JB3 - Iroquois Mayhem (C3C Deity)


Jul 25, 2003
Eugene, OR
Version: Conquests 1.15b
Difficulty: Deity
Civilization: Iroquois (Com, Agr)
Aggression: Normal
World Size: Small, 60% Water
Landmass: Pangaea
Terrain: Wet, Temperate, 5 billion years
Map Seed : smileyface
Barbarians: Roaming
Victory Conditions: Dom, Space, Diplo, Conq, & Cult (Let's try to not do Diplo or build the UN, ok?)
Opponents: China (test aggression), Maya (can the South rise again?) + 3 Random
Other: Preserve Random Seed, Culture Flips Enabled
Turnover: 10 turns per session, 24 hours to "Got It", then 48 hours to play.

Improviser (resigned)

Concept: This is the same game concept as "JB2 - Neo-Fascists". That one is its own special kind of challenge, but I want a game with a more "normal" feel to it. Plus I've been itching to take the new, improved Iroquois for a spin.

* The “Build Often: Growth” flag has been unchecked for all AI civs.
* The “Build Often: Workers, Trade, Production” flags have been checked for all AI civs.
* The “Emphasize Production” flag has been checked for all AI civs.
* Babylon’s aggression level has been reduced by 1 (to 2)
* China’s aggression level has been increased by 2 (to 4)
* Iroquois aggression level has been increased by 2 (to 4)
* Fascism uses paid labor and experiences minimal corruption
* Fascism technology deleted
* Fascism now available at the same time as Communism
* Conventional Bombers no longer have "Lethal Land Bombardment"

Special Rules:
* We may never switch to Fascism
* No “suicide galleys” exploit
* We may not build the Theory of Evolution
* We may never have a Military Alliance with more than 1 civ at a time (but may ally against as many enemies as we wish)
* We may not merge workers into cities of size 7 or greater
* All exploits banned by the Realms Beyond Civilization folks are off-limits, too.
* (Up for debate) No Diplomatic win, no building the UN

We'll start once the roster is full & geographically ordered. When you signup, please mention whether or not you're willing to go for the Diplo/UN rule. Everything else is non-negotiable, but that one rule is just to make things extra-spicy in the Modern Age; if you don't want to see victory in doubt at that point in the game, I understand completely.

Once more: 24 hours to "Got It", then 48 hours to play.
Would like to give this a try.

Thanks for the opportunity.
I would like to sign up as well, hopefully we can contact an AI before they are half way through the medieval age :).


Edit: This is a really stupid question, but will any changes to the rules in these succession games change anything to the civ 3 rules for starting a normal game. (eg will Fascism have changed if I start a new civ 3 game?)

Hi Ben,

I'd like to join if I may :)

Okay! That's enough for a game, but I'd really like to pick up a 6th if we can.

No one's objecting to the "Let's Nuke the UN!" variant, so it looks like that's staying in.

I also deleted the conventional bombers' lethal land bombard. Hey, as long as we're modding, right? It was a suggestion off of the Scouting Sid folks' postgame discussion. More important than that, it really "feels" right. I recorded our map seed, so if you're unhappy with that last little change, now's the time to speak up.
No problem with either the UN or Bomber lethal land bombardment changes.

I was originally going to object to the "No building the UN" thing, as it raised the real possiblity of us having an extra-cheesy loss (heading for a domination victory, when some pipsqueak builds the UN and we're voted "LOSER").

But then I thought it raised the spectre of an AW-like Modern Age, as we might have to scramble to toast cities before they could build the UN, and I got intrigued. Am I correct in assuming the intent?
Yeah, you've got the right idea, T.

Best is to never have the UN built, and we have access to the candidate cities via F7. Second best is to conspire to never have the vote called, in spite of it being built.

I wasn't thinking of the restriction on our Alliance-making when I came up with that one. I wasn't planning on straight-jacketing us into a plan of action with this rule, though we may find ourselves allying with Mr. Annan against the entire world to keep the vote from being called. The fact that we're on Pangaea should make any military solution to any particular problem feasible, at least.

I just hate games with a foregone conclusion. It causes me to lose interest. But that doesn't mean this isn't just another crackhead idea not worth the bandwidth it's printed on; I'm trying to keep an open mind here.
Looks like challenging fun, JB
Ben (not up)

If anyone wants to be the 6th, speak up. We can add you in.

I don't think I feel like starting this one. First one to claim it gets to start us off; just go 'round the roster as normal after that.

Remember, we're agricultural. Don't forget to MM the last turn of growth if we find any forests.

American Power
I would like to play but im only at about regent level so i would probably not do too well :slay:

I will watch and hopefully learn something, BTW what is the suicide galleys exploit?

Happy Gaming :D
@ Herod

Well, in Conquests, it's more the suicide curragh's exploit. Especially when combined with the seafaring trait (which among other things reduces the chance of sinking on sea and ocean tiles), Curragh's can be sent across oceans, that the AI will not travel across until they research technology to allow them to move safely across it, so basically one can be in contact with AI's across other continents nearly 2 ages before the AI's will contact each other.

I guess the seafaring trait isn't implemented in a particularly ideal way in C3C....

JB03 - Breaking the Ice

Appears that in the JB series, the open is 20 turns.

4000 BC (0)
We are Commercial and Agricultural (Alphabet, Pottery), so our best shot at a monopoly tech is either Map Making or Lit. Move the worker SW, and found on the starting square. Did not want to lose worker turns to scout. No bonus food at Salamanca, but plenty of BG. Select Writing at max because I think we can get there not-last, and extract some trade value for it.

3950 BC (1)
3900 BC (2)
3850 BC (3)
3800 BC (4)
3750 BC (5)
Salamanca builds a warrior, starts another.

3700 BC (6)
Raise lux to 20% in anticipation of growth next turn. No forest to MM onto.

3650 BC (7)
3600 BC (8)
Salamanca: Warrior --> Warrior. We appear to be on the northern end of the pangaea.

3550 BC (9)
3500 BC (10)
3450 BC (11)
Salamanca: Warrior --> Granary. Lux moved back down to 0%. Warriors exploring in CW pattern.

3400 BC (12)
3350 BC (13)
We have three lux in our territory, but so far only one of each. Lux tax to 10% in anticipation of growth. MM onto forest to get an extra shield towards the granary.

3300 BC (14)
3250 BC (15)
Say hello to the Mayans. I notice he has all 6 first-tier techs, which tells me that he has met a fair few people. (Or he's been popping lots of huts.) We have nothing to trade. I begin to hatch a bold plan.

There is a land-bridge to our East. If most of the civs are over there, we could seal it off with a second city and maybe give ourselves a lot of land to play with on our side. Have to take a good look at this. Moving the eastern warrior one square farther, I see a blue border. Hmmm ... I'm going for it. Salamanca switched to settler, due in 2.

3200 BC (16)
3150 BC (17)
Salamanca: Settler --> Granary. I intend to build the city on the Spice/forest tile. We can block the rest of our side with three units, and the city gets a lot of BG.

3100 BC (18)
3050 BC (19)
3000 BC (20)
Settler arrives at intended site. Spot 4th luxury on our side. (Gems, Spices, Incense, Furs). By right-clicking, the "lake" south of the spices contains coastal tiles, so there is not a southern land bridge.

Notes to next player (Ben/Bede?):
No "growth-turn" MM is needed on the 1-2 growth, as we are working a mined BG. On the 2-3 growth, we can use the forest on the last turn.

There was an incompatibility on my turns, as we are researching Writing at max, but have only made 20 turns progress. This was due to switching to the settler instead of the granary. Had I allowed Salamanca to grow to size 4, we would have made a few more turns progress (maybe 5 more). I think this is a moot point until we meet another couple of civs, but the next leader should consider whether we should just go min-sci on Writing for the last 30 turns. I had hoped to get the tech before at least a couple of the civs, so we could get some trade value out of it. But seeing how the other civs were capable of trading for all the 1st tier techs, I no longer hold out much hope that getting writing in 40-45 turns will net us much, so we won't lose much with min sci. Up to the next person.

The warriors have not explored south, so I can't tell if we are truly alone on the western half of the pangaea. If we are, and the blockade gambit works, we are in awfully good shape unless we get completely hosed for resources. We have all the lux needed to move straight for Republic without having to rely on trade routes. The only negative about our lands is that I don't think I saw any bonus food tiles in our core, so we may need lots of cities taking a turn at settler building, not relying on one city to pull the whole train.
A picture of our surroundings.

The settler is standing on the Spice forest, and I think we should found there. (I know, I know, we're wasting the volcano. :nono: ) Assuming that city site, the two blue dots are excellent supporting coastal cities. The four cities will have about 12 land tiles each, and I just despise founding cities one off the coast.

The red dots mark locations of the other luxuries, all 1st or 2nd ring to the capital.

I think we are off to an optimistic start. At least until the blockade is most successful, and the Mayans become royally p***ed. :whipped:

The Fine Mess I've Gotten Us Into
3000 BC (0)
I vacillate on Writing. Will set to min, but re-check after growth in 2.. T sent the worker towards the other rivered BG, so it may be worth the attempt. Will road en route, though.

2950 BC (1)
Contact Gringos. BW, Masonry, Wheel, CB. Wheel is too expensive (Mounted Warriors!). Niagara Falls founded > Warrior. We take BW & $2 for Alphabet.

2900 BC (2)
China crawls out of the woodword near the Mayans. Masonry, Wheel, WC, CB, IW (!). Our whole economy won't buy WC for brokering to the USA.

2850 BC (3)
With Salamanca at 2, full research gives us Writing in 25. Let's try. Our warrior in the east can't scout anymore; he's screening NF from the Chinese.

2800 BC (4)
Y'know that little land bridge to the west? I see pink over there!

2750 BC (5)
Arabia has nothing to offer us; the same 5 techs they're up.

2710 BC (6)

2670 BC (7)

2630 BC (8)
The Byzantines suddenly pop into view! That's everyone! She lacks IW. I try once more to shut our economy off to broker it, but to no avail. Salamanca has 2 BGs to work, so no need for a forest MM again.

2590 BC (9)
Growth. Writing in 18.

2550 BC (10)
Again, nothing to report.

Not much to say. I hope I didn't screw us on Writing. Granary done in 2. Contact with everyone bodes well.They're like Swordsmen, but with Movement 2

Sorry, but my computer crashed on turn 9 of my turns, and I lost my writeup.

What I do remember:

Arabia is becoming a monster, they have 2 cattle tiles next to Mecca, and they are expanding at a furious rate. We might need to stop them expanding onto our piece of land by sending our next settler to the west.

I founded Grand River 3 tiles to the south of Salamanca. Its build can be vetoed.

The time to research Writing dropped to 1 turn, but the Arabs didn't actually get the technology for some reason. I picked up 2 techs by trading them Writing, so our run on Writing actually worked out quite well.

I have started a minimum science run on literature (max science would take about 40 turns :eek: )

After building the worker, Niagra Falls could possibly build a granary and then switch over to settler production as well, or maybe Grand River could do that.

Again, sorry for losing my turnlog :(


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