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"Jumping to Prince" SG


Deviant Mind
Feb 24, 2006
Hey all ~
I've never played a SG and would love to, but also I'm a noble player, and i'm having some difficulty making the jump to prince so would like to have a SG with 4 or 5 others that also having similar trouble making the jump. Obviously, if we had 1 or 2 people who confidently beat prince in on the game, that'd be alright, too. :) Plus, if you're a SG noob, JUMP IN ~ would love to pop my SG-cherry with other virgins!! :lol:

Anyway, here's the game info:
Leader: Louis XIV of France
Level: Prince
Map: Continents
Size: Standard
Climate: Temperate
Sealevel: Medium
Era: Ancient
Speed: Epic
Victories: Any but Time
Opponents: 8 random civilizations

Now, at this point, I'm here at work having this brainstorm regarding this game, so i can't roll up a map and post it just yet. for now, though, if interested parties want to get in touch via the thread and let me know they'd be down for the SG, then we'll get started hashing out our Leader and the Map Size.

01: Pholkhero
02: SpriteSODA
03: JerichoHill
04: SkunkDr
05: Lobsterboy

It would be the standard 24 hrs to post that you've got the save, 48 hours to play your turns. Also, my first turn would be 25 turns, next up gets 20, then 15, and then a standard 10 turns for each person. Unless we think that's too short for epic play . . .

Let's roll!
ADDED you to roster. any thoughts on leaders and do you have any PC problems running standard maps??
no im fine with Standard and i want it too.
leaders? it depends of what kind of victroy we want.
if we want Domination or Conquest, we should choose Britian/Russia/Rome
if we want to control the religion we should pick Arabs/Spain etc.
If you are willing to not only accept a SG noob but explain how to upload saves, load downloaded saves, etc. I'm in.
personally, i'd like to have the victory be determined by events on the ground and so if you have no real preference, i'd say let's leave it at random for now and see what we get...

now we just need 3 or 4 more people .. ..
skunk...added you.

and don't worry about the files, i don't know either ~ i imagine we'll figure it out.. :)
Random sounds good to me as well. I tend to find a few traits/leaders I like and never play any else, so perhaps it will help me adapt and get more out of aspects of the game I never pay attention to.

A thought: we should have 1 or 2 spots filled with experienced, patient SG players (patient is key for explaining whys) that enjoy critical discussion. If they would join us, there are quite a few around. Perhaps an invitation PM would be in order? Off the top of my head there are 3 in the "Learning to Walk" SG: Bezhukov, Bradleyfeanor, and Bede. There are many all over the SG's I'm lurking, just those 3 I remember cause they all are B's.

Also, put me near the bottom of the roster if you don't mind.
oh, and pholk, post this in the game registration thread as well (Sticky thread at the top) with a link to this thread. Game will fill up much quicker, as some people subscribe to that thread for openings.
Skunk ~ moved you down. Also, while I'd *like* to have experience players, i won't sweat it if we don't, reasoning that if we have enough players, the chances are that, btwn all of us, we can do a reasonably good job at analysis and strategy, right?

Also, i posted on the Sticky thread, too, so hopefully we'll get a couple more people.
There's always room for the Ayatollah!! :lol:

I will add you into the roster, but your position may switch a bit, depending on the level of play of the next person (or two). As the BMOC (big man on civ) here, i'd like you to go after perhaps Skunk or, if we get one, a player who's less experienced or plays on Warlord or something.

So, we only need ONE MORE PLAYER. and, even if you play at Warlord or below, sign up. Our GroupThink (TM) will outweigh any mistakes you think you will make so have no fear!!

edit: added Jericho. Also, @ skunk: what traits to you use, favor? perhaps we can avoid them on purpose.

p.p.s. I get home from work in about 3 hours and so will roll up the start then. What's the screen resolution i should use in order to prevent wrapping of my screenshots??
I'd like to try my hand at an SG game. I've not attempted to play on Prince level, but can handle myself pretty well on Noble, although I still not infrequently find myself getting out-teched by financial civs. Civ IV micromanagment is not yet second nature, and I'm only now realizing that I probably don't use specialists as effectively as I should. (I tend to forget about them when I get wrapped up in a solo game.) I've learned a lot (I think!) lurcking in some of the current SG games, but probably the best way to improve my game play would be to participate in one.

If you can tolerate another noob, I'd like to join you.
you're in, lobsterboy. keep your claws to yourself, though, unless asked.

EDIT: added lobster. Roster is set, but if we get another inquiry btwn now and 7:30 (gmt-5 ~ 3 hrs hence) will consider adding them.

When i get home, I will roll a start with a random leader, that is, unless Skunk posts about which traits he'd like to use or if anyone else has a particular trait or victory they'd like to explore. anyone, anyone?? bueller? bueller?
Let's choose a leader that isn't typically used, make it a challenge for you prince newbs.

Just remember


3) We don't need everything in every city, specialization starts to show why its so good on prince

4) Don't worry about score. Don't worry about the AI. We'll beat their ass soon enough.
JerichoHill said:
Let's choose a leader that isn't typically used, make it a challenge for you prince newbs.
okay...on that note: how bout either:
FDR (Ind/Org),
Saladin (Phil/Spir),
Louis (Creat/Ind),
Frederick (Creat/Phil),
Bismarck (Exp/Ind) or
Toku (Agg/Org)?

Anybody have a preference or should i bust out the 6-side die???
also, as an addendum to Jericho's advice, don't sweat making mistakes...the point of all this is to learn, first and foremost, so PLEASE mistakes are even encouraged so that we can hash things out and see WHY a mistake is, well, a mistake. I, myself, am notorious for 'weeding' out and leaving 'no growth' on far, FAR too long.

Just make sure you play with "Wait at End of Turn" on; that will be the point for each player's turn to end ~ at the "Press Enter" for each person's last turn
leaving for home...ETA 60 mins. I will check in btwn then and now, and, unless there's more input, I will roll up a random leader from those 6 i thought of as "least used" and post the map. (Should I roll a start for each leader and lets pick from that??? hmmm.... too cheesy??)

however, if everyone else is asleep b/c it's the middle of the night in europe right now, and you'll be posting on the thread in the morning (your time), nothing is set in stone, and everything is negotiable.
Here's the opening shot. I went random and Louis was the first leader, so i figured that it was fate.

I'm thinking that we settle in place. Paris could be a commerce city down the line OR, with the fresh water and 3 food resources, a GPF down the line.

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