Kill a unit without war declaration.

Lazy sweeper

May 7, 2009
It's just about that.
I want to be able to kill, prosecute, enslave all kinds of units
without this causing immediately a war declaration.
I want to be able to trespass into enemy ground and conduct un'noticed espionage, and expect the AI to do so.
I want to be able to kill those spies, being scouts, ambassadors, or scientists defekting to another civ,
to murder them, kidnap them, hide them in a bunker inside a mountain, on an island packed with
submarines u-boot ready to squish the beejesus out of everyone that dares to get within ten tiles of the island and call it the bermuda exatriangle.
I want AI to think well before declaring war on me, give her time to get alliances before war starts.
Rape merchants inside harbour districts, and markets, with pirate ships that acts like real pirates should. Ships merchants around like butter cookies at my own will.
Publicy hold pirates hanging and merchant, scientists execution, to scare off leaders of other civs to get off some science ground tech (Hallo Huawei!)
Buy Mongol mercenaries to do the same thing on land.
Ninjas, Crusaders, that acts like no one rules over them.
Effective military espionage operation, and stop the fog of war non sense as it is, re-establish a true curtain
of unforgiveness, cold, rainy, and unstoppable power of natural elements over tiny units.
Wipe out a dam in cover op with a ninja, no an easy spy.
Torch Jerusalem first and Rome after with some Chaldean Assassin and get out with impunity.
Have some flagging of sort left by any kind of unit that first discover any kind of tile, much like is now Antarctica or moon operation, unreclaimable land with scientist operations, military operations out of the actual borders.

I want to make my day.
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