The english, greek, american, and native american civs all start with fishing, which really complicates the GS bulb path.

They're some of the best philosophical leaders in the game, too.
I've played this strat a couple of times, and it's pretty easy to get edu with Liz by 700-900BC as long as the oracle doesn't fall before then. That said, I'd never use it in a "real" game unless the stars aligned just right. There are just too may compromises:
- it's a big gamble waiting that long for the oracle.
- I have yet to be able to find an AI willing to trade any of the needed early techs by the time I get alpha.
- you have to give up a lot to make it work (only 2 or 3 early cities, to keep the

rate from tanking, giving up production/whipping in order to run scientists, etc).
- universities really don't get you very much at that point in time, and they are expensive to build.
That said, I'm considering using modifications of this path - in particular the bulbing aspect. I'd probably take CS from oracle, use the prophet to bulb theo, then bulb out paper/edu with GSs while backfilling MC/mach for early maces/xbows.