just an idea


Don't fear the CaKe
Jun 14, 2001
Montréal, Québec
well, i was just thinking about that... what if in democratics (and republic) you could have a windows with the public opinion ... for example, the german ask you to give them money for nothing ... if the public opinion is in favor to accept the deal and you refuse it, it makes unhappy citizen... same for war ... if the people disaprove the war cause you started it, it makes unhappy citizen... but if you have been betrayed, hell the people would be all the way for that war... well, i think you get the idea

what to you think? any suggestion ? just wrote that in one minute and thought about it in 30 second so it is a little "vague" :crazyeyes
very interesting idea. I'd love to see firaxis implement something like this
That way, if you go too much against public opinion, Kaboum!! you fell into anarchy... I think it would be a good way to really represent the fact that democratics government are "suppose" to be for the people... anyway, just a tought and by the look of it, almost everyone didn't care about my idea:cry: :cry: :cry:

hehe, only joking ! :D
Excellent concept, but you tie the wrists of those who wish to be war mongers :)

Actually though if war mongering is your thing, democracy should not work for you anyway. You can't get the benefits of commerce and science in a democracy when you are trying to take over the wolrd.

This is one of the better ideas I have seen. Nice work!
I guess this would be similar to the "top 5 cities and demographics" screen.
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