Khatovar Thread


Feb 18, 2002
Hello, this is the Mayor of Khatovar, here is the current info for the city, these pictures will change after every round.

What a beautifu town! I proudly claim to be a citizen of Khatovar. Welcome, Immortal, as our new Mayor. In celebration, please find Skilord and the two of you come downtown to my new drinking establishment, The Last Chance Saloon (located a few blocks from the capitol building). Drinks are on the house!!!!!!!
Lets try to get some discussion about the city going pretty soon, I think since we have access to iron, we may as well use it. I think we should build some warriors in the city and upgrade them to Immortals.
Mr. Mayor, glad you could join us. Before we start discussions, don't you think we should post in the city summaries? Oh, and by the way, you should state there that our glorious town was founded in the year 1910bc. That doesn't seem to be an important fact to the other towns.

When this town was created, it was meant to be a settler factory and because of all the gold in the vicinity, it was also to generate a large bank. So far it has only made two settlers and because we have no temple or library, our gold intake is low, compared to what it could be. we need to expand our city borders to take in that other flood plain. When this happens not only will we grow to a size that will make us the largest gold contributor in the nation, but we will be able to pump out units a lot quicker (whether they be settlers or warriors).

so there's something to discuss. i would say we should go for a library as Phoenicians appear to like them much better than temples, although i would vote for a temple.
All the newest info is posted, our vicinity to the hostile Egyptians makes it important for our city to have adequate garrisoned units.
Mayor Immortal, as one of your strongest supporters (if not your strongest ;) ), I'd like to suggest that you persue the construction of a temple here in Khatovar. With all the gold miners, ladies, beer-drinkers, and hell-raisers around here, sometimes we just need a place to gather in silence. I might remind you that Eyrei, our esteemed Domestic leader has approved the building of a temple after the next settler caravan.
He mentioned it here:
So please follow up with this and hold him to his promise. thank you.
Originally posted by Cyc
Mayor Immortal, as one of your strongest supporters (if not your strongest ;) ), I'd like to suggest that you persue the construction of a temple here in Khatovar. With all the gold miners, ladies, beer-drinkers, and hell-raisers around here, sometimes we just need a place to gather in silence. I might remind you that Eyrei, our esteemed Domestic leader has approved the building of a temple after the next settler caravan.
He mentioned it here:
So please follow up with this and hold him to his promise. thank you.

I agree fully with your idea to build the temple, and I will ensure it is completed WITHOUT the use of pop-rushing (should we use a government which allows for it). Also, I thank you for the continued support
Where should i move this thread? :confused:
It's information on Kathovar ,though decission's are made in it and citizin's can discuss in it.
Good question Duck. As the National and Gubernatorial Offices are kept in the Government forum, the Mayoral Offices would seem to go there too. But as the main input for the Mayors Office is to interface the citizens and the Mayor, I would suggest making all city threads sticky in the Citizens Forum.
OK, Duck. Here's the 3 City Threads in a row. Make them sticky in the Citizen's Forum.
Here ya go, Mayor Immortal. We brought up a painting showing our city stats just for you. We'll just hang it right here. Hope you like it.

Greetings fellow citizens of Khatovar. As Mayor Immortal is indisposed, I am stepping in for him as a substitute.

We are about to complete a Markrtplace in our great city, so our production queue needs to be set up. I'm going to make a recommendation to the Governor, so if you have any suggestions, please state them here.

I'm also going to request that workers be sent to our desert lands to build roads and to irrigate. We may need to start a schedule for deforestation if it is required for Khatovar's growth, and again this would require workers.

As far as the production queue, after the marketplace, I believe we should build a granary to bolster our food reserves until we can increase our food supply. After a granary, we are probably looking at a University next, but I would like to toss in the idea of pre-building for a Great Wonder. As Khatovar is in the heartland of Phoenatica, far from the threat of attack, and has the potential to become a good builder, a Great wonder should be in our future. With Music Theory being available in current trade negotiations, JS Bach's Cathedral may be an excellent choice.

As stated above, any suggestions should be posted here.
The latest stats...

I hereby tender my resignation as mayor (actually the temporary replacement for The Immortal). I leave Khatovar with a heavy heart as I was it's founder and caretaker. I am moving East, as I have accepted the position of Governor in Province #6.

I will still look in on the well-being of the citizens here and hope to guide Khatovar to be the world-class city I believe it to be. If you have any requests, please forward them to me or the Domestic Leader for assistance.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you, and please carry on Khatovar's tradition of greatness.
People of Khatovar, I hope you have remained well in my absence. That was a very quick month. Although I did not post here, I kept on eye on the city, and tried to keep things above board.

I am now your new Governor, as I was elected the Domestic Leader for Phoenatica. Although I am no longer Governor of the great Province of Kashmir, I am still Mayor of Cyrus, and shall remain there, at least for awhile.

If you have any concerns about the growth or well-being of Khatovar, please post here with your thoughts.
As you have probably heard by now, I am no longer your Governor. As the new Constitution has been passed, only one Leadership position may be held at a time. I'm still your Domestic Leader, though. Just checking in. Khatovar has turned into that world class city I knew it would. You know have the UN building here and it looks like you might get the Cure for Cancer Wonder also. Congrats! I've posted an aerial view of the city for you. Take care. Cyc


The year is 1760ad, and I am proud to announce your city as the 4th Greatest City in the World! :)

No suprises here. I've always known you were a world-class city. You didn't just get on the List, with the completion of the Cure for Cancer Wonder and a little food to grow, you jumped on the charts at the number 4 position. I can't tell you how happy I am.

People of Khatovar

I have returned to Khatovar to become your mayor. Once again I will oversee the cities needs and try to improve the quality of life for our citizens in an official manner. It is my pleasure to be back. I'm very glad to see the Camelot Award in your Awards showcase. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I bring with me yet another picture painted by a local artist from a key location in the mountains north of the city. Hopefully, you'll all be coming down to the Museum this weekend for the Victory Exhibit of the "IMMORTALS". Again, I'm glad to be back.

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