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JFD and Janboruta's Civilisations

As there wasn't really anywhere else to post it, just letting CFClads know the Civ Design Competition for 2023 has started, you're welcome to take a looksie if you're interested.

Hello, I have all of your mods installed along with their dependencies and that is all. However I have an issue with infinite great generals spawning for me and the ai when we kill 1 barbarian unit. This bankrupts the ai and is disruptive to the point of being gamebreaking. Has anyone had similar problems and how did you fix it? Im playing on Civ5 btw
Hello, I have all of your mods installed along with their dependencies and that is all. However I have an issue with infinite great generals spawning for me and the ai when we kill 1 barbarian unit. This bankrupts the ai and is disruptive to the point of being gamebreaking. Has anyone had similar problems and how did you fix it? Im playing on Civ5 btw
You'd need to work out for yourself what mod is causing this issue, because saying "I'm using over a hundred civs and a non-specified number of additional mods" creates far too large a sample size for a seemingly inexplicable issue to be diagnosed. There are known issues with unknown causes related to a multitude of Great Generals being spawned when a player reaches the XP threshold required to spawn a Great General, but that is obviously disconnected from barbarians who don't give Great General progress and the fact that the Great Generals are being given to every player. Working to isolate the cause down to a specific mod through disabling mods and testing for the issue is the only way you'd find a culprit; the only suspect I could even concieve would be Julius Caesar's ability to grant Great General progress from Barbarian combats, but again it's unclear how that would translate to other civs being beset with the issue or why it would happen before the Great General progress meter is filled.
You'd need to work out for yourself what mod is causing this issue, because saying "I'm using over a hundred civs and a non-specified number of additional mods" creates far too large a sample size for a seemingly inexplicable issue to be diagnosed. There are known issues with unknown causes related to a multitude of Great Generals being spawned when a player reaches the XP threshold required to spawn a Great General, but that is obviously disconnected from barbarians who don't give Great General progress and the fact that the Great Generals are being given to every player. Working to isolate the cause down to a specific mod through disabling mods and testing for the issue is the only way you'd find a culprit; the only suspect I could even concieve would be Julius Caesar's ability to grant Great General progress from Barbarian combats, but again it's unclear how that would translate to other civs being beset with the issue or why it would happen before the Great General progress meter is filled.
The great general points from barbs is a setting from the community patch which is a dependency for some of the JFD mods. I can only turn off the GG/GA points from barbs for myself and not the ai so it will bankrupt them since theyll end up with 100s of GGs
The great general points from barbs is a setting from the community patch which is a dependency for some of the JFD mods. I can only turn off the GG/GA points from barbs for myself and not the ai so it will bankrupt them since theyll end up with 100s of GGs
The base Community Patch shouldn't make Barbarians grant GGP on a global level, because that would be a profound balance change which far exceeds the mod's mandate of being a bug patch. JFD's mods do not require the Community Balance Overhaul which might make this change. If a mod were to enable some kind of Barb GGP system created by the CP it would again be Julius Caesar, but again whatever implementation he uses to achieve his effect (if that even is his effect, because it's but a vague memory tbh) should only be relevant to him. I'd also be inclined to ask that you test this issue with the Community Patch mods alone, so as to determine that this issue is even to do with JFD's civs and isn't just a bug in the Community Patch, and I again reiterate that the only way to actually progress this issue beyond hypothetical suggestions is to isolate the mod(s) which specifically cause the issue from the mods which do not.
Hey man im a fan of your leaders mods, but i realised that some are missing... I can imagine why they are gone even tho I dont think its reasonable but could you maybe reupload them? Is there any way to acess to the Adolf and Stalin mod?
Hey man im a fan of your leaders mods, but i realised that some are missing... I can imagine why they are gone even tho I dont think its reasonable but could you maybe reupload them? Is there any way to acess to the Adolf and Stalin mod?
The Hitler and Stalin mods still exist. If you intended to post this in the Civ 6 thread, then the Stalin mod also still exists but the Hitler mod recently got taken down by Steam moderation for unknown reasons.
I really like your Belgian civilization - is there any way to edit the mod to allow building plantations with mods that have extra resources not in the base game?
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