The files listed below are compressed (and may be unzipped) using 7-zip, which is freely downloadable here:
Latest additions:
The Crusades! for BTS, version 1.7
Alexios Komnenos has asked the assistance of Western Christendom against the Turkish infidels; in response the Holy Father has declared this to be in accordance to God's will and Crusaders depart en route to Byzantine Anatolia in an effort to free the Holy Land. Meanwhile, in the rugged terrain of Iberia the Christian kingdoms are preparing for their own Reconquista. And in the far East, an unknown menace looms...
Starting around 1096 on a Huge Europe-map 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of Medieval times.
For screenshots and additional information go to the download page
Current version: 1.7 (version 1.6 removed after 2,945 downloads total; version 1.5 removed after 2368 downloads total; version 1.4 removed after 775 downloads; version 1.3 removed after 527 downloads; version 1.2 removed after 111 downloads; version 1.1 removed after 34 downloads; version 1.0 removed after 72 downloads)
Features 2 versions:
- original version Crusades!(1.7) A
- modded version Crusades!(1.7) B
Changes in 1.7:
- set calendar to BI_YEARLY
- adjusted startdate to 1066 AD.
Changes in 1.6:
- added LeGrandMogol's medieval era end mod
- updated NOTES
- added 2 extra screenshots.
Changes in 1.5:
- fixed Mongol civ definition (Mongols no longer Portuguese)
- map edited (general increase in city size and culture level)
- units added (more and stronger units outside Crusaders area)
- added some more barbs
- updated NOTES.
Changes in 1.4:
- fixed the no State Religion issue.
Changes in 1.3:
- added a Selchuk city
- removed some French and added some Spanish units
- added some more Scouts
- corrected missing religion in Toledo
- minor map editing
- updated NOTES.
Changes in 1.2:
- added a barb city
- added multiple non-Christian units
- disabled City Razing
- enabled Raging Barbarians
- some map editing.
Changes in 1.1:
- corrected Leaderheads, leadernames, civ names
- map editing (adjusted city size, added units and goody huts)
- Baghdad is now the Muslim Holy City
- set Mongols at war with Hungary & Selchuk Turks.
Currently at: 3,000+ downloads
Rating: A-
1250 BC for BtS version 1.3
The 13th century BC: the era of Egypt's New Kingdom, the Late Hittite empire, the notorious Assyrians and Sea Peoples, the archaic Shang Dynasty of China, Vedic epic hymns and a budding Olmec culture.
Version: 1.3
Size: 785 KB
Screenshots and additional info on the Download Page:
Currently at: 700+ downloads
Rating: A+
1066 AD for BTS (version 3.1)
This scenario starts on a Worldmap around 1060 AD, obviously, and focuses on three issues:
- the Viking expansion
- the Mongol unification under Ghenghis Khan
- the Crusades.
It features lots of barbarians, so plan your empire carefully!
Description in detail and additional screenshots on the download page:
Current Version: 3.1 (version 3.0 removed after 1,028 downloads total; version 2 removed after 447 downloads).
Changes in 3.1:
- slight setup change (Crusading armies now all start in Anatolia, each with a Great General)
- set France at war with Fatimids
- set Spain at peace with Selchuk Turks
- edited several cities (Sung China, Constantinople, Cairo and Baghdad now have more population)
- added some more barbarian cities and units (and removed some from Anatolia)
- some map corrections (River Jordan now runs as it should)
- updated and expanded NOTES.
Changes in 3.0:
- added Selchuk Turks with Alp Arslan
- corrected some Leaderheads
- corrected some civ names
- minor city editing.
Currently at 1,700+ downloads
Rating: B+
750 AD for BTS
By special request: a BTS-version of taillesskangaru's excellent Earth AD 750 Warlords-scenario, featuring the Arabs at more or less the heigth of their power (that is, before the still united empire got divided). As little as possible has been changed to the original (which gives quite an accurate representation of the world at the time).
Marathon speed recommended.
Full description plus screenshot on the download page:
Currently at 1,800+ downloads
50 AD for BTS (Expanded)
As the Mediterranean is ruled by the Pax Romana, so virtually all of China is united under the Han. Yet all is not well in the world, as war has just broken out between Rome and Parthia over Armenia, while Nero has sent an expedition to punish the insolent kingdom of Meroë and the Jewish War is about to erupt. The Huns are still around after the demise of Mao Tun, but can they resist a reinvigorated Han empire?
On a Huge Worldmap 18 civilizations face the test of time...
Features 3 versions:
- 50 AD for BTS (original version featuring Nero)
- 70 AD for BTS (updated version featuring Vespasian )
- 70 AD Marathon (expanded version)
Version: 1.1 (version 1.0 removed after 1,757 downloads total)
- calendar changed to bi-yearly
- 70 AD Marathon changed to 68 AD.
Full description and screenshots on the DL page
Currently at: 1,800 downloads
Rating: A+
300 BC for BtS (version 1.2)
300 BC: Alexander's successors fight to carve up the empire, Chandragupta Maurya has unified Northern India under his rule, China is divided into fiefdoms again, the Maya have succeeded the Olmec and the city of Rome has put its eagle standards across virtually all of Italy.
On a Huge Earthmap 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of ancient times:
1. Republic of Carthage/Hamilcar
2. Mauryan Empire/Chandra Gupta
3. Kingdom of Macedon/Cassander
4. Republic of Rome/Fabius Maximus Rullianus
5. Seleucid Kingdom/Seleucus
6. Qi Kingdom/Min
7. Germanic Tribes/Hermann
8. Xiong Nu/Shanyu Toumen
9. Ptolemaic Kingdom/Ptolemy
10. Qin Kingdom/Zhaoxiang
11. Kingdom of Kush/Piankhi-yerike-qa
12. Independent Greeks/Pyrrhus
13. Chu Kingdom/Qinxiang
14. Celtic Tribes/Brennus
15. Parthians/Parnes
16. Maya/Ajaw
17. Chavin/Chappai
18. Kingdom of Thrace/Lysimachus
and some barbarians (just a few).
Size: 1,73 MB (unzipped)
Version: 1.2 (version 1.1 removed after 71 downloads, version 1.0 removed after 50 downloads)
There are now two versions:
- 300 BC (1.2) E is the Epic Speed version
- 300 BC (1.2) M is the Marathon Speed version.
Changes in 1.2:
- added a Marathon version
- added several Great Generals
- gave Burdigala to the Celts
- gave Rome some extra Pretorians
- changed Seleucid capital from Persepolis to Seleukia.
Changes in 1.1:
- set Calendar to bi-yearly
- increased size of certain cities
- added 1 unit in Pisae
- updated NOTES.
Version 1.0:
- gamespeed set to Epic
- aggressive AI enabled
- city razing disabled.
DL page:
Currently at: 300+ downloads
Rating: A+
600 BC for BTS version 1.1
The Rise of Persia
An adaptation of Genghis_Kai's original World 500 BC - The Persian Age Civ4 scenario for BTS.
The scenario starts on a Huge Worldmap around 600 BC and now features the following 17 civilizations:
1. Carthage
2. Etruscan League
3. Roman Republic (Etruscan vassal)
4. Macedonia
5. Greek City States
6. Kush Kingdom
7. Qi Duchy(China)
8. Jin Duchy (China)
8. Chu Kingdom (China)
9. Yue Zhi (Central Asia)
10. Magadhan Kingdom (India)
11. Kosala Kingdom (India)
12. Desert Tribes (Arabia) NEW
13. Chavin
14. Olmecs
15. Persian empire
16. Germanic Tribes NEW
17. Gallic Tribes NEW
and some barbarians.
Epic speed recommended.
Extra screenshots on the download page here:
Current version: 1.1
(version 1.0 removed after 24 downloads;version 0.5 removed after 77 downloads; Alpha version removed after 181 downloads).
Changes in version 1.1:
- corrected missing Holy Cities
- added 1 city plus multiple units in strategic locations
Changes in version 1.0:
- new map
- removed Avanti Kingdom
- added Desert Tribes, Germanic Tribes and Gallic Tribes
- corrected Pericles LH, Lucius Iunius Brutus LH
- changed startdate to 575 BC
- general checkup of cities/units/map
Changes in version 0.5:
- Rome is now an Etruscan vassal
- Jerusalem is the Jewish Holy City
- minor editing of map and cities.
Currently at: 1,700+ downloads
Rating: A+
1000 BC for BTS
An adaptation of Genghis_Kai's World 1000 BC - The Clash of Empires Civ4 scenario for BTS. Instead of trying to convert the original map a new BTS map is used, 3 new civs have been added plus 1 minor civ.
The scenario starts on a Huge Worldmap around 1000 BC and features the following civilizations:
1. Egypt
2. Kush Kingdom
3. Greece (Perseus)
4. Celts
5. Kingdom of Israel
6. Phoenicia (Hiram) NEW
7. Assyria (Tiglatpileser II)
8. Babylon (Nebukadnezzar)
9. Scythians (Moga) NEW
10. Vedic Kingdom
11. Zhou Dynasty/China
12. Shang Dynasty/China
13. Xiong-nu (Mao Tun) NEW
15. Chavin
15. Olmecs
and some barbarians.
Epic speed is recommended.
Screenshots on the download page here:
Current version: 1.1. (Version 1.0 removed after 1 download.)
Change to version 1.0: defined Babylon as Babylonian civ (was American).
Currently at: 1,700+ downloads
Rating: A+
Currently working on:
- map updates
- MOO2Civ Patch4j
1000 BC for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of 1000 BC for BTS for use with CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), including 10 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from CIV Gold mod.
Current version: 1.1 (version 1.0 removed after 80 downloads; Alpha version removed after 205 downloads)
Changes in 1.1:
- updated to Patch 2
- added 2 more custom civs
- changed/updated multiple Leaderheads
- set up edited (units added, cities edited)
- NOTES updated.
Epic speed recommended.
Full description plus screenshots on the download page:
(with links to CIV Gold 4.0 Final & Patch 2)
Currently at: 600+ downloads
Rating: B
1000 BC for Amra BTS v3. Basic
A special edition of 1000 BC for BTS for use with Amra v3 Basic, including 9 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from the mod.
Current version: 1.1
Epic speed recommended.
Full description on the download page:
Rating: A
Currently at: 800+ downloads
600 BC for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of 600 BC for BTS for use with CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), including 2 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from CIV Gold mod.
Current version: 1.0
Epic speed recommended.
Full description plus screenshots on the download page:
(with links to CIV Gold 4.0 Final & Patch 2)
Currently at: 500+ downloads
Rating: A
600 BC for Amra BTS v3. Basic
A special edition of 600 BC for BTS for use with Amra v3 Basic, including 5 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from Amra's mod.
Epic speed recommended.
Full description plus screenshot and link to Amra's mod on the download page:
Current version: 1.0
Currently at: 500+ downloads
750 AD for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of AD 750 for BTS for CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), featuring the Arabs at more or less the heigth of their power (that is, before the still united empire got divided).
Current version: 1.1 (version 1.1 removed after 36 downloads; Alpha version removed after 127 downloads)
Marathon speed recommended.
Changes in 1.1:
- added 6 more LHs from CIV Gold mod
- corrected 2 LHs
- corrected some names
- NOTES updated.
Changes in 1.0:
- included 3 civs from CIV Gold mod
- some map editing
- NOTES updated.
Full description plus screenshot on the download page:
(with links to CIV Gold 4.0 Final & Patch 2)
Currently at: 500+ downloads
Rating: A-
1000 AD for PSYX
Made by request of PSYX for his Modern World 4 mod.
Alpha Version
Description in detail plus screenshot are here:
(with link to PSYX's Modern World 4 mod)
Currently at 200+ downloads
Rating: A+
1000 AD for Warlords
My second try at a Civ4 scenario: this is an adaptation of The Navy Seal's excellent Earth 1000 AD updated to Warlords, which has been edited to further increase historical accuracy in the start setup.
Marathon speed only
Detailed description plus screenshot are here:
Currently at 500+ downloads
Rating: A+.
1000 AD for SevoMod Civ4
A special edition of the CIV4 scenario for use with SevoMod. The original has been specially edited to increase historical accuracy and to incorporate as much as possible from SevoMod. (The original 1000 AD map has been modified to include resources included in SevoMod. This was my first attempt at a Civ4 scenario and it turned out pretty neat.)
Full description with screenshot here:
(with link to Sevomod-Mastery final version)
Rating: B+
Currently at: 300+ downloads
1066 AD for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of 1066 AD for BTS for use with CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), including custom LHs, units and buildings from CIV Gold mod.
Version: 2.3 (version 2.2 removed after 356 downloads; version 2.1 removed after 211 downloads; version 2 removed after 23 downloads).
Changes: added 3 more LHs (for a total of 6) and additional units from CIV Gold, minor editing.
Full description and screenshots are here:
(with links to CIV Gold 4.0 Final & Patch 2)
Currently at 800+ downloads.
Rating: A+
1066 AD for Thomas' War 2.85 version 1.1
A special edition of 1066 AD for BtS for Thomas' War 2.85 (BtS 3.17)
Full description (plus link to Thomas' War mod) on the DL Page here:
NOTE: I've been experimenting with a slightly different setup, replacing the Koreans with Norman Italy (which starts at war w/Byzantium, Fatimids and Selchuk Turks all at once) and renaming the English to English Normans (starting from Brest their forces have just invaded England after defeating Harold at Hastings). Remaining Anglo-Saxon cities are now Barbarian-controlled.
Currently at: 600+ downloads
Rating: A+
1066 AD for Amra BTS
A special edition of 1066 AD for BTS for use with Amra v3 Basic, including 2 custom civs, 9 LHs, units and buildings from Amra's mod.
Version: 1.2
Full description here:
(with link to Amra v3 Basic)
Currently at: 100+ downloads
1066 AD for RoM 2.2
A special edition of 1066 AD for BTS for use with Rise of Mankind 2.2, including resources, units and buildings from RoM.
Version: 1.0
Full description (plus link to RoM 2.2) on the Download Page here:
Currently at: 200+ downloads.
The Crusades! for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of The Crusades! for CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), featuring 7 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from the mod.
Alexios Komnenos has asked the assistance of Western Christendom against the Turkish infidels; in response the Holy Father has declared this to be in accordance to God's will and Crusaders depart en route to Byzantine Anatolia in an effort to free the Holy Land. Meanwhile, in the rugged terrain of Iberia the Christian kingdoms are preparing for their own Reconquista. And in the far East, an unknown menace looms...
Starting around 1096 on a Huge Europe-map 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of medieval times:
1. kingdom of England
2. kingdom of France
3. Spanish kingdoms
4. Holy Roman Empire
5. kingdom of Poland CIV Gold civ
6. kingdom of Denmark
7. kingdom of Hungary CIV Gold civ
8. Almohads CIV Gold civ
9. Italian City States (Holy Roman vassal)
10. Papal State
11. Norman Italy
12. Byzantine Empire
13. Russian principalities
14. Selchuk Turks
15. Fatimids
16. kingdom of Georgia CIV Gold civ
17. Cuman Khanate CIV Gold civ
18. Mongol Horde
and some barbarians.
For screenshots and additional information (+ link to CIV Gold 4.0 and patch 2) go to the download page here:
Current version: 1.2 (version 1.1 removed after 6 downloads; version 1.0 removed after 104 downloads)
Changes in 1.2:
- updated to Patch 2
- replaced Mindaugas with Casimir LH as king of Poland
- updated NOTES.
Changes in 1.1:
- corrected Mongol civ definition (was defined as "Portugal")
- replaced Hassan LH with Idris as leader for Almohads.
Currently at: 800+ downloads
Rating: B
The Crusades! for Esnaz's mod v.2 for BTS
A special edition of The Crusades! for Esnaz's mod v.2, featuring custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from the mod.
Alexios Komnenos has asked the assistance of Western Christendom against the Turkish infidels; in response the Holy Father has declared this to be in accordance to God's will and Crusaders depart en route to Byzantine Anatolia in an effort to free the Holy Land. Meanwhile, in the rugged terrain of Iberia the Christian kingdoms are preparing for their own Reconquista. And in the far East, an unknown menace looms...
Starting around 1096 on a Huge Europe-map 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of medieval times:
1. kingdom of England
2. kingdom of France
3. Spanish kingdoms
4. Holy Roman Empire
5. kingdom of Poland Esnaz custom civ
6. kingdom of Denmark
7. kingdom of Hungary Esnaz custom civ
8. Almohads Esnaz custom civ
9. Italian City States (Holy Roman vassal)
10. Papal State
11. Norman Italy
12. Byzantine Empire
13. Russian principalities
14. Selchuk Turks
15. Fatimids
16. kingdom of Georgia
17. Cuman Khanate
18. Mongol Horde
and some barbarians.
For screenshots and additional information (+ link to Esnaz's mod v.2 and link to Esnaz's thread) go to the download page
Current version: 1.0
Currently at: 500+ downloads
1600 AD for CIV Gold BTS
An adaptation of Lokolus's excellent Earth 1600 AD scenario for CIV Gold. Includes 5 custom civs plus 9 leaders, units and buildings from CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2).
Current version: 1.3 (version 1.2 removed after 10 downloads; version 1.1 removed after 349 downloads; version 1.0 removed after 338 downloads; Alpha version removed after 112 downloads; Beta version removed after 26 downloads).
Full description and sceenshots are here:
(with link to CIV Gold 4.0 Final and Patch 2)
Currently at: 1,100 downloads
Rating: A+.
1790 AD for CIV Gold BTS
Special edition of Lokolus's excellent Earth 1790 AD scenario for CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2). Currently includes 4 custom civs and leaderheads, units and buildings from the CIV Gold mod.
Updated to: Version 1.2 (Version 1.1 removed after 102 downloads; version 1.0 removed after 336 downloads; Alpha version removed after 88 downloads).
Full description & screenshots on the download page:
(with link to CIV Gold 4.0 Final)
Currently at: 800+ downloads.
Rating: B+
1862 AD for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of Lokolus's famous "Earth 1862 AD" scenario for use with CIV Gold BTS, including 6 custom civs, 7 LHs plus units and buildings from CIV Gold mod.
While the American Civil War is in its second year, Germany and Italy are on the road to unification. The feudal state of Meji Japan is restoring itself and about to become one of the strongest and most advanced nations in the world. The Boers' South African Republics are at war with the mighty British Empire and Ching China, after being forced into "unequal treaties" with the powers of imperialism, is frought with rebellion.
On a Huge Worldmap 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of industrial times:
1. British Empire
2. French Empire
3. German Empire
4. Austro-Hungarian Empire CIV Gold civ
5. Kingdom of Italy CIV Gold civ
6. Iberian Empires CIV Gold LH
7. Minor Nations CIV Gold civ
8. Kingdoms of the Netherlands
9. Russian Empire
10. United States of America
11. Confederate States of America
12. Japanese Empire CIV Gold LH
13. Chinese Empire CIV Gold LH
14. Ottoman Empire
15. Boer Republics CIV Gold LH
16. Republic of Argentina CIV Gold civ
17. Brazilian Empire CIV Gold civ
18. Republic of Mexico CIV Gold civ
and some barbarians.
Marathon speed recommended
Current version: 1.1 (version 1.0 removed after 9 downloads)
Changes in 1.1:
- replaced Scandinavian States with Minor Nations
- some additional map editing
- updated NOTES.
Download here:
(includes links to CIV Gold BTS Final + Patch 2)
Currently at: 1,000+ downloads
Rating: B+
Map pack for Chiyu's Extra mod (latest version)
Three maps are included, two each featuring 18 civs on a Huge Earth map:
- Huge Earth 18 civs Extra (1) features
Egypt, India, China, OTTOMANS, Rome, Persia, Japan, Germany, Mongols, KHMER, Arabs, PORTUGAL, England, Russia, Mali, CARTHAGE, VIKINGS and ETHIOPIA
and is based on 1CrazyCanadian/Uberness' 1 Earth To Rule Them All map;
- Huge Earth 18 civs Extra (2) features
Egypt, India, China, GREECE, Rome, Persia, Japan, Germany, Mongols, FRANCE, Arabs, SPAIN,
England, Russia, Mali, INCA, AZTEC and AMERICA
and is based on Rhye's Earth map;
- Huge Earth 9 civs Extra features
Egypt, India, China, Greece, Rome, Persia, Japan, Germany and Mongols plus some extra barbarians.
Download (w/screenshots & link to Chiyu's mod) here:
Currently at: 200+ downloads.
GEM 5.3 Ancient 26 civs
Version: 1.0
Size: 1.65 MB
Using the 28 civ map included with GEM as a template, I've created an Ancient map which includes only pre-modern civs. (The USA and Australia aren't present and Brazil has been relocated as Portugal.)
Although my intention is to create one or more scenarios based off this, I decided to upload the map as a pre-release.
Download here:
Currently at: 300+ downloads.
Huge Earth 18 civs HitM
18 civs Huge Earthmap for History in the Making, edited for a combination of historico-geographical accuracy and gameplay.
It features the following civs:
1. Rome
2. Celts
3. Vikings
4. Greece
5. Mongols
6. China
7. Japan
8. Khmer
9. India
10. Persia
11. Sumer
12. Egypt
13. Mali
14. Zulus
15. Inca
16. Maya
17. Native Americans
18. Carthage.
Version: 1.2
Download Page (with link to HitM 3.01):
Currently at: 800+ downloads.
Thomas' War 3.5a Huge Earth 18 civs
Huge Earthmap with 18 civs for use with Thomas' War 2.8 mod.
Version: 1.1
updated to Thomas' War 3.5a
Full description (plus link to Thomas' War) on the DL Page here:
Rating: A+
Currently at: 1,100+ downloads.
RoM 2.5 Huge Earth 18 civs
Huge Earthmap with 18 civs for Rise of Mankind mod 2.62.
Version: 1.0 (2.2 version 1.1 removed after 588 downloads total, 2.2 version 1.0 removed after 105 downloads)
Changes in 1.0:
- update to RoM 2.3 (map update, resources added)
- minor map editing
- updated NOTES
Change in 2.2 v 1.1:
- fixed turn limit (no more end game in 750 AD).
Full description (plus link to RoM) on the DL Page here:
Currently at: 1,300+ downloads
Rating: A+.
Amra 18 civs BTS
Amra' Warlords 18 civ Earthmap updated to BTS (unedited)
for Amra v. 3 Basic
Download here:
Rating: A
Currently at: 1,100+ downloads
Random Religions 18 civs BTS
Another Huge Worldmap that randomizes religion founding. If you do found one, you get to choose which one you want.
NOTE: Mistakenly announced as Random Religions 17 civs BTS. Reloaded with corrected civ number + civ list.
Download here:
Currently at: 300+ downloads.
Credits (for mods, maps, scenarios, comments, suggestions & help in general): Sevo, The Navy Seal, PSYX, CIV Gold team, Lokolus, Rhye, Genghis_Kai, Grave, Esnaz, Amra, deanej, MrPopov, Deon, Lachlan, DIE Inc., Fiend777Fits, W.A, zappara, strategyonly, LeGrandMogol, Zippadeedoodah and all you civfanatics out there!
The files listed below are compressed (and may be unzipped) using 7-zip, which is freely downloadable here:

Latest additions:
The Crusades! for BTS, version 1.7

Alexios Komnenos has asked the assistance of Western Christendom against the Turkish infidels; in response the Holy Father has declared this to be in accordance to God's will and Crusaders depart en route to Byzantine Anatolia in an effort to free the Holy Land. Meanwhile, in the rugged terrain of Iberia the Christian kingdoms are preparing for their own Reconquista. And in the far East, an unknown menace looms...
Starting around 1096 on a Huge Europe-map 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of Medieval times.
For screenshots and additional information go to the download page
Current version: 1.7 (version 1.6 removed after 2,945 downloads total; version 1.5 removed after 2368 downloads total; version 1.4 removed after 775 downloads; version 1.3 removed after 527 downloads; version 1.2 removed after 111 downloads; version 1.1 removed after 34 downloads; version 1.0 removed after 72 downloads)
Features 2 versions:
- original version Crusades!(1.7) A
- modded version Crusades!(1.7) B
Changes in 1.7:
- set calendar to BI_YEARLY
- adjusted startdate to 1066 AD.
Changes in 1.6:
- added LeGrandMogol's medieval era end mod
- updated NOTES
- added 2 extra screenshots.
Changes in 1.5:
- fixed Mongol civ definition (Mongols no longer Portuguese)
- map edited (general increase in city size and culture level)
- units added (more and stronger units outside Crusaders area)
- added some more barbs
- updated NOTES.
Changes in 1.4:
- fixed the no State Religion issue.
Changes in 1.3:
- added a Selchuk city
- removed some French and added some Spanish units
- added some more Scouts
- corrected missing religion in Toledo
- minor map editing
- updated NOTES.
Changes in 1.2:
- added a barb city
- added multiple non-Christian units
- disabled City Razing
- enabled Raging Barbarians
- some map editing.
Changes in 1.1:
- corrected Leaderheads, leadernames, civ names
- map editing (adjusted city size, added units and goody huts)
- Baghdad is now the Muslim Holy City
- set Mongols at war with Hungary & Selchuk Turks.
Currently at: 3,000+ downloads

Rating: A-
1250 BC for BtS version 1.3
The 13th century BC: the era of Egypt's New Kingdom, the Late Hittite empire, the notorious Assyrians and Sea Peoples, the archaic Shang Dynasty of China, Vedic epic hymns and a budding Olmec culture.
Version: 1.3
Size: 785 KB
Screenshots and additional info on the Download Page:
Currently at: 700+ downloads
Rating: A+
1066 AD for BTS (version 3.1)

This scenario starts on a Worldmap around 1060 AD, obviously, and focuses on three issues:
- the Viking expansion
- the Mongol unification under Ghenghis Khan
- the Crusades.
It features lots of barbarians, so plan your empire carefully!
Description in detail and additional screenshots on the download page:
Current Version: 3.1 (version 3.0 removed after 1,028 downloads total; version 2 removed after 447 downloads).
Changes in 3.1:
- slight setup change (Crusading armies now all start in Anatolia, each with a Great General)
- set France at war with Fatimids
- set Spain at peace with Selchuk Turks
- edited several cities (Sung China, Constantinople, Cairo and Baghdad now have more population)
- added some more barbarian cities and units (and removed some from Anatolia)
- some map corrections (River Jordan now runs as it should)
- updated and expanded NOTES.
Changes in 3.0:
- added Selchuk Turks with Alp Arslan
- corrected some Leaderheads
- corrected some civ names
- minor city editing.
Currently at 1,700+ downloads

Rating: B+
750 AD for BTS

By special request: a BTS-version of taillesskangaru's excellent Earth AD 750 Warlords-scenario, featuring the Arabs at more or less the heigth of their power (that is, before the still united empire got divided). As little as possible has been changed to the original (which gives quite an accurate representation of the world at the time).
Marathon speed recommended.
Full description plus screenshot on the download page:
Currently at 1,800+ downloads


As the Mediterranean is ruled by the Pax Romana, so virtually all of China is united under the Han. Yet all is not well in the world, as war has just broken out between Rome and Parthia over Armenia, while Nero has sent an expedition to punish the insolent kingdom of Meroë and the Jewish War is about to erupt. The Huns are still around after the demise of Mao Tun, but can they resist a reinvigorated Han empire?
On a Huge Worldmap 18 civilizations face the test of time...
Features 3 versions:
- 50 AD for BTS (original version featuring Nero)
- 70 AD for BTS (updated version featuring Vespasian )
- 70 AD Marathon (expanded version)
Version: 1.1 (version 1.0 removed after 1,757 downloads total)
- calendar changed to bi-yearly
- 70 AD Marathon changed to 68 AD.
Full description and screenshots on the DL page
Currently at: 1,800 downloads
Rating: A+
300 BC for BtS (version 1.2)
300 BC: Alexander's successors fight to carve up the empire, Chandragupta Maurya has unified Northern India under his rule, China is divided into fiefdoms again, the Maya have succeeded the Olmec and the city of Rome has put its eagle standards across virtually all of Italy.
On a Huge Earthmap 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of ancient times:
1. Republic of Carthage/Hamilcar
2. Mauryan Empire/Chandra Gupta
3. Kingdom of Macedon/Cassander
4. Republic of Rome/Fabius Maximus Rullianus
5. Seleucid Kingdom/Seleucus
6. Qi Kingdom/Min
7. Germanic Tribes/Hermann
8. Xiong Nu/Shanyu Toumen
9. Ptolemaic Kingdom/Ptolemy
10. Qin Kingdom/Zhaoxiang
11. Kingdom of Kush/Piankhi-yerike-qa
12. Independent Greeks/Pyrrhus
13. Chu Kingdom/Qinxiang
14. Celtic Tribes/Brennus
15. Parthians/Parnes
16. Maya/Ajaw
17. Chavin/Chappai
18. Kingdom of Thrace/Lysimachus
and some barbarians (just a few).
Size: 1,73 MB (unzipped)
Version: 1.2 (version 1.1 removed after 71 downloads, version 1.0 removed after 50 downloads)
There are now two versions:
- 300 BC (1.2) E is the Epic Speed version
- 300 BC (1.2) M is the Marathon Speed version.
Changes in 1.2:
- added a Marathon version
- added several Great Generals
- gave Burdigala to the Celts
- gave Rome some extra Pretorians
- changed Seleucid capital from Persepolis to Seleukia.
Changes in 1.1:
- set Calendar to bi-yearly
- increased size of certain cities
- added 1 unit in Pisae
- updated NOTES.
Version 1.0:
- gamespeed set to Epic
- aggressive AI enabled
- city razing disabled.
DL page:
Currently at: 300+ downloads
Rating: A+

The Rise of Persia
An adaptation of Genghis_Kai's original World 500 BC - The Persian Age Civ4 scenario for BTS.
The scenario starts on a Huge Worldmap around 600 BC and now features the following 17 civilizations:
1. Carthage
2. Etruscan League
3. Roman Republic (Etruscan vassal)
4. Macedonia
5. Greek City States
6. Kush Kingdom
7. Qi Duchy(China)
8. Jin Duchy (China)
8. Chu Kingdom (China)
9. Yue Zhi (Central Asia)
10. Magadhan Kingdom (India)
11. Kosala Kingdom (India)
12. Desert Tribes (Arabia) NEW
13. Chavin
14. Olmecs
15. Persian empire
16. Germanic Tribes NEW
17. Gallic Tribes NEW
and some barbarians.
Epic speed recommended.
Extra screenshots on the download page here:
Current version: 1.1
(version 1.0 removed after 24 downloads;version 0.5 removed after 77 downloads; Alpha version removed after 181 downloads).
Changes in version 1.1:
- corrected missing Holy Cities
- added 1 city plus multiple units in strategic locations
Changes in version 1.0:
- new map
- removed Avanti Kingdom
- added Desert Tribes, Germanic Tribes and Gallic Tribes
- corrected Pericles LH, Lucius Iunius Brutus LH
- changed startdate to 575 BC
- general checkup of cities/units/map
Changes in version 0.5:
- Rome is now an Etruscan vassal
- Jerusalem is the Jewish Holy City
- minor editing of map and cities.
Currently at: 1,700+ downloads

Rating: A+
1000 BC for BTS

An adaptation of Genghis_Kai's World 1000 BC - The Clash of Empires Civ4 scenario for BTS. Instead of trying to convert the original map a new BTS map is used, 3 new civs have been added plus 1 minor civ.
The scenario starts on a Huge Worldmap around 1000 BC and features the following civilizations:
1. Egypt
2. Kush Kingdom
3. Greece (Perseus)
4. Celts
5. Kingdom of Israel
6. Phoenicia (Hiram) NEW
7. Assyria (Tiglatpileser II)
8. Babylon (Nebukadnezzar)
9. Scythians (Moga) NEW
10. Vedic Kingdom
11. Zhou Dynasty/China
12. Shang Dynasty/China
13. Xiong-nu (Mao Tun) NEW
15. Chavin
15. Olmecs
and some barbarians.
Epic speed is recommended.
Screenshots on the download page here:
Current version: 1.1. (Version 1.0 removed after 1 download.)
Change to version 1.0: defined Babylon as Babylonian civ (was American).
Currently at: 1,700+ downloads
Rating: A+
Currently working on:

- map updates
- MOO2Civ Patch4j
1000 BC for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of 1000 BC for BTS for use with CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), including 10 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from CIV Gold mod.
Current version: 1.1 (version 1.0 removed after 80 downloads; Alpha version removed after 205 downloads)
Changes in 1.1:
- updated to Patch 2
- added 2 more custom civs
- changed/updated multiple Leaderheads
- set up edited (units added, cities edited)
- NOTES updated.
Epic speed recommended.
Full description plus screenshots on the download page:
(with links to CIV Gold 4.0 Final & Patch 2)
Currently at: 600+ downloads
Rating: B
1000 BC for Amra BTS v3. Basic
A special edition of 1000 BC for BTS for use with Amra v3 Basic, including 9 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from the mod.
Current version: 1.1
Epic speed recommended.
Full description on the download page:
Rating: A
Currently at: 800+ downloads
600 BC for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of 600 BC for BTS for use with CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), including 2 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from CIV Gold mod.
Current version: 1.0
Epic speed recommended.
Full description plus screenshots on the download page:
(with links to CIV Gold 4.0 Final & Patch 2)
Currently at: 500+ downloads
Rating: A
600 BC for Amra BTS v3. Basic
A special edition of 600 BC for BTS for use with Amra v3 Basic, including 5 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from Amra's mod.
Epic speed recommended.
Full description plus screenshot and link to Amra's mod on the download page:
Current version: 1.0
Currently at: 500+ downloads
750 AD for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of AD 750 for BTS for CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), featuring the Arabs at more or less the heigth of their power (that is, before the still united empire got divided).
Current version: 1.1 (version 1.1 removed after 36 downloads; Alpha version removed after 127 downloads)
Marathon speed recommended.
Changes in 1.1:
- added 6 more LHs from CIV Gold mod
- corrected 2 LHs
- corrected some names
- NOTES updated.
Changes in 1.0:
- included 3 civs from CIV Gold mod
- some map editing
- NOTES updated.
Full description plus screenshot on the download page:
(with links to CIV Gold 4.0 Final & Patch 2)
Currently at: 500+ downloads
Rating: A-
1000 AD for PSYX
Made by request of PSYX for his Modern World 4 mod.
Alpha Version
Description in detail plus screenshot are here:
(with link to PSYX's Modern World 4 mod)
Currently at 200+ downloads
Rating: A+
1000 AD for Warlords
My second try at a Civ4 scenario: this is an adaptation of The Navy Seal's excellent Earth 1000 AD updated to Warlords, which has been edited to further increase historical accuracy in the start setup.
Marathon speed only
Detailed description plus screenshot are here:
Currently at 500+ downloads
Rating: A+.
1000 AD for SevoMod Civ4
A special edition of the CIV4 scenario for use with SevoMod. The original has been specially edited to increase historical accuracy and to incorporate as much as possible from SevoMod. (The original 1000 AD map has been modified to include resources included in SevoMod. This was my first attempt at a Civ4 scenario and it turned out pretty neat.)
Full description with screenshot here:
(with link to Sevomod-Mastery final version)
Rating: B+
Currently at: 300+ downloads
1066 AD for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of 1066 AD for BTS for use with CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), including custom LHs, units and buildings from CIV Gold mod.
Version: 2.3 (version 2.2 removed after 356 downloads; version 2.1 removed after 211 downloads; version 2 removed after 23 downloads).
Changes: added 3 more LHs (for a total of 6) and additional units from CIV Gold, minor editing.
Full description and screenshots are here:
(with links to CIV Gold 4.0 Final & Patch 2)
Currently at 800+ downloads.
Rating: A+
1066 AD for Thomas' War 2.85 version 1.1
A special edition of 1066 AD for BtS for Thomas' War 2.85 (BtS 3.17)
Full description (plus link to Thomas' War mod) on the DL Page here:
NOTE: I've been experimenting with a slightly different setup, replacing the Koreans with Norman Italy (which starts at war w/Byzantium, Fatimids and Selchuk Turks all at once) and renaming the English to English Normans (starting from Brest their forces have just invaded England after defeating Harold at Hastings). Remaining Anglo-Saxon cities are now Barbarian-controlled.
Currently at: 600+ downloads
Rating: A+
1066 AD for Amra BTS
A special edition of 1066 AD for BTS for use with Amra v3 Basic, including 2 custom civs, 9 LHs, units and buildings from Amra's mod.
Version: 1.2
Full description here:
(with link to Amra v3 Basic)
Currently at: 100+ downloads
1066 AD for RoM 2.2
A special edition of 1066 AD for BTS for use with Rise of Mankind 2.2, including resources, units and buildings from RoM.
Version: 1.0
Full description (plus link to RoM 2.2) on the Download Page here:
Currently at: 200+ downloads.
The Crusades! for CIV Gold BTS
A special edition of The Crusades! for CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2), featuring 7 custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from the mod.
Alexios Komnenos has asked the assistance of Western Christendom against the Turkish infidels; in response the Holy Father has declared this to be in accordance to God's will and Crusaders depart en route to Byzantine Anatolia in an effort to free the Holy Land. Meanwhile, in the rugged terrain of Iberia the Christian kingdoms are preparing for their own Reconquista. And in the far East, an unknown menace looms...
Starting around 1096 on a Huge Europe-map 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of medieval times:
1. kingdom of England
2. kingdom of France
3. Spanish kingdoms
4. Holy Roman Empire
5. kingdom of Poland CIV Gold civ
6. kingdom of Denmark
7. kingdom of Hungary CIV Gold civ
8. Almohads CIV Gold civ
9. Italian City States (Holy Roman vassal)
10. Papal State
11. Norman Italy
12. Byzantine Empire
13. Russian principalities
14. Selchuk Turks
15. Fatimids
16. kingdom of Georgia CIV Gold civ
17. Cuman Khanate CIV Gold civ
18. Mongol Horde
and some barbarians.
For screenshots and additional information (+ link to CIV Gold 4.0 and patch 2) go to the download page here:
Current version: 1.2 (version 1.1 removed after 6 downloads; version 1.0 removed after 104 downloads)
Changes in 1.2:
- updated to Patch 2
- replaced Mindaugas with Casimir LH as king of Poland
- updated NOTES.
Changes in 1.1:
- corrected Mongol civ definition (was defined as "Portugal")
- replaced Hassan LH with Idris as leader for Almohads.
Currently at: 800+ downloads
Rating: B
The Crusades! for Esnaz's mod v.2 for BTS
A special edition of The Crusades! for Esnaz's mod v.2, featuring custom civs, leaders, units and buildings from the mod.
Alexios Komnenos has asked the assistance of Western Christendom against the Turkish infidels; in response the Holy Father has declared this to be in accordance to God's will and Crusaders depart en route to Byzantine Anatolia in an effort to free the Holy Land. Meanwhile, in the rugged terrain of Iberia the Christian kingdoms are preparing for their own Reconquista. And in the far East, an unknown menace looms...
Starting around 1096 on a Huge Europe-map 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of medieval times:
1. kingdom of England
2. kingdom of France
3. Spanish kingdoms
4. Holy Roman Empire
5. kingdom of Poland Esnaz custom civ
6. kingdom of Denmark
7. kingdom of Hungary Esnaz custom civ
8. Almohads Esnaz custom civ
9. Italian City States (Holy Roman vassal)
10. Papal State
11. Norman Italy
12. Byzantine Empire
13. Russian principalities
14. Selchuk Turks
15. Fatimids
16. kingdom of Georgia
17. Cuman Khanate
18. Mongol Horde
and some barbarians.
For screenshots and additional information (+ link to Esnaz's mod v.2 and link to Esnaz's thread) go to the download page
Current version: 1.0
Currently at: 500+ downloads
1600 AD for CIV Gold BTS

An adaptation of Lokolus's excellent Earth 1600 AD scenario for CIV Gold. Includes 5 custom civs plus 9 leaders, units and buildings from CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2).
Current version: 1.3 (version 1.2 removed after 10 downloads; version 1.1 removed after 349 downloads; version 1.0 removed after 338 downloads; Alpha version removed after 112 downloads; Beta version removed after 26 downloads).
Full description and sceenshots are here:
(with link to CIV Gold 4.0 Final and Patch 2)
Currently at: 1,100 downloads
Rating: A+.
1790 AD for CIV Gold BTS
Special edition of Lokolus's excellent Earth 1790 AD scenario for CIV Gold BTS 4.0 (Patch 2). Currently includes 4 custom civs and leaderheads, units and buildings from the CIV Gold mod.
Updated to: Version 1.2 (Version 1.1 removed after 102 downloads; version 1.0 removed after 336 downloads; Alpha version removed after 88 downloads).
Full description & screenshots on the download page:
(with link to CIV Gold 4.0 Final)
Currently at: 800+ downloads.
Rating: B+
1862 AD for CIV Gold BTS

A special edition of Lokolus's famous "Earth 1862 AD" scenario for use with CIV Gold BTS, including 6 custom civs, 7 LHs plus units and buildings from CIV Gold mod.
While the American Civil War is in its second year, Germany and Italy are on the road to unification. The feudal state of Meji Japan is restoring itself and about to become one of the strongest and most advanced nations in the world. The Boers' South African Republics are at war with the mighty British Empire and Ching China, after being forced into "unequal treaties" with the powers of imperialism, is frought with rebellion.
On a Huge Worldmap 18 civilizations vie to stand the test of industrial times:
1. British Empire
2. French Empire
3. German Empire
4. Austro-Hungarian Empire CIV Gold civ
5. Kingdom of Italy CIV Gold civ
6. Iberian Empires CIV Gold LH
7. Minor Nations CIV Gold civ
8. Kingdoms of the Netherlands
9. Russian Empire
10. United States of America
11. Confederate States of America
12. Japanese Empire CIV Gold LH
13. Chinese Empire CIV Gold LH
14. Ottoman Empire
15. Boer Republics CIV Gold LH
16. Republic of Argentina CIV Gold civ
17. Brazilian Empire CIV Gold civ
18. Republic of Mexico CIV Gold civ
and some barbarians.
Marathon speed recommended
Current version: 1.1 (version 1.0 removed after 9 downloads)
Changes in 1.1:
- replaced Scandinavian States with Minor Nations
- some additional map editing
- updated NOTES.
Download here:
(includes links to CIV Gold BTS Final + Patch 2)
Currently at: 1,000+ downloads
Rating: B+
Map pack for Chiyu's Extra mod (latest version)
Three maps are included, two each featuring 18 civs on a Huge Earth map:
- Huge Earth 18 civs Extra (1) features
Egypt, India, China, OTTOMANS, Rome, Persia, Japan, Germany, Mongols, KHMER, Arabs, PORTUGAL, England, Russia, Mali, CARTHAGE, VIKINGS and ETHIOPIA
and is based on 1CrazyCanadian/Uberness' 1 Earth To Rule Them All map;
- Huge Earth 18 civs Extra (2) features
Egypt, India, China, GREECE, Rome, Persia, Japan, Germany, Mongols, FRANCE, Arabs, SPAIN,
England, Russia, Mali, INCA, AZTEC and AMERICA
and is based on Rhye's Earth map;
- Huge Earth 9 civs Extra features
Egypt, India, China, Greece, Rome, Persia, Japan, Germany and Mongols plus some extra barbarians.
Download (w/screenshots & link to Chiyu's mod) here:
Currently at: 200+ downloads.
GEM 5.3 Ancient 26 civs
Version: 1.0
Size: 1.65 MB
Using the 28 civ map included with GEM as a template, I've created an Ancient map which includes only pre-modern civs. (The USA and Australia aren't present and Brazil has been relocated as Portugal.)
Although my intention is to create one or more scenarios based off this, I decided to upload the map as a pre-release.
Download here:
Currently at: 300+ downloads.
Huge Earth 18 civs HitM
18 civs Huge Earthmap for History in the Making, edited for a combination of historico-geographical accuracy and gameplay.
It features the following civs:
1. Rome
2. Celts
3. Vikings
4. Greece
5. Mongols
6. China
7. Japan
8. Khmer
9. India
10. Persia
11. Sumer
12. Egypt
13. Mali
14. Zulus
15. Inca
16. Maya
17. Native Americans
18. Carthage.
Version: 1.2
Download Page (with link to HitM 3.01):
Currently at: 800+ downloads.
Thomas' War 3.5a Huge Earth 18 civs

Huge Earthmap with 18 civs for use with Thomas' War 2.8 mod.
Version: 1.1
updated to Thomas' War 3.5a
Full description (plus link to Thomas' War) on the DL Page here:
Rating: A+
Currently at: 1,100+ downloads.
RoM 2.5 Huge Earth 18 civs

Huge Earthmap with 18 civs for Rise of Mankind mod 2.62.
Version: 1.0 (2.2 version 1.1 removed after 588 downloads total, 2.2 version 1.0 removed after 105 downloads)
Changes in 1.0:
- update to RoM 2.3 (map update, resources added)
- minor map editing
- updated NOTES
Change in 2.2 v 1.1:
- fixed turn limit (no more end game in 750 AD).
Full description (plus link to RoM) on the DL Page here:
Currently at: 1,300+ downloads
Rating: A+.
Amra 18 civs BTS

Amra' Warlords 18 civ Earthmap updated to BTS (unedited)
for Amra v. 3 Basic
Download here:
Rating: A
Currently at: 1,100+ downloads
Random Religions 18 civs BTS
Another Huge Worldmap that randomizes religion founding. If you do found one, you get to choose which one you want.
NOTE: Mistakenly announced as Random Religions 17 civs BTS. Reloaded with corrected civ number + civ list.
Download here:
Currently at: 300+ downloads.
Credits (for mods, maps, scenarios, comments, suggestions & help in general): Sevo, The Navy Seal, PSYX, CIV Gold team, Lokolus, Rhye, Genghis_Kai, Grave, Esnaz, Amra, deanej, MrPopov, Deon, Lachlan, DIE Inc., Fiend777Fits, W.A, zappara, strategyonly, LeGrandMogol, Zippadeedoodah and all you civfanatics out there!