JFD's Content and Gameplay Mods


Oct 19, 2010
The Kingdom of New Zealand

Welcome to the CivFanatics Imperial Embassy!

Here, you will find links to keep up-to-date with my Content and Gameplay mods.
These can be downloaded on Steam Workshop or directly through my Google Drive.

For a list of my currently released Gameplay mods, see the JFDModding Wiki.


Direct Installation
  • Download from Google Drive.
  • Unzip the contents of this into My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\MODS
  • Enable in Mods and click Next.


If you encounter issues, it is important that you communicate this clearly so that someone can help you. You will need the following things:
  1. Mod Version.
  2. Mod List (other mods you have active).
  3. Database and/or Lua log files. See here for instructions.

User Settings

Some features can be disabled using the included JFD_UserSettings.sql file. This is located at Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\{Mod Name}

  • Janboruta: Artwork (Various)
  • Leugi: Artwork (Various), Graphics (Various)
  • Sukritact: Artwork (Various), Graphics (Various)
See the included Credits.txt file for a full list of credits.
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oddly enough i did manage to dl (may 3) the latest jfdlc (jan 21, 2019 version) before you took it down. it was very promising but toned version (total overhaul on codes etc) down compared to pre-latest jfdlc (dec 2017). i really hope you can get to finish that project. but i think this is a new approach of slowly breaking jfdlc features into modules.
Hey JFD! I'm glad you took the time to release your latest imperial speech somewhere. Best of luck in the future, hope to one day see Prosperity, Piety, and Sovereignty again, among others.
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I am quite confused; I wanted to update all of your amazing mods, but it seems JFDLC is not compatible with the standalone modules? Or am I doing something wrong?
What are the things to install if I wanted the "perfect JFD package" as of right now?
I hope I'm not missing something but are colonies still a supported feature in these mods? I haven't got to play in awhile. I ask because I found some potential colony names for the Inca. Nina Chumpi and Hawa Chumpi. Source is this. AFAIK, it's generally considered not to have happened but isn't considered far-fetched pseudo-history.
I did not get the virtue points to maintain Theocracy. That became Anarchy. After the anarchy ended, I couldn't choose any other government.
Is it meant to be like this? Using all your RTP mods an CP.

Thanks the pack is great.

EDIT: Resolved when exiting and restarting the game.
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Alt Civ Names hasn't yet been updated to work with the current RTP setup, so I would say it shouldn't be used atm. Will fix up the Ideological Values diplo modifier - funnily enough I was struggling to get it to work at all so I thought I had disabled it entirely :p
I wanted to say the ones I saw before you made the decision to remove them from public view that they were amazing.
Looks like they're all still public on the GDrive link in the OP SLGray.
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Well for people who use the subscribe on Steam, they are not. It is not hard to gain access to them. You just need to follow the instructions from JFD post on Reddit.
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I have a couple of questions:

1)Just to be sure, the currently supported gameplay mods by JFD, and crew, are the ones in the Steam Collection(https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1840389923). The rest of the JFDLC and other components on Google Drive like "Great Relics", "Great Works of Film", "Cultural Diversity", "Events Compendium" have been discontinued(or are outdated), right?

2)I noticed that some of JFD's Civilizations have been reworked recently, while others were last updated in 2014 or 2015. I assume that the older ones won't work well with the most recent gameplay mods... My question is: From which point on I can consider a Civilization Mod to be "up to standard" and "safe" to use with the current mods? Is there a practical way to tell the updated mods apart from the outdated ones?

3)Final question, I also noticed that the support for other mods like "Civ IV Leader Traits in Civ V" and "Events and Decisions" have been discontinued, while "Enlightment Era" and "More Luxuries and Pantheons" seems to be still supported with the newer Civilizations. Besides the Community Patch, what other major mods I can reliably use alongside JFD's civs and gameplay mods?

Thanks in advance.
1) Not discontinued just haven't yet been adapted to the new Rise to Power collection, which is the currently most up to date. They're outdated in so far as I havent updated them in a while, and some may not work with RTP, but they still work on their own. CulDiv is completely fine and works as normal. EC is the only one there thats outdated. Pretty sure I re-released Films for RtP tho. I still mean to keep on with RTP and hope to pick it back up again in Jan. My time is split between a lot of different projects as well as normal disinterest and IRL pressures, and so long periods of inactivity are the norm now and not indicative of discontinuation tbh.
2) Check the preview template on the Steam Workshop. All that use Dawn of Mans as the image are very outdated whereas those that use the styalized template are more up-to-date and are safest to use. But all are functional and shouldn't interact with any of the gameplay mods badly.
3) You can use E&D, I don't support it on a per-civ basis because I want to make Decisions and Events that are culture (from CulDiv) exclusive - since that's far easier than doing it per civ (over 200 unique decisions got way too exhausting :p). EE is still supported yeah, More Luxes has never needed special support so far as I know. You'll probably just have to experiement with what mods you can use, but there are no known incompatibilities because Enhanced User Interface, and just because a civ might lack explicit mod support doesn't mean it needed it and doesn't mean that civ will be incompatible - most mod support is flavour and the only actual essential supports are made for CulDiv and EE.
I assumed that the Great Works of Films was outdated because it requires the Conflict Resolution Patch, which is no longer on Steam.

Anyway, thanks for the quick response. Keep up the great work and take whatever time you need.

Welcome to the CivFanatics Imperial Embassy!

Here, you will find links to keep up-to-date with my Content and Gameplay mods.
These can be downloaded on Steam Workshop or directly through my Google Drive.

For a list of my currently released Gameplay mods, see the JFDModding Wiki.


Direct Installation
  • Download from Google Drive.
  • Unzip the contents of this into My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization V\MODS
  • Enable in Mods and click Next.


If you encounter issues, it is important that you communicate this clearly so that someone can help you. You will need the following things:
  1. Mod Version.
  2. Mod List (other mods you have active).
  3. Database and/or Lua log files. See here for instructions.

User Settings

Some features can be disabled using the included JFD_UserSettings.sql file. This is located at Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\{Mod Name}

  • Janboruta: Artwork (Various)
  • Leugi: Artwork (Various), Graphics (Various)
  • Sukritact: Artwork (Various), Graphics (Various)
See the included Credits.txt file for a full list of credits.

JFD, I have downloaded and use a great number of your Civilization mods and other mods and use them with gusto. I like Britain, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand the most. :king:

A problem I am finding is that when the AI gets Wonders of the World in the Medieval Era, the game crashes. :crazyeye:

As you have all-seeing computer wisdom, do you have any ideas? Should I rip out some of the stand-alone medieval era Wonders of the World?

The last crash I had was when Lester Pearson finished off Machu Picchu at the end of the turn. I was playing a two-player Civ 5 with me as King George V, Pearson's Canada was on my team, and there was an AI opponent, Venice, from the original game. I have been "rigging" the games I play to find the causes of this issue. :confused:

One other thing: do you live in New Zealand? I spent the three best years of my life in Christchurch. I got married there, my daughter was born there, we had our first home there, our first dog, and our daughter was able to go back at age 17 to do her junior year of Uni at University of Canterbury. When we took her there at age 17 for her to see it for the first time since she was an infant, we stood on a beach, with nobody there, looked out at the Pacific Ocean, and she said, "Now I know why you love New Zealand so much, Daddy." :hug:
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