just some ramblings

H. Kissinger

Jan 13, 2002
Albuquerque, NM
Hello all, I am new at the forums, but a long time Civ fan, if a rather reluctant civ 3 fan. One thing that has bothered me significantly is the real lack of any incentive in creating modern armies. while i used to cringe in civ 2 when a horseman killed a helicopter, these sort of happenings seem to be much more common in civ3 and highly annoying. almost as disheatening as the bombardment function of air units and sea based units. while i recognize the general limits on real life bombardment, when you have a bombing run or shore bombardment fail it is truely annoying. how can a bombing run fail? surely something in the city was destroyed? and a run shouldnt fail 4 or 5x in a row. I really wish bombers and naval units were still in their civ 2 mode in which they were just very powerful units none of this pansy bombardment stuff. Probably the most enraging thing is when other countries start cities in your territory. either you must constantly be bothering them on the diplomatic screen or just put up with stupid small cities that you are going to just take over culturally in a few turns...there should be some sort of closed borders option to keep the pesky settlers out. oh well, enough rambling, see ya!
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