July 2024 HOF III Update


Still hatin' on Khan
Hall of Fame Staff
Jan 5, 2003
The Farm
The Civilization III Hall of Fame has been updated. 10 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to Bartleby for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Huge Emperor Cultural 20k game for 8243 points.

BlackBetsy was the most active player during this update, submitting 5 games.

A number of players gained number one positions:
Bartleby with a 810 AD Small Warlord Spaceship game for 3821 points.

Congratulations to Bartleby for rising from 16th to 12th, to Scratcher for rising from 21st to 20th, to blackhat for rising from 26th to 25th and to Aerinon for rising from 33rd to 32nd in the Quartermasters competition.
Commiserations to bluejay for falling from 12th to 13th, to PrinceMyshkin for falling from 13th to 14th, to SpiffyKeen7744 for falling from 14th to 15th, to Svar for falling from 15th to 16th, to sanabas for falling from 20th to 21st, to archphoenix for falling from 25th to 26th and to zerksees for falling from 32nd to 33rd in the Quartermasters competition.

A number of players are working towards the Quartermaster, gaining awards as follows:
Machiavelli : Bartleby rose from 17th to 13th, Scratcher rose from 18th to 17th, BlackBetsy rose from 28th to 22nd, krakedhalo rose from 34th to 33rd, keldr rose from 35th to 34th and Lord AJ rose from 36th to 35th.
Pentathlon : AutomatedTeller rose from 11th to 10th, Nikodemus rose from 12th to 11th, Chamnix rose from 13th to 12th, Svar rose from 22nd to 21st, Bartleby rose from 26th to 22nd, Scratcher rose from 29th to 28th and superslug rose from 49th to 47th.
Octathlon : DWetzel rose from 34th to 33rd, Pentium rose from 35th to 34th and BlackBetsy rose from 49th to 47th.
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