Jarcast's Italy for VP

Just from the glance, this civ is such an OP , even Afghanistan before nerfs didn't sound as good, maybe I don't understand something, but this sounds insane. I would certainly check it out with new VP update though
Had two games with Italy and GW of Archi were created nicely.

Now when expanding GP for GPTI nothing shows up.

Could be this caused by switch to 4.16.2?

Weird, same installation of CiV, same package of mods
on Communitas GWArch are working, when switching to Pangea Map they don't
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Hi Jarcast,

I started a game and the music still didn't work. I found out why, it's in the Audio_2DSounds declaration and maybe the Audio_Sounds, I changed everything without testing either :blush:.
The AS2D must have the same name as the leader.

By replacing:
-- Audio_Sounds
INSERT INTO Audio_Sounds
        (SoundID,                                 Filename,             LoadType)
VALUES    ('SND_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_ITALY_PEACE',     'JarItalyPeace',     'DynamicResident'),
        ('SND_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_ITALY_WAR',         'JarItalyWar',         'DynamicResident'),      
        ('SND_AMBIENCE_BIRDS',                     'BirdsAmbience',     'DynamicResident');      
-- Audio_2DSounds
INSERT INTO Audio_2DSounds
        (ScriptID,                                     SoundID,                             SoundType,         TaperSoundtrackVolume,    MinVolume,     MaxVolume,    IsMusic, Looping)
VALUES    ('AS2D_AMBIENCE_LEADER_JAR_UMBERTO_I_AMBIENCE',        'SND_AMBIENCE_BIRDS',        'GAME_SFX',     0.0,                    30,         30,         0,          1),
        ('AS2D_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_ITALY_PEACE',        'SND_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_ITALY_PEACE',    'GAME_MUSIC',     -1.0,                    60,         60,         1,          0),
        ('AS2D_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_ITALY_WAR',         'SND_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_ITALY_WAR',     'GAME_MUSIC',     -1.0,                    90,         90,         1,         0);
-- Audio_Sounds
INSERT INTO Audio_Sounds
        (SoundID,                                     Filename,             LoadType)
VALUES    ('SND_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_UMBERTO_I_PEACE',     'JarItalyPeace',     'DynamicResident'),
        ('SND_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_UMBERTO_I_WAR',         'JarItalyWar',         'DynamicResident'),      
        ('SND_AMBIENCE_BIRDS',                         'BirdsAmbience',     'DynamicResident');      
-- Audio_2DSounds
INSERT INTO Audio_2DSounds
        (ScriptID,                                         SoundID,                                 SoundType,         TaperSoundtrackVolume,    MinVolume,     MaxVolume,    IsMusic, Looping)
VALUES    ('AS2D_AMBIENCE_LEADER_JAR_UMBERTO_I_AMBIENCE',    'SND_AMBIENCE_BIRDS',                    'GAME_SFX',     0.0,                    30,         30,         0,          1),
        ('AS2D_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_UMBERTO_I_PEACE',        'SND_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_UMBERTO_I_PEACE',    'GAME_MUSIC',     -1.0,                    60,         60,         1,          0),
        ('AS2D_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_UMBERTO_I_WAR',         'SND_LEADER_MUSIC_JAR_UMBERTO_I_WAR',     'GAME_MUSIC',     -1.0,                    90,         90,         1,         0);
the music works well and it's cool to have your music choices :band:
Thank you @gwennog for the fix. Honestly I had no idea how to solve it.

Update online.

- applied fix by Gwennog to civ ost.
- changed lua function that gives GWArchitecture to one present in the base game (BuildFinished game event instead of VP-only PlayerBuilt game event).
Thank you @gwennog for the fix. Honestly I had no idea how to solve it.
With pleasure, it had already happened to me but the time for the neurons to connect, it took me a long time to remember why.
For the birds ambience, I don't know what it's for but I don't think I heard any birds in my game. Maybe the SND should also be corrected. Can you tell me when we should hear them?
Birds ambience is only when you interact with the leader scene of AI Italy.
Hi Jarcast,

I continue my game with Italy, I like it a lot even if my game will probably end in failure, I have a German on another continent in full snowball, no chance of catching up with him on tourism vs culture (not to mention his advance in science and diplomacy...). For the anecdote, I made an alliance from the beginning with the France of Philippe Auguste, we are on the same wavelength, tradition/Artistry/Rationalism and without the German, I think we would have our chances.

But I am also writing to report a small problem in the Viva V.E.R.D.I promotion.
You wrote on line 296 :
if pPlot and pPlot:IsUnit() and pPlot:IsWater() then
Which of course prevents you from winning points unless the killed unit is in the water. In my opinion, it's just an unfortunate copy/paste. By removing the and pPlot:IsWater() it works very well.

It might also be necessary to specify that the bonus is for the capital in the descriptive text.
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Hi Jarcast,

I continue my game with Italy, I like it a lot even if my game will probably end in failure, I have a German on another continent in full snowball, no chance of catching up with him on tourism vs culture (not to mention his advance in science and diplomacy...). For the anecdote, I made an alliance from the beginning with the France of Philippe Auguste, we are on the same wavelength, tradition/Artistry/Rationalism and without the German, I think we would have our chances.

But I am also writing to report a small problem in the Viva V.E.R.D.I promotion.
You wrote on line 296 :
if pPlot and pPlot:IsUnit() and pPlot:IsWater() then
Which of course prevents you from winning points unless the killed unit is in the water. In my opinion, it's just an unfortunate copy/paste. By removing the and pPlot:IsWater() it works very well.

It might also be necessary to specify that the bonus is for the capital in the descriptive text.
Argh! I hate when I make those silly code mistakes because then I totally lose track of them. :wallbash:
Thank you a ton for reporting.

Update is online.
Bersaglieri promotion is fixed and its text updated.
Argh! I hate when I make those silly code mistakes because then I totally lose track of them. :wallbash:
Thank you a ton for reporting.
My pleasure,
I like your civs and I like playing them so they have to work well :).

A special mention for the Bersaglieri, it's really the style of unit that I like. And the pasta too so I definitely support the Pastificio :lol:
Finally got around to trying this civ out.

Very fun if you enjoy Tradition.

Borderline OP, but like most Tradition playthroughs it is very start dependent.

There are no early game religion bonuses or unique components to help with defense against early aggression, so victory isn’t guaranteed. However, if you manage to get a religion and peaceful neighbors, you will absolutely dominate.

Interestingly they seem designed to go Tradition-Artistry-Rationalism (instead of Industry), as the village bonuses from the Rights of Man policy apply to Communes. You don’t end up needing Broadway because of all the tourism you generate from the UA.
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