KiwiTT's Road to War Mini-Mod

Updated the Generals Listings to include their highest wartime command. However, if another general has already being given this command next to their name, I selected their next highest command, and so on.
Just a thought, as I work through the General's second screening, I am considering this for a possibility.

Spoiler :
Early Infantry = AIWeight 2
Improved Infantry = AIWeight 2
Advanced Infantry = AIWeight 2
Modern Infantry = AIWeight 2
Marines = AIWeight -1
Paratroops = AIWeight -2

Tank = AIWeight -1
Light Tank = AIWeight 2
Heavy Tank = AIWeight 0
Super Heavy Tank = AIWeight -1
Modern Tank = AIWeight 1

Artillery = Corps HQ Support - AIWeight -2
Heavy Artillery = Army HQ Support - AIWeight -2

Destroyer = AIWeight 2
Submarine = AIWeight 1
Landing Craft/Merchant Ship = AIWeight 0
Cruiser = AIWeight -1
Aircraft Carrier = AIWeight -1
Battleship = AIWeight -2

Fighter = AIWeight 0
Bomber = AIWeight -2
Improved Fighter = AIWeight 1
Improved Bomber = AIWeight -1
Jet Fighter = AIWeight 2
Jet Bomber = AIWeight 0
NOTE: No units will be upgradeable under this option.
I have now completed the review of the full list of generals and also included some significant politicians who will be represented as "Prophets" and not "Generals".

Edit Reason = "Justification for Selection"
I am considering replacing "Early, Improved, Advanced and Modern" with "Regiments, Divisions, Corps and Armies".

In my research so far on various websites.

Divisions are made up of 3+ regiments, and Corps 3+ Divisions.


Early Infantry = 10, as a Regiment it would equal 10. Speed 5
Improved Infantry = Infantry Division = 30 (3 x Infantry Regiment) Speed 4
Advanced Infantry = Infantry Corp = 90 (3 x Infantry Division) Speed 3
Modern Infantry = Infantry Army = 270 (3 x Infantry Corps) Speed 2

Now when we get to Armoured

A typical division = 2 Infantry Regiments and 1 Armoured Regiment

So If we say and early Tank = 40, we would get

10+10+40 = 60 for a Division

A Corp = 2 x Infantry and One times Armoured

30+30+60 = 120

And so on.

Note each Nation would have differing streghts for each of their base regiments.
how about giving your armies the ability to do ranged bombardment to represent mortars , small artillary etc based withing the army, better viewing range for motorcycle outriders
My armies cause collateral damage. Actual direct combat rating would include the effectiveness of mortars and short-range artillery. Remember each hex represents over 100 km/miles so to hit targets beyond at a range 1 hex the unit must have artillery capable of reaching 50km/miles+ and 2 hexes even more, so units must have these types of weapons.
It is quite a major change from version 0.1.

Spoiler :
Regiments,Divisions,Corps and Armies replace Early,Improved,Advanced and Modern Infantry
Similarly for Armoured Units
Cost and Combat ratings have been significantly increased
Weightings will be added

Any feedback would be appreciated.
I am busy adding in the Generals in Worldbuilder and it is constantly crashing, i.e. CIV IV locks up.
got anywhere with the armour v fortifications thing?

i know i stick to global assault where your minimods are not meant for europe( however it does tend to work out well despite me having to up the level of difficulty due to the sheer number of units lumbering about, another lil idea i've found with gameplay how about getting rid of the air attacks against other air units , once you spend two turns at the outbreak after the invasion of poland and barbarossa if you wipe out the enemy airforce by attacking them directly the game is as good as won
RE: Fortifications vs Armour

I am considering a -1 terrain movement penalty. Remember each turn is 2 weeks and each unit would be equipment with some engineering component, so a hindernace as opposed to a blockage is much better.

RE: Air Attacks.

One of the reasons Poland was defeated (and early German successes in Russia) was because it lost control of the air. And remember the battle of Britain.

Spoiler :
I will be adding "Leadership" promotion to all British Air Units, so they will get double experience in combat.
I am busy adding in the Generals in Worldbuilder and it is constantly crashing, i.e. CIV IV locks up.

This might have to wait for later version.

My current focus is on units and AIWeighting
It is quite a major change from version 0.1.

Spoiler :
Regiments,Divisions,Corps and Armies replace Early,Improved,Advanced and Modern Infantry
Similarly for Armoured Units
Cost and Combat ratings have been significantly increased
Weightings will be added

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Version 0.2 is nearing release. Expect within the next week or two
0.2 is now finished. I am playtesting now.
Whooo! .2 almost out! Can't wait to play it, the changes seem really nice!
Thanks it took a whole month of research into the make up of divisions, corps, armies, etc, for all the nations
Bugs so far. Still too much Artillery produced by Czechoslovakia. i.e. Corps HQ in version 0.2. Other nations seem OK.
I don't know if I missed something, or if it is too late already, but isn't Patton missing from the USA Generals?

Great job BTW!
I don't know if I missed something, or if it is too late already, but isn't Patton missing from the USA Generals?

Great job BTW!

He is there

|****|Patton - 3rd Army
I have finally completed version 0.2 sufficiently for release for further playtesting. I will detail the changes as outlined below.

The Map - 1936 Europe (KiwiTT v0.2)

My focus thus far has been to work on the European Theatre of operations. Namely because I find this more interesting for me. I have always enjoyed tank battles and Europe was full of them. I may release later maps in the months to come. e.g. I am considering a 1941 Map of Europe with the Atlantic Wall in place.

===This file needs to placed in ...\Beyond the Sword\Mods\The Road to War\Public Maps
Spoiler :

I have now populated the map with more "rebels" which will cause a small annoyance to Britain, France, Italy and Russia in the early stages. I have placed some random "rebels" elsewhere which may indicate a small amount of lawlessness. There are also strong fortified rebel bases.


The Stalin Line has now being built along the entire 1936 western border. It is interlaced with forts and fortresses. Also the WestWall has been built along Germany's Western frontier up to Essen. A fortress has been placed in Belgium. Other cities have been fortified and the southern coast of England has also been stengthened. This should deter a German invasion later in the game.


A signicant number of new cities have been added as well as bonus resources.


Starting Technologies have been changed.


The existing starting generals are as from before in version 0.1. (they may be added to in later releases) I have added all special units i.e. Marine and Paratroop units early as they are less like to be built by the changes I have made to the AI weighting. Also some propganda units have been placed randomly around the map.

This has been where the most significant changes have occurred since the release of 0.1. While I was interested to see what it was like to have a "MAUS" on the battlefield, it's impact was minimal, which reflected it potential impact. So it has now been removed in version 0.2

As mentioned in earlier posts, I am making the move away from actual equipment strengths to use of combined arms, like divisions, corps, armies and the large army groups. Like version 0.1 artillery has been reduced in appearance. And I have now also modified the AIWeight parameter, so a Division is more likely to be built then a corps or army, and Tanks are less common than Infantry.

Interestingly, I have researched in detail all the names of the actual divisions, corps and armies that have been formed and these are included in the Unique Names when building them. In real-life their strengths varied greatly e.g. one US corps could have only two divisions and another four or five (some of them armoured), this has forced me to average their strength. And some countries had corps made up of only infantry and some had no corps at all and the next higher unit was an Army then an Area Army like China or Japan. (Which of course means you can use this file for Pacific and Global Assault Maps)

The strengths of the unit have been calculated from an old WWII ruleset I have, produced by Wargames Research Group (WRG) for Battalion based combat with models.

The Significant Changes (including version 0.1)
Spoiler :
Worker is limited to building Roads, Rail, Wells, Forts, Mines and cleaning Fallout, so MAP changes stay in place. Eventually Europe will be devastated due to pillaging and other war damage.
Prophets represent politicians. Great Generals exist at the start.

Cavalry Divisions will be more frequent as more horse bonuses have been placed as well as it's AI weighting increased.

Early Infantry now represents an Infantry Division and is the most common unit. Improved Infantry now represents a Corps. Advanced Infantry now represents an Army. Modern Infantry now represents an Army Group and can only be built in the Capital

Marines and Paratroop Divisons have been placed on the map as mentioned early

Tank now represents an Tank or Armoured Division. Light Tank is now a Tank or Armoured Corps. Heavy Tank is now a Tank Army or Armoured Army. Modern Tank is now a Tank Army Group and can only be built in the capital.

I have reverted to Dale's "original" costs for the base units, i.e. the Divisions, however the costs of the larger units (i.e. corps, armies, etc. reflect it's average historical configuration.) The strengths of divisions have been calculated based on actual composition of companies, vehicles and artillery it had. Using the points value based on WRG a division would have many thousands of points, so I based it's strength in Civ4 to be how many thousands it had. e.g if a infantry division cost 25,312 points in WRG rules, it equals 25 in Civ4. As for costs strengths of corps and armies used the same formulae. e.g. if an corps = 3 infantry divisions, then it's strength is 75 and it's cost is 3 times the division cost. NOTE: Some nation corps included combination of Armoured Divisions and Infantry Divisions and there respective strengths and costs reflect that.

Also all ground based units have some AA capability and cause collateral damage. NOTE: Army Groups have ranged combat. These monster formations are deadly, not too unlike the monster units in the Next War mod.

Artillery have now been replaced with Headquarters (HQ) and theses are Corps HQ, Army HQ and Army Group HQ and can only be built in the capital.

Aircraft are as before in version 0.1, but I am looking to change these in a later release.

Ships are almost like before except now all surface ships have some form of defensive AA to ward off some aircraft attacks.

Specific National Units
While not all generals have been included like I wanted to, I have reflected there influence in the various promotions given to units, i.e. LEADER and LEADERSHIP promotions have been given to unit types where approriately reflecting the level of individual leaderhip they may have had. NOTE: you can still add the Generals on the MAP to these units as well.

The AI weightings for units are based on the following actual formation counts.
Nation    Infantry           Armoured
          Divs Corps Armies  Divs Corps Armies
Germany   421   80     23     61   26     8
Italy     126   37     10      6    0     0
England   102   23      9     19    0     0
French     78   36     11      7    0     0
U.S.A.     96   27     12     22    4     0
Russia    537  176     82     70   80    14
Japan     172   48     16      4    0     0
China     500+ 183     40      0    0     0
Other files have had minor tweaks and text descriptions (including the names of Leaders in brackets next to the points score to help people find which leader leads which nation) have been changed to reflect major units changes as mentions above.

To install these files find the location of the original ones and replace them with mine. Essentially renaming the originals by adding old to the name and renaming mine to the original names.

BTW: I enjoy playing as well. So I may take a break from development and see how this goes.
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