Former Scenario Editor
Korean War Scenario
Civ III PTW 1.27f
The download link:
Updated 8-17-03
Dedicated Forum:
Please use the forum as much as possible. Especially for bug and error reporting.
I am very pleased to announce the release of the 2 player Korean War Scenario.
World War II divided Korea into a Communist, northern half and an American-occupied southern half, divided at the 38th parallel. The Korean War (1950-1953) began when the North Korean Communist army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded non-Communist South Korea.
Play as one of 2 factions battling for ground and ideology.
The scenario begins in September 1950. The United Nations are reeling from defeat after defeat. They have been backed in to what became known as the Pusan perimeter. Here the United Nations forces were told to hold the line or die trying. There would be no further retreats.
Simultaneously, General MacArthur had just completed his surprise invasion of the port city Inchon. Here he predicted that he would smash the North Korean forces between the hammer and anvil. The North Koreans are cut off from resupply. The Chinese are poised to enter the war.
You have your choice of being the Communists or the United Nations.
This is a victory point location game there are two victory points in the United Nations and Communist cities. In addition there are two victory point locations to fight over at the 38th parallel.
The goal is to control as much ground as possible at the end of the three year time limit. The turns are in weeks.
All United Nations units are named for their true to life counterparts. They are in their exact or approximate locations.
Ditto for 90%+ of Communist forces.
Improvements and few Wonders renamed and retooled:
Buildings: Capitol Building, Warehouse, Command Post, Supply Depot, Observation Post, Radio Station, Defensive Emplacements, Water Storage Tanks, Fuel Storage Tanks, Worship Center, Tunnel Network, Ammunition Depot, Steel Fabrication Plant, Fortified Bunkers, Oil Storage Depot, Munitions Factory, Railroad Depot, Shore Battery, Electric Power Complex, Floating Cranes, & Military Police Post.
Wonders: Logistics, Human Wave Tactics, UN, & Communist Order of Battle
All of the city improvements have been updated in the Civlopedia text if you are curious what they do.
Communist Forces:
T-34 Tank
North Korean and Chinese "Volunteers" soldiers
Mobile Infantry
Naval Mines
Mig 15
Tupolev Bomber
Yak 9d Fighter
Il-10 Fighter
Heavy artillery
Field Artillery
Special Forces
UN Forces:
M-26 Pershing
M-46 Bulldog
US Army
US Marines
Members of other nations forces : France, Netherlands, UK etc. etc.
Quad 50
Land mines
Heavy Artillery
Field Artillery
Paratroopers (Army airborne rangers)
B-29 Bomber
P-51 Mustang
F-86 Sabre
F4U Corsair
New sounds for some units. My favorite are the artillery pieces. The shells can now be heard screaming down before impact.
Each side has about a dozen true to life generals that participated in the war IF a leader is "created on the battlfield".
Your given an army, air force, and "navy". These troops are all precious. There will be no major reinforcements.
You may take a very lengthy option of training veteran troops or simply draft citizens off the streets. You can fill the ranks quick but their quality will be poor.
Do to limitations by the editor you must declare war immediately whether you want to or not for the accuracy to be maintained. This war was three months old at this point in real life.
Use your forces wisely, quickly, and without mercy and victory can be yours!
Choose your side the American Imperialists or the Chinese Reds
UN destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers enroute to Korea.
Marines recapture Seoul.
Elements of the US 2nd and 25th Divsions close in on Chinju.
DPRK 4th artillery and 103rd tank regiment catch ROK 53rd and 55th tank companies out in the open.
Chinese Mig 15's arrive in Pyongyang to take the battle to the American imperialists. The first all jet battles in history are about to begin.
UN commanders would be wise not to forget the massive size of the Chinese People's Volunteers.
Civ III PTW 1.27f
The download link:
Updated 8-17-03
Dedicated Forum:
Please use the forum as much as possible. Especially for bug and error reporting.
I am very pleased to announce the release of the 2 player Korean War Scenario.
World War II divided Korea into a Communist, northern half and an American-occupied southern half, divided at the 38th parallel. The Korean War (1950-1953) began when the North Korean Communist army crossed the 38th Parallel and invaded non-Communist South Korea.
Play as one of 2 factions battling for ground and ideology.
The scenario begins in September 1950. The United Nations are reeling from defeat after defeat. They have been backed in to what became known as the Pusan perimeter. Here the United Nations forces were told to hold the line or die trying. There would be no further retreats.
Simultaneously, General MacArthur had just completed his surprise invasion of the port city Inchon. Here he predicted that he would smash the North Korean forces between the hammer and anvil. The North Koreans are cut off from resupply. The Chinese are poised to enter the war.
You have your choice of being the Communists or the United Nations.
This is a victory point location game there are two victory points in the United Nations and Communist cities. In addition there are two victory point locations to fight over at the 38th parallel.
The goal is to control as much ground as possible at the end of the three year time limit. The turns are in weeks.
All United Nations units are named for their true to life counterparts. They are in their exact or approximate locations.
Ditto for 90%+ of Communist forces.
Improvements and few Wonders renamed and retooled:
Buildings: Capitol Building, Warehouse, Command Post, Supply Depot, Observation Post, Radio Station, Defensive Emplacements, Water Storage Tanks, Fuel Storage Tanks, Worship Center, Tunnel Network, Ammunition Depot, Steel Fabrication Plant, Fortified Bunkers, Oil Storage Depot, Munitions Factory, Railroad Depot, Shore Battery, Electric Power Complex, Floating Cranes, & Military Police Post.
Wonders: Logistics, Human Wave Tactics, UN, & Communist Order of Battle
All of the city improvements have been updated in the Civlopedia text if you are curious what they do.
Communist Forces:
T-34 Tank
North Korean and Chinese "Volunteers" soldiers
Mobile Infantry
Naval Mines
Mig 15
Tupolev Bomber
Yak 9d Fighter
Il-10 Fighter
Heavy artillery
Field Artillery
Special Forces
UN Forces:
M-26 Pershing
M-46 Bulldog
US Army
US Marines
Members of other nations forces : France, Netherlands, UK etc. etc.
Quad 50
Land mines
Heavy Artillery
Field Artillery
Paratroopers (Army airborne rangers)
B-29 Bomber
P-51 Mustang
F-86 Sabre
F4U Corsair
New sounds for some units. My favorite are the artillery pieces. The shells can now be heard screaming down before impact.
Each side has about a dozen true to life generals that participated in the war IF a leader is "created on the battlfield".
Your given an army, air force, and "navy". These troops are all precious. There will be no major reinforcements.
You may take a very lengthy option of training veteran troops or simply draft citizens off the streets. You can fill the ranks quick but their quality will be poor.
Do to limitations by the editor you must declare war immediately whether you want to or not for the accuracy to be maintained. This war was three months old at this point in real life.
Use your forces wisely, quickly, and without mercy and victory can be yours!

Choose your side the American Imperialists or the Chinese Reds
UN destroyers, cruisers, and aircraft carriers enroute to Korea.
Marines recapture Seoul.
Elements of the US 2nd and 25th Divsions close in on Chinju.
DPRK 4th artillery and 103rd tank regiment catch ROK 53rd and 55th tank companies out in the open.
Chinese Mig 15's arrive in Pyongyang to take the battle to the American imperialists. The first all jet battles in history are about to begin.
UN commanders would be wise not to forget the massive size of the Chinese People's Volunteers.