Worker is limited to building Roads, Rail, Wells, Forts, Mines and cleaning Fallout, so MAP changes stay in place. Eventually Europe will be devastated due to pillaging and other war damage.
Prophets represent politicians. Great Generals exist at the start.
Cavalry Divisions will be more frequent as more horse bonuses have been placed as well as it's AI weighting increased.
Early Infantry now represents an Infantry Division and is the most common unit. Improved Infantry now represents a Corps. Advanced Infantry now represents an Army. Modern Infantry now represents an Army Group and can only be built in the Capital
Marines and Paratroop Divisons have been placed on the map as mentioned early
Tank now represents an Tank or Armoured Division. Light Tank is now a Tank or Armoured Corps. Heavy Tank is now a Tank Army or Armoured Army. Modern Tank is now a Tank Army Group and can only be built in the capital.
I have reverted to Dale's "original" costs for the base units, i.e. the Divisions, however the costs of the larger units (i.e. corps, armies, etc. reflect it's average historical configuration.) The strengths of divisions have been calculated based on actual composition of companies, vehicles and artillery it had. Using the points value based on WRG a division would have many thousands of points, so I based it's strength in Civ4 to be how many thousands it had. e.g if a infantry division cost 25,312 points in WRG rules, it equals 25 in Civ4. As for costs strengths of corps and armies used the same formulae. e.g. if an corps = 3 infantry divisions, then it's strength is 75 and it's cost is 3 times the division cost. NOTE: Some nation corps included combination of Armoured Divisions and Infantry Divisions and there respective strengths and costs reflect that.
Also all ground based units have some AA capability and cause collateral damage. NOTE: Army Groups have ranged combat. These monster formations are deadly, not too unlike the monster units in the Next War mod.
Artillery have now been replaced with Headquarters (HQ) and theses are Corps HQ, Army HQ and Army Group HQ and can only be built in the capital.
Aircraft are as before in version 0.1, but I am looking to change these in a later release.
Ships are almost like before except now all surface ships have some form of defensive AA to ward off some aircraft attacks.
Specific National Units
While not all generals have been included like I wanted to, I have reflected there influence in the various promotions given to units, i.e. LEADER and LEADERSHIP promotions have been given to unit types where approriately reflecting the level of individual leaderhip they may have had. NOTE: you can still add the Generals on the MAP to these units as well.
The AI weightings for units are based on the following actual formation counts.
Nation Infantry Armoured
Divs Corps Armies Divs Corps Armies
Germany 421 80 23 61 26 8
Italy 126 37 10 6 0 0
England 102 23 9 19 0 0
French 78 36 11 7 0 0
U.S.A. 96 27 12 22 4 0
Russia 537 176 82 70 80 14
Japan 172 48 16 4 0 0
China 500+ 183 40 0 0 0