I tried a Domination game with 6 A.I.s and nearly immediately got hemmed in---penned in---surrounded by others' territory...
Is there any way to jump over other A.I.'s territory?
I've seen A.I.s seem to leave the confines of their connected systems and just go off into the Black (sometimes for quite a ways...) and suddenly stop at a planet that 's only visible when they get there...
It looks like they're just jumping wherever they want to go...
Can anyone explain this?
Is there any way to jump over other A.I.'s territory?
I've seen A.I.s seem to leave the confines of their connected systems and just go off into the Black (sometimes for quite a ways...) and suddenly stop at a planet that 's only visible when they get there...
It looks like they're just jumping wherever they want to go...
Can anyone explain this?