KIOT I- What is this 'Logic' you speak of?


Jul 3, 2010
The Church
The year? No one knows & no one cares. BUT NOW LOOK OVER THERE- what is it? A nation- one of many that will soon be arising on this planet.

Welcome to Kinich Imperium Offtopicum I, an IOT primarily intended as a test run of the IOT VII.5 ruleset. Unlike my planned IOT VII.5 game, min/maxing is encouraged, so as to help weed out any flaws in the ruleset. Speaking of which:

House Rules

1. Do not flame, troll, or personally insult any other player OOC or IC. At all. You may comment on certain things negatively, but don't take it further than that.
2. Stay on topic. Make sure all comments are relevant to the fictional world of the current IOT and have nothing to do with your personal religious/political beliefs.
3. Your posts should actually consist of something relevant to your nation and not just one-liner comments. Do not spam.
4. Long diplomatic discussions belong to the realms of Social Groups or visitor and private messaging, not the Game Thread.
5. No powergaming. By definition, powergaming is making your country surpass every other country by all terms including armed forces, technology, etc.
6. The GM is supreme. He reserves the right to change game rules, ignore or modify orders, impose restrictions on players, disband player nations, and so on.
7. Please write your orders in Red and Bold, so I can see them better. Blue is reserved solely for me to make rule notices, warning players, etc.

I'll usually warn players first if they break the rules. If they break the rules repeatedly, then I'll apply this:

1st Strike: Player is suspended from the game for one turn.
2nd Strike: Player is suspended from the game for three turns.
3rd Strike: Player nation dissolved, and the player banned from ever rejoining.

I reserve the right to ignore this policy for players who really piss me off, and kick them out of the game instantly.

Inactive players will not have their nations disbanded; they will instead be NPC’d. Once NPC’d, a nation is open for claiming. Players can avoid having their nation NPC’d if they let me know they will be inactive ahead of time. These players can rejoin the game at any time.

Joining the Game

To join, simply claim any 20 provinces on the map. The provinces must be either contiguous or on the coast. Choose a name and a color, and then tell us about your nation. A flag is necessary, as is a government, religion, people, policy, etc. Choose a Currency, and specify whether it is fixed or floating. All nations start with 5 military units, which may be any combination of Armies & Navies.

Spoiler The Map :


This IOT is a turn-based game. Each turn ends and a new turn begins with an Update. Updates occur within a week of half the players having sent in their orders, though orders will lock long before that. Any players who have not sent in their orders by this point will be automated.


Roleplaying is the essence of IOT. It’s how your nation develops. It’s how alliances are formed and broken. Roleplaying is very encouraged. Ya'll can be whatever you want, so long as it does not break the forum rules.


Expansion is done through armies; each army may claim 1 territory. If no other nation claims the same territory, they will be annexed by your empire at the update. Claimed territories must be next to your own territories or on the coast; you must possess a navy to claim non-adjacent coastal provinces.
If there are competing claims, you can either discuss it among yourselves, or a border skirmish will occur; the armies each side sent will fight for the territory. You may notice that most island territories are enclosed by black lines; if the lines connect to other, larger provinces, then any islands enclosed by those lines are considered a part of the larger province. Island(s) completely enclosed by black lines & unconnected to mainland provinces are considered 1/2 territories; 1/2 territories do not require armies to claim, only navies. If an island group is completely enclosed by black lines & has a small black triangle attached to it, it counts as a full territory. Currently, island(s) enclosed by black lines that count as a full territory are:
  • The Aleutian Islands
  • The Kodiak Islands
  • The Hawaiian Islands
  • The Azores
  • The Canaries
  • Cape Verde
  • The Balearic Islands
  • The Aegean Islands
  • The North-Central Philippines
  • The South-Central Philippines
  • The Caroline Islands
  • The Solomon Islands
  • Vanuatu
  • New Caledonia
  • West Fiji
  • East Fiji
  • Tasmania & Surrounding Islands


Your nation has a population; each newly settled province adds 10 to this value (1/2 territories will only add 5 to the value). Each population is worth 10,000 individuals. Nations start the game with 80 Population per territory. Your population will grow naturally at a rate between 1% & 6% per turn

In addition, you also have an Industry rating, which is essentially a measure of how developed you are. All nations start at 0.25 Industry.

All nations trade automatically; the value of trade is 20% of the average of all nations’ domestic production (Population * Industry). Nations can sign free trade agreements with each other; this will increase their trading partner’s value by 25% when determining trade & increase the value of their partner’s currency.

You collect taxes off of your Real GDP; GDP is ((Population * Industry) + Trade). By default, all nations start with 20% taxes.

You can spend Income to increase your industry; how much it costs per nation varies with each update. It costs 1% of their GDP for nations in the bottom 25% of industry to increase their industry by 0.01%, it costs 2% of their GDP for nations in the middle 50% of industry to increase their industry by 0.01%, & it costs 4% of their GDP for nations in the top 25% of industry to increase their industry by 0.01%; for gameplay purposes, this is ignored at game start, with it costing 2% of their GDP for everyone to increase their industry by 0.01%. Prices will fluctuate as nations enter economic booms & recessions.

You may have noticed that income does not grow naturally; this is because of how GDP works. GDP =C+I+G+NX, where C=Consumption, I=Investment, G=Government Spending, and NX=Net Exports. Net Exports are represented by your trade value, while Government Spending is represented by what you spent the previous turn; for what remains of GDP, as a base, 70% is considered to be Consumption & 30% is considered to be Investment. Afterwards, I RNG a number between -10 & 10, which is subtracted from Consumption & added to Investment. The final value of the Investment component of GDP is put into industrial growth. Non-government industrial spending is worth 10% more than government industrial spending. For example, if you had a GDP of 120, with 20 coming from trade, NX would equal 20; say you had 20 Income last turn & spent it all, G would equal 20. That leaves 80 for C & I. RNG gives me a ten; meaning that 60% of 80 is C and 40% of 80 is I. Ergo, 32 Income would be put into industrial growth automatically, being valued at 35.2 due to being private spending.

Prior to an update, I will determine the average global growth rate for the turn; I will then RNG a number between -3% & 3% and add it to the average global growth rate. Any growth above this will be added to your inflation rate. A value equal to (Inflation Rate * GDP) is then subtracted from your GDP; what remains is your Real GDP. Every 1% of your income (Not GDP) that is not spent will decrease your inflation rate by 0.5%. Inflation will decrease naturally at a rate of 0.5% per year. The inflation rate is capped at 95% (though if you manage to get it that high I would suggest ragequitting).

Boom/Bust cycles are determined by a RNG roll of 1-50; an economic bust occurs if the roll was between 1-10, an economic boom occurs if the roll was between 41-50, & no boom or bust occurs if the roll was between 11-40. The severity of the Boom or Bust is determined by RNG, with a roll of 1-50 being minor boom or minor recession, a roll of 51-75 being a moderate boom or moderate recession, and a roll of 76-100 being a major boom or a depression. Minor booms decrease the cost of industry by 20% & decrease the rate at which you gain inflation by 40%, Moderate booms decrease the cost of industry by 50%, decrease the rate at which you gain inflation by 80%, & give 0.1% free industrial growth, and Major booms decrease the cost of industry by 50%, make you immune to inflation, & give 1.0% free industrial growth; booms last for one turn. Minor recessions increase the cost of industry by 50%, Moderate recessions increase the cost of industry by 75% & wipe out 0.2% industry per turn, and Depressions increase the cost of industry by 100% and wipe out 2.0% industry per turn. Recession length is determined by RNG, with a roll of 1-20 downgrading the recession (Ex, Moderate ---> Minor), a roll of 21-60 keeping the current level, a roll of 61-80 upgrading the recession by one level, and a roll of 81-100 upgrading the recession by 2 levels; in order to decrease the severity of depressions, they instead have a 50/50 chance of downgrading or not changing. If you are in a recession, your roll will be increased by 50% for every nation that shares your currency. It is possible to put aside income to fight recessions, with the amount of income needed to downgrade by one level being X/(1/(1-(C%)), where X is equal to 100% of your income and C% is equal to what percentage of you GDP is made up of consumption spending; you can only downgrade a recession like this once per turn.


The Currency of your nation- and how it is valued- affects your nation in a variety of ways. Currencies are valued based upon groupings, the groupings being: strongest, top 25% strongest, middle 50% strongest, middle 50%, middle 50% weakest, bottom 25% weakest, and weakest. Having the strongest currency gives a 4% boost to industrial investments, having a currency in the top 25% gives a 2% boost to industrial investments, having a currency in the middle 50% strongest gives a 1% boost to industrial investments, having a currency in the middle 50% gives no benefits, having a currency in the middle 50% weakest gives a 2% boost to trade, having a currency in the bottom 25% gives a 4% boost to trade, and having the weakest currency gives an 8% boost to trade. You may change currencies at any time, but doing so will wipe out 1% or 0.001 of your industry

Currencies may be either fixed or floating; if a currency is floating, its value is increased by industrial gorwth & free trade agreements and decreased by industrial losses & inflation; if multiple nations have the same floating currency, values will be calculated separately & then averaged together, with the originator of the currency being counted twice; the impact of a currency’s value will increase by 25% for every nation that uses the currency.

If a currency is fixed, I RNG the market value of what it is fixed to, and that is the value of your currency; the value of fixed currencies will not change according to industrial growth; fixed currencies have a 20% chance to increase by 0.4 every turn, a 20% chance to increase by 0.2 every turn, a 20% chance to not change, a 20% chance to decrease by 0.2 every turn, & a 20% chance to decrease by 0.4 every turn. You can change what you currency is fixed to at any time, which will cause me to RNG a new value for your currency. It is possible to peg your currency to the currency of any other nation, even if that nation has a floating currency; this will ensure that your currencies have the same value, but force you to pay 5% of your income each turn to ensure your currencies remain equal in value.

You will be able to set monetary policies for your nation; engaging in an expansionary monetary policy will increase the value of industrial spending by 25% and increase inflation by 25% or 1 per turn, whichever is greater; these effects will linger for 5 turns. Engaging in contractionary monetary policy will decrease the value of industrial spending by 25% and decrease inflation by 25% or 1 per turn, whichever is greater; these effects will linger for 5 turns. Once you set monetary policy, you are committed to that policy, and may not change it for 5 turns. Nations using a fixed currency may not engage in monetary policy.


Regions are collections of territories on the continents that have been grouped together; I make no claims as to the accuracy or appropriateness of the groupings. If you don’t like it, you can make a regional map of your own & submit it, which may be adopted as the official game map if the other players like it. Regions tend to have around 20 provinces- the exceptions to this rule are 2 regions in China with 23 provinces, 2 regions in Africa with 15 provinces, 1 region in South America with 18 provinces, & the two Australian regions, the westernmost of which has 14 provinces & the easternmost of which has 15 provinces. War is conducted on the regional level.


There are three types of Combat Units, three types of Command Units, & one type of Espionage Unit:
  • Armies- Each Army costs 10 Income, 20 Population, 2 Maintenance, & gives you one roll (1-10) in the RNG. Defeated armies have a 25% chance of destruction, 25% chance of capture, & a 50% chance of retreat. Armies can attack one region deep & take one province per turn by default. Armies are pooled regionally. All armies get a +10% defensive bonus & a +10% defensive bonus against amphibious landings.
  • Navies- Each Navy costs 10 Income, 20 Population, 2 Maintenance, & gives you one roll (1-20) in the RNG. Defeated navies have a 50% chance of destruction, 10% chance of capture, & a 40% chance of retreat. Navies can bombard shores; bombarding has a chance of killing some units in the bombarded region. Navies also have a chance of shooting down attacking Air Wings. Each Navy can carry up to 5 Air Wings & 5 Armies. Navies can also blockade nations; blockaded nations lose trade as appropriate. Even though each navy can transport up to 5 Armies, by default, Armies carried by Navies may only claim one full territory per turn.
  • Air Wings- Each Air Wing costs 20 Income, 5 Population, 2 Maintenance, & gives you one roll (1-30) in the RNG. Defeated air wings have a 75% chance of destruction & a 25% chance of retreat. Air Wings can attack one region deep by default. Air Wings can target Navies; they have a chance of disabling Navies for one turn & a smaller chance of destroying Navies. Air Wings can bomb regions; bombing has chance of killing some units in the bombed region. There is a chance for Air Wings bombing a region to be shot down by AA guns.
  • General- Generals cost 15 Income; see Leadership to determine their effects
  • Admiral- Admirals cost 15 Income; see Leadership to determine their effects
  • Air Marshal- Air Marshals cost 15 Income; see Leadership to determine their effects.
  • Agent- Each Agent costs 5 Income, 1 Population, & gives you one roll (1-10) in the RNG when combatting other agents; see Espionage to determine their effects. Agents pool nationwide.

Major Cities & Buildings

Major Cities are centers of culture, science, & industry. They give a 40% defensive bonus & you get one free Major City for every 10 Territories you have. The territories immediately surrounding a Major City give a 10% defensive bonus. Major Cities count as territories for the purposes of determining population & industry loss due to warfare.
  • Your Capital City is a special major city; at the start of the game, choose one of your major cities to act as a Capital. Your Capital City gives a 60% defensive bonus & counts as two territories for the purposes of determining population & industry loss due to warfare; if your Capital City is captured, all of your forces get a -15% combat penalty next turn. You can change Capitals at any time, but doing so will cost 15% of your Income & cause you to lose 15% of your Income the following turn.
  • Forts are massive military installations built for protection. Forts cost 40 Income to build, & give a 75% defensive bonus. Forts have a 20+X% chance to shoot down air wings attacking the region a fort is based in & a 5+X% chance to shoot down air wings attacking neighboring regions, where X is your nation’s Aerial Technology; this is added to the base chance of Air Wings being shot down. If a General, Admiral, or Air Marshall is recruited at a Fort, they start with +2 Experience. Forts cannot be built in Major Cities or Capitals.

Combat is decided by RNG. The rolls of all units participating in a battle are added up, & the side with the highest total roll wins the battle. Ties are won by the defender. Whenever a battle is lost, the losing side may inflict casualties upon the winning side. Casualties count as defeated units for the purposes of determining combat bonuses & the chances of death, capture, & retreat. Units that have retreated fight at 75% strength for the remainder of the turn. If a province is lost, a proportionate amount of population & industry is transferred to whoever captured the province, with 10% of the transferred population & 25% of the transferred industry being lost to war. Several factors will affect the final rolls; these factors include technology, supply, leadership, blitz, & shock.
  • Technology: Technology is divided into Land Technology, Naval Technology, Aerial Technology, & Espionage Technology.
    • Land Technology: applies to all Land Units. Land Technology represents how advanced your army is; every Land Technology level you have over an opponent adds +2 to your RNG rolls. Every 3 Land Technology levels above zero allow your armies to attack one province deeper into enemy territory and allow your armies to take one extra province per turn. Land Technology bonuses are applied before percentage-based bonuses. Land Technology costs 50X, where X is the Land Technology you are trying to research, and there are 10 Land Technology Levels available for research.
    • Naval Technology: applies to Naval Units. Naval Technology represents how advanced your navy is; every Naval Technology level you have over an opponent adds +4 to your RNG rolls. Every 2 Naval Technology levels above zero allow the Armies carried aboard your Navies to claim one extra province per turn. Naval Technology bonuses are applied before percentage-based bonuses. Naval Technology costs 50X, where X is the Naval Technology you are trying to research, and there are 10 Naval Technology Levels available for research.
    • Aerial Technology: applies to Air Units. Aerial Technology represents how advanced your air force is; every Aerial Technology level you have over an opponent adds +5 to your RNG rolls. Every 3 Aerial Technology levels above zero allow you to attack one region deeper into enemy. Aerial Technology bonuses are applied before percentage-based bonuses. Aerial Technology costs 50X, where X is the Aerial Technology you are trying to research, and there are 10 Aerial Technology Levels available for research.
    • Espionage Technology: applies to Espionage Units. Espionage Technology represents how advanced your agents are; every Espionage Technology level you have over an opponent gives your agents +25% to rolls. Espionage Technology costs 50X, where X is the Espionage Technology you are trying to research, and there are 10 Espionage Technology Levels available for research.
  • Supply: applies to all Land Units, Naval Units, & Aerial Units. Supply incorporates both how well supplied your troops are & the will of your troops to fight. There are three levels of supply: Unsupplied, Minimally Supplied, & Fully Supplied. Units that are unsupplied do not cost maintenance; unsupplied units have a 5% chance of defection, a 10% chance of mutiny, and a 25% chance of desertion; unsupplied Armies have a -10% combat penalty, while unsupplied Navies & Air Wings cannot fight at all. Units that are minimally supplied cost 50% normal maintenance; minimally supplied units have a 5% chance of mutiny & a 10% chance of desertion; minimally supplied Armies have a -5% combat penalty while minimally supplied Navies & Air Wings have a -10% combat penalty. Units that are fully supplied cost 100% normal maintenance, have a 1% chance of desertion, and suffer no penalties to combat. Nations will by default keep all of their units fully supplied.
  • Leadership: applies to all Lands Units, Naval Units, & Aerial Units. Leadership represents how well led you troops are. Leadership has a value between 0 & 6. Every level above zero increases the chance for defeated Land Units to retreat by 5% & decreases the chance that defeated Land Units will become POWs by 5%. Every level above zero also increases the chance for defeated Naval or Air units to retreat by 5% & decreases the chance that defeated Naval or Air Units will be destroyed by 5%. Every 2 levels above zero also gives +1 to the RNG roll; at Leadership 4 you get +1 to Army movement range & Air Wing strike range. Leadership bonuses are applied before percentage-based bonuses. Leadership is determined by the experience of your Generals/Admirals/Air Marshals. Your Generals/Admirals/Air Marshals gain +1/3 experience for every battle they were present at & survived. Generals/Admirals/Air Marshals normally start at 0 experience, unless they were recruited at a Fort, in which case they start at +2 experience. If multiple Generals/Admirals/Air Marshals are present in the same side of a battle, only the General/Admiral/Air Marshal with the highest experience will count. If a General/Admiral/Air Marshal is present at a battle, & the battle is lost, there is an 80% chance for the General/Admiral/Air Marshal to escape, & a 20% chance for the General/Admiral/Air Marshal to become a POW.
  • Blitz: applies to Lands Units. Blitz represents the momentum of your forces. Every time your win an offensive battle, the troops that won will have +5% to offensive rolls for the next region they attack; it is possible to get multiple blitz bonuses per turn if your army remains on the offensive. The bonus disappears if the troops stay to defend or are defeated, and caps at +30% to offensive rolls.
  • Shock: applies to all Lands Units, Naval Units, & Aerial Units. Shock represents how unexpected your attack was. It is determined through the quality of your RP orders. It can give an offensive bonus between 0% & 100%, and is determined through the quality of your RP military orders and whether or not your target has any contingency plans in place, and the RP quality of those plans. The shock bonus is nullified if your target has successfully performed the ‘Steal Enemy Plans’ espionage action. Shock bonuses only apply to the first strike launched in a War, and only if the first strike was a surprise attack.

By default, everyone has a 5% revolt risk. Every 1% tax increase over 20% increases Revolt Risk by 1%. Every Army of yours that is killed increases Revolt Risk by 1%, while every Navy or Air Wing that is destroyed increases Revolt Risk by 0.2%; an Army, Navy, or Air Wing being captured increases Revolt Risk by 50% of what the increase would have been had the Army, Navy, or Air Wing been destroyed. Furthermore, aggressive wars double the Revolt Risk gained from military defeats. Revolt Risk from defeats decays as a rate of 20% for every year you are at peace (20% of the revolt risk gained from defeats, not a 20% subtraction). Revolt Risk is multiplied by 1.5 for every 20% increase in your population that takes place in a single turn. Rebels are unaffected by supply.


Territories you capture are not immediately placed under your control; they are considered occupied territories. Occupied territories have a (revolt risk+20)% chance per turn per territory for rebels to appear and attack your armies; if the rebels are defeated, there is a 50% chance for them to be killed & a 50% chance for them to become POWs. Occupied territories only contribute 1/2 of their potential income to your nation. Occupied territories will be returned to their original owner at the conclusion of the conflict unless a peace treaty specifies that certain territories are to be turned over or the war ends Uti possidetis. If a territory is occupied for 5 years, it is auto-annexed at the cost of +2% revolt risk; this will decline at the same rate revolt risk from military losses declines.

Prisoners of War

Whenever an army is defeated, there is a 25% base chance for it to become a Prisoner of War (POW). POWs must be stored in a POW camp; you are permitted one POW camp for your entire nation, and that camp can hold an unlimited number of POWs. By default, POW camps start in your nation’s capital- you can move the POW camp at any time, provided it is empty. Moving a POW camp when it contains POWs will cost 3 Income per POW, and during the move each POW has a 1.5X% chance to escape, where X is the number of POWs in the camp. If a POW camp is captured, all POWs who were captured from the nation liberating the camp are returned to the liberating nation, POWs not captured from the liberating nation have a 20% chance to defect to the liberating nation, and all other POWs are returned to the nation they were captured from- unless the liberating nation is at war with one of those nations. In that case, remaining POWs will be transferred to the liberating nation’s POW camp. POWs have a chance of revolting; revolts trigger a battle with any friendly armies occupying the province. In such a battle, neither side will receive any defensive bonuses. If a Command Unit takes place in a POW revolt, the Leadership bonuses that they would normally give are doubled. If a revolt is successful, the POWs are placed back under the control of the nation that last held their loyalty; if it is unsuccessful, there is a 50% chance for the POWs to be killed & a 50% chance for them to remain POWs. The chance of a POW revolt occurring increases exponentially; Command Units count as 2 POWs for the purposes of determining revolt risk, though only one Command Unit is ever counted. POWs can be traded. It is possible to perform several actions with POWs; these actions are:
  • Put them to Work: To put POWs to work, simply declare, in public or in private, that you intend to put your POWs to work. Putting POWs to work increases your industry by 0.004 points per POW per turn. Putting POWs to work increase the chance of a POW revolt & kills POWs at a rate of 1 or 10% per turn, whichever is larger. You cannot put POWs to work & treat them with dignity & respect simultaneously.
  • Treat them with Dignity & Respect: Treating POWs with Dignity & Respect costs 1 Income per POW per turn. To treat POWs with dignity & respect, declare, in public or in private, that you intend to treat POWs with dignity & respect. Treating POWs with Dignity & Respect decreases the chance of a POW revolt; POWs that have been treated with dignity & respect have a 10% chance to defect to your nation when they are released. You cannot put POWs to work & treat them with dignity & respect simultaneously.
  • Execute them: Executing POWs costs nothing; to execute a POW, simply declare, in public or in private, that you intend to execute X # of POWs. Executing POWs will cause the chance of a POW revolt for the turn immediately after your POW execution to shoot through the roof; this multiplier stacks with the other multipliers. If you execute any POWs while treating POWs with dignity & respect, the chance for them to defect to your nation upon release decreases from 10% to 0%.


Not all conflicts between governments need be overt; indeed, covert conflicts- otherwise known as Espionage Missions- can be some of the most fun conflicts in the game.
Agents are required to perform Espionage Missions. The chance for a successful espionage mission is the number of agents you have sent to perform the mission divided by the total number of agents involved in the mission (Covert War is the exception to this); mission success is calculated separately for every agent you send on a mission. You can send as many agents as you desire- provided you possess them, of course- to take part in a mission. If an agent fails a mission, there is a 20% chance for them to be captured; if an agent is captured, there is a 60% chance for them to commit suicide/die during interrogation/be executed, a 15% chance for them to escape without giving up any sensitive information, a 15% chance for them to escape after giving out sensitive information, & a 10% chance for them to become a double agent in employ of the enemy. Agents that have escaped are returned to you; you will not be informed if they have given out sensitive information to the enemy. If an agent has switched sides or given out sensitive information to the enemy, there is a chance for every other espionage mission you have taken against the enemy that turn to fail, that increases with the number of Agents who gave up information or defected. Double Agents remain under the control of the player who recruited them; however, the player’s secret stats will be made freely available to whomever holds the double agent’s true loyalty. It is possible for a double agent to defect again & become a triple agent, a quadruple agent, or any other degree of agent. There is a 10% chance per turn for a double agent to be exposed for every nation they have defected to. Some missions have multipliers to reflect the inherent difficulty- and in one case, relative ease- of what your agent is trying to do; if your agents go on a mission with multipliers, the number of agents is multiplied by the multiplier prior to the chance of success for the mission being calculated. The missions you can engage in are:

  • Steal Enemy Plans: Gain two extra RNG rolls in every battle against the target for one turn; nullifies any Shock bonus the target may have received that turn
    Multiplier: 0.5
  • Steal Money: Steals between 1 & 10 Income per agent; the Income is spent in secret.
  • Bribe Commander: 1 Command Unit total, not per agent, defects from the target nation to your nation; will subtract between 5 & 25 Income from your treasury next turn; agents that have failed this mission have triple the normal chance to be captured.
    Multiplier: 0.5
  • Ferment Rebellion: Fires the enemy revolt risk; revolts triggered with this mission act as if the revolt risk was double what it actually is.
    Multiplier: 0.75
  • Covert War: You send your agents to attack their agents; this functions exactly like regular combat. Agents that have been defeated in a Covert War have a 60% chance to be killed outright & a 40% chance to be captured.
  • Terrorism: Decreases the target’s population by 1 & increases the target’s revolt risk by 2% per agent; revolt risk gained from terrorism decays at the same rate as revolt risk from military defeats. If you are discovered engaging in terrorist actions, your revolt risk will increase by 3% per agent you send on a mission.
  • Poison Water Supplies: Reduces the target’s natural growth rate by 2% per agent; it is possible for the target’s population to grow negatively (i.e., shrink) if you have enough agents perform this mission.
  • Industrial Sabotage: Reduces the target’s industry by 1% per agent.
  • Nuclear Sabotage: Destroys 1-3 Nuclear Weapons total, not per agent; 10% chance for the Nuclear Weapon to go off, killing all agents you sent on the mission & destroying one of the target’s non-city provinces.
    Multiplier: 0.25
  • Infiltration: Reveals the target’s secret stats next turn; reveals the location of the target’s POW camp
    Multiplier: 0.25
  • Disinformation: Feeds disinformation to your target; the target will only receive 1/4 of the benefits from any successful espionage mission taken against you this turn (3/4 for Covert War); unaffected by enemy disinformation campaigns.
    Multiplier: 1.25
  • Counterespionage: Protects your nation from enemy agents; your agents will default to this mission if not specifically ordered to do anything else. Unaffected by enemy disinformation campaigns.

Nuclear Weapons

The secrets to the construction of Nuclear Weapons have long since been leaked to the world; all nations may build nukes at game start. In order to prevent trolling, I will require a good reason for the launching of nuclear weapons; this requirement is waived if you are in a Cold War, so long as the target is your Cold War rival.
Each nuke costs 50 Income. A Nuke will destroy 1 province, turning it into a wasteland that is unclaimable for 5 years. Nukes are set to auto-respond unless otherwise stated.

Cold Wars

A Cold War exists if two or more superpowers- defined here as nations with a military power (Military Technology * # of Units) at least triple that of the mean & an economy at least double that of the mean- possess nuclear weapons & have at least 1 opposing world view. Nations in a Cold War invariably adhere to MAD, and there is a 1% chance per nuke per turn for nuclear weapons possessed by nations in a Cold War to launch at the enemy- without the players’ consent. In the event of a conventional war between nations locked in a Cold War, the chance is upped to 5% per nuke per turn. It is possible- however unlikely- for there to be multiple Cold Wars occurring simultaneously.

*The GM must be made aware of any & all Diplomatic Agreements that have the potential to impact the game world. The GM must be invited to any & all Social Groups related to the game world.*

Use of Straits

Players controlling the following provinces can block other players from accessing the respective straits: Gibraltar or N. Morocco (Strait of Gibraltar), Suez or Sinai (Suez Canal), Istanbul or Bithynia (Bosporus), Aarhus, Copenhagen, or Malmo (Kattegat), Djibouti or Aden (Bab-el-Mandeb), Bandar-Abbas or Dubai (Hormuz).

Control of these straits can potentially close off the following seas: the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Red Sea, & the Persian Gulf. It can be very useful to block players; to stop them claiming or attacking certain regions. A player blocked in the Mediterranean cannot sail out, for instance, and can't claim or attack territories outside of the Med that is not adjacent to their own territories. You may also charge Income for the usage of your strait.


The chairman position will rotate. That is I will RNG the nations, and it will start from top to bottom; 5 nations will share the position of Chairman for 5 turns. The Chairman Nations can veto proposals, but at least 3 out of 5 Chairman Votes are needed for a veto to take place. You may also propose banning of nukes, global embargos, & a variety of RP related resolutions, but you need to have a 2/3 majority. If an NPC appears from a rebelled area, you may call a vote to recognize the nation. When it is recognized, the nation that started the revolt may install a puppet government or allow the GM to take control of the country; the nation that controls it may demand funds and/or military action.

The World Bank

The World Bank is an international financial institution based on the International Space Station, and has branches in the Capital City of every nation on the planet. Every turn, Income equal to 5% of the Global Real GDP will be deposited in the World Bank. Any nation can apply for loans from the World Bank- beware, however, as the Bank charges a 10% yearly interest rate on every loan they give out. Furthermore, every nation on Earth can open an account & deposit Income in the World Bank; this will pay out 5% interest per year. In addition to functioning as a lender & a storage center, the Bank will also serve as a tool through which the GM can offer In Character comments on the happenings of the World & serve as an expository device.

Special Thanks to Sonereal, Taniciusfox, NedimNapoleon, & everyone else whose IOT's I dissected for several of these rules.

If there are less than 20 Players, I shall include my fivefour most ridiculous nations from IOTs past & future.
Name: The People's Democratic Social Republic of Takrur

Capital: Takrur
Government: Marxist-Leninist Single-Party State
Currency: Kange, divided into 100 Cauri (Floating)
Demonym: Takruri
Language: Fula, Arabic, Wolof, Mandinka, Soninke
Religion: State Atheism (62% Sunni Islam, 26% Atheist, 7% Judaism, 3% Catholic, 1% Bahá'í, 1% Traditional)
Military: 4 Army Divisions, 1 Naval Division

I knew I was forgetting something.

For future reference, please specify whether your currency is fixed or floating
This will be my signup post once I can think of a nation
Great Bulgaria

Capital: Sofia
Government: Led by a council of eighteen presidents that rule for life. A new one is elected when the old one dies.
Currency: Lev (Floating)
People: Bulgarians, Bulgarians-in-Denial (Greeks), Bulgarians-from-Kosovo (Serbians), Romanians, Bulgarians-from-Asia (Turks)
Language: Bulgarian
Religion: Bulgarian Orthordox

Pirates of Mogadishu:
Capital: Mogadishu
Government: Whichever warlord or admiral happens to have the bigger gun.
Currency: No official currency. Marked ammunition casings have been slowly transforming into currency. This currency is very subject to change (float) and may become totally unusable if the admiral of Mogadishu is killed by the admiral of Djibouti or some other city.
Language: Somali, Arabic, Ethiopean
Religion: No one really cares. As long as it isnt pacifism.
Military: 2 stolen tankers retrofitted to be pirate ships, 3 bands of men with automatic weapons


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Looks very promising. This will be by far my most complex forum game ever, so I request early that you forgive me for all the bumbling errors and what not I shall create in the future.

This will be my signup post once I can think of a nation

I would suggest something outside of the United States. Or at least on the other coast away from me. Anything else would, sadly, have to be seen as a sign of aggression due to our early release of expansion plans. ;)


California Republic

Capital: San Francisco (Other major city: Los Angeles)
Government: Federal Constitutional Republic- loosely based on the United States, but more dictatorial control given to the President.
President: Donovan Davenport
Language: English- official, Spanish-15% minority
Religion: Catholic-45% Protestant- 35% Jewish- 2% Athiest/Agnostic- 17% Other- >.1% each; similar to pre-Event but with slightly less Atheism/Agnosticism due to recent converts as a result of The Event.
People: Former Americans- 71% Caucasian, 15% Latino, 11% Asian, 3% Black. Similar to pre-Event but more heavy in Latinos due to refugees.
Expansion/Military Policy: Restorative Expansionist- To revert to pre-Event borders of the United States, and then spread our influence to similar cultures.
Economic Policy: Free Trade with Protectionism- fairly similar to pre-Event; more central authority involved.
Foreign Policy: Opportunist- precedents hold no weight for future decisions.
Domestic Policy: Authoritarian Liberty- There are innate rights, and this land is more free then others, but the government has more power then the former United States government.
Currency: Dollar- San Francisco Reserve Mint. Nicknamed Surfers or Miami's, based on the SFRM addition. This is a fixed currency.
Military: The Californian Republic of America has 4 Armies and 1 Navy.


Question to the GM: Is the Panama Canal open or not?

Question to the GM: How much must we record on our own each turn/which stats do you update turn to turn? E.g. shall we keep tabs on our tech levels/income/army size on our own, or shall you release them by turn? Is there anything that we have to keep record of privately (espionage tech and espionage units come to mind?)
The Second Peoples Republic of China

Capital: Beijing

Goverment: Authoritarian but democratic reformation is slowly commencing in part of the Premier's "Child Thanks" policy.

Ecomonic mode: after playing with both communism and capitalism in the past the PRC has now decided to go into centralist market.

Premier: Yu Yong.

Primal Language: Mandarin.

Religion: the state is offically athiest but Taoist, Bhuddist and Muslim convertion has been increasing in the last few years.

Currency: Yuan, the primal account of the Renminbi.

Expansion/Military Policy: Restorative Expansionist: to restore China. They may also expand beyond for restoring order...

Foreign Policy: Pragmatic: they will only go into a conflict if it will benefit them. They will ensure that any action will benefit them and maintain global stability, for instability would threaten China’s existence.

Military: 5 divisions of the Red Army.

Below is the second PRC.

Ailedhoo, its great to see more players and all, but would you mind changing to a yellow or gold color? You kinda stole my redness.
Thank ye kindly ;)

I honestly think an awesome gold would be in order, but yes I suppose red is the usual color for China.
claim Greece, Agean and Western Minor Asia.
Kingdom of Hellas:

Spoiler :

Capital: Athens
Government: Crowned Democracy. King is head of State and Prime Minister is head of Government
Currency: Drahme (fixed)
People: Greeks
Language: Greek
Religion: Greek Orthordox
Military: 4 Army Battalions, 1 Naval Squadron

King Constantine II:

George Papandreou, Prime Minister:

Claims. Rest to come later


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Question to the GM: Is the Panama Canal open or not?

Question to the GM: How much must we record on our own each turn/which stats do you update turn to turn? E.g. shall we keep tabs on our tech levels/income/army size on our own, or shall you release them by turn? Is there anything that we have to keep record of privately (espionage tech and espionage units come to mind?)

By 'Open' do you mean open for claiming, or open for ships to move through? Yes to both, but seeing as how each turn is one in-game year, there is little strategic benefit to controlling the canal

I will keep a record of all stats; however, some stats (like espionage technology, agents, location of POW camp, ect.) will not be published in the update. These are the secret stats referred to in the rules. Players may request their own secret stats at any time; the only way for a player to get ahold of another player's secret stats is through the Infiltration Mission or Agent Defections.

And no offense, but please refrain from using that color in the future; it burns my retinas.

Ailedhoo & christos200, please specify whether your currency is fixed or floating.
Everyone but madtemplar0 & Lighthearter, please give a military distribution.
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