Israel/Palestine: one state or two

How can peace in Israel/Palestine come to fruition?

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On the contrary, I think the fact that both sides are unwilling to leave makes a one-state solution the only viable one...

But the pallies were willing to leave when their leaders said they could come back after the jews were all dead. Now they want to go back. Maybe they shouldn't have left to begin with. They also have their own land now which they could have built up alongside Israel but instead built bombs and sent their children to slaughter people on buses. Every chance at peace has been rebuffed by ther leaders. At one point Arafat got 99% of what he wanted and pissed it away. The only one state solution for the pallies is a state that isn't Israel and not full of jews.
angrybellsprout said:
Screw everyone else because that is the entire point that the european powers created it.

Why must we put limits on a states sovergein power to deal with its own issues within its own borders?

Exactly. It's their sovereign land, as long as they don't commit genocide, fine. I think it was smart to cut luxuries from various areas. Those people can still live, just no lavishly. If they decide to move elsewhere, win-win. :thumbsup:
But the pallies were willing to leave when their leaders said they could come back after the jews were all dead. Now they want to go back. Maybe they shouldn't have left to begin with. They also have their own land now which they could have built up alongside Israel but instead built bombs and sent their children to slaughter people on buses. Every chance at peace has been rebuffed by ther leaders. At one point Arafat got 99% of what he wanted and pissed it away. The only one state solution for the pallies is a state that isn't Israel and not full of jews.

So next time there is a major war, and anyone who flees for their lives should just have their property seized?

The idea that the native people have their own land is a joke. What is land when you have no rights to the water?
angrybellsprout said:
So next time there is a major war, and anyone who flees for their lives should just have their property seized?
If occupied by the war's victor, who wants to remain there? Yes.
Exactly. It's their sovereign land, as long as they don't commit genocide, fine. I think it was smart to cut luxuries from various areas. Those people can still live, just no lavishly. If they decide to move elsewhere, win-win. :thumbsup:

Just like the european jews lived in the labor camps?

They fed those people, and gave them jobs so everything was great right?

If they wanted to move, the government would have gladly paid for their transport out of Germany and given them a stipend as a payment for the seizure of their property.
If occupied by the war's victor, who wants to remain there? Yes.

And the victor of the war should be free to liquidate any and all terrorist organizations that prop up, and should be free to wage any wars that they want against those nations that support said terrorist organizations?
Well, they chose labor camps over relocation. Their CHOICE.
So next time there is a major war, and anyone who flees for their lives should just have their property seized?

The idea that the native people have their own land is a joke. What is land when you have no rights to the water?

Fleeing is different then leaving willingly because your leaders promised things they couldn't deliver.

Was every pallie killed who didn't leave? Where did the arab Israelis come from? What about the pallies that sold their land to the jooz? If the natives wanted to keep their land mabey they should have stayed and not abandoned it.
Two states: Give the Israelies part of Montana or some other big rural chunk of land.

Yes because that makes perfect sense. The jews have such a historical tie to Montana. Why not give them a chunk of Germany instead?
One state.

Israelis and Palestinians are simply too different for a single two states.
Yes because that makes perfect sense. The jews have such a historical tie to Montana. Why not give them a chunk of Germany instead?

Because white skinned europeans have such a historical tie to Palestine?

Maybe the white skinned europeans and move back to Khazaria instead of abusing the semitic peoples of Palestine?
Two states.

Nobody ever said it was going to be easy, there will be numerous problems and there will always be criminals (terrorists) trying to rock the cradle.

Two states because of the pride they both carry about their past. They cannot handle one state solution.

Of course, one state solution might be in numerous ways more practical but I believe such reconciliation is impossible to achieve.
Two states.

Nobody ever said it was going to be easy, there will be numerous problems and there will always be criminals (terrorists) trying to rock the cradle.

Two states because of the pride they both carry about their past. They cannot handle one state solution.

But why can't they both just use that pride to maintain thier own uniqueness in a single state? If they both beleive so strongly in thier history, faith and culture, then why would they ned an artificial construct like a state to keep it alive?

IMHO, make a single state, give everyone equal rights and let them bring thier problems to the courts. In the meantime, start a program of truth and reconcilliation, and bring tough punishment to those on either side that want to 'rock the cradle'....
Just nice to know where you stood in 1942.
That's a stretch and an unreasonable assumption. I'm merely pointing out that a sovereign land has the right to control life in it's borders, so long as it's not genocidal. Do you want to try to give a reasonable argument this time?
But why can't they both just use that pride to maintain thier own uniqueness in a single state? IMHO, make a single state, give everyone equal rights and let them bring thier problems to the courts.

These are very different peoples. By the same scenario, do you think Americans and Canadians could share the same state? They are one of the most similar neighbors in the world, yet I'm sure several would be appauled by such a notion.
Because white skinned europeans have such a historical tie to Palestine?

Maybe the white skinned europeans and move back to Khazaria instead of abusing the semitic peoples of Palestine?

Have you ever been to Israel or even seen a jew? You do know they look just like the "natives" right? You do know they are all semites, right?

Of course not if you did you wouldn't say what you are.

One state with water and one state without.

And what state doesn't have water?
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