• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

It took so long that by the time full release arrived, I could care less

Jan 7, 2002
Aboard the Praetor's pride
Have you ever had an eye out for an up coming game? You know, you've read articles on Steam or where ever about this great game that really looks like it promises to be your personal holy grail of gaming goodness. The weeks drag on and you wait for the announcement of when the game will be released. Months pass by, still no release date.

Instead you get another video showcasing the promise of an awesome gaming experience.

Now a year has gone by. Another year gone by and still no sign. Then suddenly you get news that the game will be released in early access within days. Not all features will be implemented and the game will be far from it's full potential.

At this point are you extremely less than enthralled or do you still cling to the hope that the full version is not too far behind?

Me personally, I have moved on to other things. Maybe if the game goes on sale for fifty cent I would buy it.

Thoughts? Opinions?
There are a couple of games that have annoyed me like that. There comes a time when the potential customer just gives up and doesn't bother checking back anymore and if it actually does turn up, I might not even be interested anymore.

There were 3 years that passed between Cruise Director 7 and 8. It was annoying, since two of the characters got engaged in #7, and we had to wait 3 years for the wedding... that was a bit underwhelming, and then there was a goofy situation of the same character in about 5 places in the same game, as different people (ship's crew on 2 different ships, stowaway, hitchhiker, and I forget the last one). There were so many scenes that were repeated from other games, and one character spent the entire game barefoot, for some reason, from start to finish. I guess they forgot to draw shoes on her?
I've had this thought more about movies than about games, but yes. Just this morning I was listening to a film podcast and one of the hosts had just returned from CinemaCon, and he had a bone to pick about being shown a preview for a movie that's not due to come out until July of 2025. I agree with him. Don't even show a trailer that far in advance. I don't want to get too hyped for something more than a few months before it comes out. Similarly, I've all but stopped paying attention to news of movies that premier at film festivals, because in some cases they won't be available for a year or longer. I used to read about the best-reviewed films at festivals like Sundance and SXSW, but I don't even bother anymore.
I suspect I will feel this way about Bungie's new Marathon game. Though extraction shooter isn't even a genre of game I play, I just want to see how the game's story develops because that was the hallmark of the old Marathon; a captivating story. But I'm probably going to forget about it when it's supposed to release in 2 years+.

In fact, I missed the initial announcements because I hadn't looked at stuff about old Marathon (yes they are still talking about it) for a few months and then found out some whole ARG announcing the new game had already been and gone and I didn't even get to participate! :mad:
I suspect I will feel this way about Bungie's new Marathon game. Though extraction shooter isn't even a genre of game I play, I just want to see how the game's story develops because that was the hallmark of the old Marathon; a captivating story. But I'm probably going to forget about it when it's supposed to release in 2 years+.

In fact, I missed the initial announcements because I hadn't looked at stuff about old Marathon (yes they are still talking about it) for a few months and then found out some whole ARG announcing the new game had already been and gone and I didn't even get to participate! :mad:
Hey I remember playing Marathon 1!
I'm not sure if you can re-capture the creepy darkness, ominous computer-AI messages, and alien chatter that scared the pants off 10-year-old me.
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