As we know, the oil fields of Venezula provide petroleum for export. Large quantities of copper, tin, bauxite, silver, industrial diamonds, and other minerals come from South American mines. The hardwoods of the tropical rain forests are exported to provide lumber for beautiful furniture and other wood crafts.
Today, many of the people of Peru are descendents of the Incas. Although these people were turned from a pagan, sun-worshipping religion to Roman Catholicism, most have never learned of the true worship known to those whose faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ. No religion, no matter how crude or sophisicated, how terrifying or pleasant, can give a person eternal life. It is not the works of any kind of religion -- not bowing down to the sun, now praying to a saint, not even going to Sunday School and church or being baptized -- but a personal trust in Christ that brings salvation. This is the gospel that the people of South America need to hear. But also, it is the the message that each one of us needs to heed. Have you accepted Christ as your personal Savior?
Sugar, rice, bananas, rubber, coffee, and a few other crops grown on plantations provide agricultural products for sale. In addition, cattle ranches are shipped abroad to feed the people of other countries.