The buzz for his replacement is mostly centering around Sonia Sotomayor, who just fills off a bunch of little checkboxes. What he's said he wants is someone with a background that leads to allot of personal empathy, and great credentials. Politically of course, he wants someone with minority status and someone young.
[Empathy]Sotomayor grew up in the South Bronx as a the child of a poor single mother after her father, who became a highly skilled worker in the manufacturing industry despite getting only a third grade education, died. And she had diabetes. Honestly, it's practically a sappy pre-teen girl's novel.
[Credentials] Summa Cum Laude at Princeton, Editor of the Yale Law Review, where she got her J.D.
[Politics] Mixed. Limbaugh hates her, and most conservatives lump her in as another judicial activist. However she was first appointed by Bush Sr. to a District Court because of a reputation for centrism, and even now some of the far left aren't happy with the idea of her nomination. So, basically in the same ballpark as Souter.
[Age]A veritable spring chicken at 54. Same age as the boy wonder Roberts is now.
[Minorities] Woman, Hispanic (Puerto Rican). Diabetic, and divorced too if anyone cares.