Janitor Raccoon
The Marajoara
SOON with VP 5.0
SOON with VP 5.0
Leader - P'küee
UA - Terra Preta
Farms, Villages and Great People Improvements do not remove features. Upon entering a new era, improved tiles gain +1 Food, and worked tiles gain a Forest or Jungle, if possible.
Spoiler UA details :
Grassland and Plains tiles with no other features are eligible for a Forest or Jungle. Tundra tiles allow only Forests.
UU1 - Nheengaibas (Composite Bowman)
Unlocks at Currency
110 Production (=)
13 (+1), 15 (+1)
2 moves
Only Defensive
Naval Misfire
Tzan-Tza promotion (kept on upgrade): Gives Food from kills equal to 150% of enemy CS.
Amazon Dweller promotion (kept on upgrade): +20% CS and double movement in Forests and Jungles.
UI - Maloca
Unlocks at Calendar.
It may be built in owned lands and only on Forest, Jungle, or Marsh tiles with resources.
Does not remove features.
+1 Food, +1 Production, +1 Culture.
+1 Production with Workshop.
+1 Food, +1 Gold at Chemistry.
+1 Gold at Economics.
+1 Production at Industrialization.
+1 Food, +2 Science at Biology.
UU2 - Snake-Canoe (Liburna)
Unlocks at Sailing
100 Production (=).
10 (+3), 17 (+1)
Only Defensive
Can Move After Attacking
Naval Inaccuracy
Mboia promotion (kept on upgrade): Steals 5 HP from adjacent enemy units at the beginning of each turn.
UB - Teso (Well, Watermill)
Unlocks at Mining
72 Production (+10%)
Can be built anywhere.
+2 Food, +3 Production
+1 Production for every 4 Citizens.
+1 Faith. +5 City Defense.
4% of Food is carried over after a new Citizen is born.
Whenever the City reaches a population that is multiple of 5 it can construct another Teso (max. 40 Citizens). The additional Tesos provide +1 Food, +2 Production, +1 City Defense, and +2% of Food is carried over after a new Citizen is born.
- DarthKyofu: leader art
- Senshi: map art
- TPangolin: Teso and Snake-Canoe icons
- JakeWalrusWhale: Nheengaibas icon
- Leugi: Maloca icon and model, Nheengaibas model
- Pineappledan: design.
- Jarcast: design, code.
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