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Italian Civilization 1.2.2


Nov 28, 2016
DavDarkelf submitted a new resource:

Italian Civilization - An Italian Civilization based upon Albion of the Lombards

Italian Civilization led by Albion of the Lombards.


  • Bounty of Luxuries - All Luxuries owned by Italy spread to 6 cities.
  • Triumphal Arch -The Triumphal Arch replaces the monument and provides 1 gold..
  • Grand Square - The Grand Square replaces the Amphitheater and provides gold from the markets held there and attracts Great Writers and Great Merchants.
  • Condottieri - The Condottieri are a stronger version of the Knight.

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From a multiplayer perspective, both the Arch and the Knight UU are too powerful. 4 culture/2gold on a monument in the early game is more than 2x as good as existing monument - and a 60 strength knight would be basically unkillable until field cannons.
It looks like the Grand Square replacing the Amphitheater prevents from having Great Writing slots available :confused:
The Arch change got uploaded by mistake it should be 3 culture and 1 gold. I agree with the Knight UU though. I'd been play testing it mainly in single player. I've reduced the strength down to 52 but reduced the maintenance back down to 3 gold.

The Great Writing slot issue I think I've sorted out by explicitly stating it should have the slots and great writer points. It's a shame that when you replace a building type it doesn't seem to inherit any of the basic characteristics of the original building.
I'm not entirely sure that's possible without editing the core game files. For example a lot of information is in
Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Base\Assets\Gameplay\Data\Civilizations.xml, e.g.

Line 206: <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_ROME" LeaderType="LEADER_TRAJAN" CapitalName="LOC_CITY_NAME_ROME"/>

I'd first have a look at some of the new civilizations that have multiple leaders, such as the Australian one to see how this is done, although that uses SQL insertion rather than XML.

I'm not sure that you could just change a few features and base it on an existing civilization. It took me quite a while to do this one and I still got a few things wrong along the way. For example the Grand Square replacing the Amphitheater still needed to explicitly declare the normal Amphitheater attributes.
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DavDarkelf submitted a new resource:

Italian Civilization - An Italian Civilization based upon Albion of the Lombards

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Thank you so much for this. I have been waiting for an Italian Civ for a while now. Was interested in how they would overcome the similarities to the Roman Civ. I think that this is the only reason why there has not been an Italian civ before, I mean the achievements of this great civilization warrant inclusion in the game.

How would you avoid having two Romes as capitals on one map? I thought maybe the Kingdom of Italy as it was at the beginning of the unification wars, when Turin was the capital. Or making only one faction playable on one map: either Italy or Rome. And the inclusion of the 1 city Venice in Civ5 was so unsatisfactory. Never thought of the Lombard Kingdom of Italy before Charlemagne invaded. Very Clever. Can't wait to try it!

There will presumably still be some overlaps with Ancient Rome? Like Mediolanum becoming Milan and so forth...?
You can have multiple Cities called the same name so I just kept it really simple and included the cities that have the largest modern day populations as defined by Wikipedia. There are actually only a couple of overlaps so I'll make Turin the capital and remove Verona.
This was the first Civilization Mod I've created and I will at some point soon come back to it but I have another mod in the works at the moment.

Making only one of either Italy or Rome playable is possible but I didn't know it at the time. I think in this case it's probably ok to have them the both playable.
You can have multiple Cities called the same name so I just kept it really simple and included the cities that have the largest modern day populations as defined by Wikipedia. There are actually only a couple of overlaps so I'll make Turin the capital and remove Verona.
This was the first Civilization Mod I've created and I will at some point soon come back to it but I have another mod in the works at the moment.

Making only one of either Italy or Rome playable is possible but I didn't know it at the time. I think in this case it's probably ok to have them the both playable.

Unfortunately there has been a misunderstanding. No need to remove Verona at all and no need to change the capital to Turin. The Kingdom I am referring to only came into existence in the 19th century. The kingdom you are trying to create (Lombard) came about around 500 AD, with its capital at Pavia. So you would need to change Rome to Pavia to be accurate.

What I was trying to say about the overlap: Mediolanum was the Ancient Roman name for Milan. So if Rome finds a city called Mediolanum then it is in fact the same city as Milan for the Italy civ. This probably cant be avoided, was just trying to make a point from historical accuracy. And in fact this is already happening for civs like the French or the Spanish etc where their modern cities were once Roman and called by their Latin names.
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