go "oh, god damnit, they elected a conservative, they're still gonna be a dictatorship."
Jesus wasn't Muslim. The Jesus of Islam is not the Jesus of the Bible. That Jerusalem is a holy Muslim city, is purely contrived.
Jesus wasn't Muslim. The Jesus of Islam is not the Jesus of the Bible. That Jerusalem is a holy Muslim city, is purely contrived.
Didn't I say that about 8 pages ago, we had a big debate about it, or was that another thread, oh well. Let's just say this mythical piece of mistranslation by the NYT: who still refuse to translate it properly saying their transaltion is justified does not fly and is not real. Anyone who refuses to accept that is living in la la land. The NYT has never had less credibility in my eyes than it does now. Might as well stick it next to trash papers, that claim there's a number 59 bus on the moon. Or that a woman's son turned into a fishfinger.
Nope different thread, I'll try and fish it out, so that people can get a really good idea just how thoroughly debunked this mythical piece of propaganda has been.
Oh he is and it is, and your apostate for claiming he isn't and it isn't, stop spreading heretical lies, I've debunked your mythology on more than one occasion. If you want to devolve yourself from Islam then devolve yourself from God, frankly you wont be missed. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Jesus perchance?
Israel needs to be "wiped of the map" - Ahmadinejad (Iran president)
You seem to conviently forget the Supreme leader, who is NOT elected and who really holds the power.
I cannot, under any stretch of my imagination see Iran managing to wipe their chin, never mind Israel from the map.
They lack the military power, the support and getting past the US occupation in Iraq is impossible.
True. But never underestimate the opposition. The west on guard and on alert always.