Israel/Palestine: one state or two

How can peace in Israel/Palestine come to fruition?

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You can inform the Jordanians.:lol:
I don't need to; why did they occupy the West Bank after the '48 war? Why did Jordanian government officials repeatedly say that "Palestine" was a part of Jordan?
Peace is a choice both sides do not prefer.
I don't need to; why did they occupy the West Bank after the '48 war? Why did Jordanian government officials repeatedly say that "Palestine" was a part of Jordan?
Well there was this matter of the Kingdom of Transjordan that the British reimbursed the Hashemite dynasty with for "services rendered" in WWI, setting up the Arab Legion and all. It has an East Bank and a West Bank...

And if we're asking questions about Jordan, why on earth did the Monarchy and the sheikhs who rule the place crush the Palestinian attempt at taking the place over in blood in the 70's? A Palestinian Jordan would have changed the ground rules of the conflict in interesting ways. And why has Jordan made peace with Israel? Or is that just a piece of clever deception?
Jordan recognizes Israel as a nation? It's hard to make peace with someone you do not recognize as a country.

Why is Jordan a nation, anyway?
Jordan is a country with a Palestinian majority ruled by the Hashemite Bedouin minority.
It was always very Western-oriented and moderate and always had pretty warm ties to Israel (King Hussein warned Israel of the 1973 war, when Jordan didn't even formally recognize Israel). That's why Jordan is the only party besides Israel to gain something out of the 1948 war (they got the West Bank).
They were dragged into the 1967 war unwillingly and got screwed pretty bad.
Once Israel recognized the Palestinians in the Oslo Accords in 1992 solving the remaining issues with Jordan was simple so peace was signed in 1994.
The Israeli-Jordanian peace accord is very successful and fruitful for both parties, and is much "warmer" than the peace with Israel.
Israel regards the overthrow of the Jordanian government by Palestinians a serious threat and a turn for the worse.
Wow, 2 arab countries have recognized Israel as a nation (I'm not counting Iraq, yet). You learn something everyday. Although I still do not see Jordan's rightful claim to nationhood, I'll count it.
Jordan recognizes Israel as a nation? It's hard to make peace with someone you do not recognize as a country.

Why is Jordan a nation, anyway?

And why do you insist in showing your ignorance of the subjects you want to discuss?
2 states. It's the best solution I think. There's simply too much stuff they hate about each other to form one nation.
Good enough, I just wish more people would get out there to take polls of palestinian opinion: most polls or reviews I read seem to come from that organization exclusively.
If you find a CNN or BBC poll on the subject, let me know, I'd be interested in seeing it.

Let's just say that I would have a different prediction for those scenarios, and leave it at that :)
OK. :)
If you find a CNN or BBC poll on the subject, let me know, I'd be interested in seeing it.

OK. :)

Will do!

Glad we can be a good example to the 'children' ;) . I get the feeling that this thread is going to be closed soon..../sigh
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