Landmark Graphics: The Great Wall


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal
The Chinese great wall is quite difficult to produce in civ3. Well, here's one option - the use of LM-terrain (so this works only in c3c)

As all modders should know, the LM-terrain can be added only in the editor.

A further note should be said about placing these LM-terrains:
- the terrain alterations are completely of my doing, so you should avoid placing this LM-terrain next to regular hills or mountains or volcanos, since the transitions aren't compatible, I'm afraid.

But I hope that this could give some kickstart to developing more interesting LM-terrains :)


In this post you will find updated versions of these walls. Well, actually they aren't updates, but rather different version of the same idea - this time there are no hills beneath :)


Here is some preview of this LM-terrain in use.


  • LMWalls.gif
    62.2 KB · Views: 4,994
Saturno said:
Is possible to change the LM terrain graphics in the editor?

Didn't know 'bout that...

You don't change the graphics in the editor... it means you have to manually add LM terrain in the editor as opposed to having it generated on a random map.

This is a pretty cool graphic! Now we can make some really really awesome Asian/Mongol scenarios! :cool:
Very cool:thumbsup:

But I think the hills have a little trouble blending with the grassland.
Awesome. Brilliant. Superb. Now if only people would use great ideas like this one....
Yoda Power said:
But I think the hills have a little trouble blending with the grassland.

Yes, I know that. And that's the problem I don't know how to solve smoothly. does anyone have any ideas concerning this?
You know, for that 13th Century Senario I might Possibly make in the future, this would be UBER Helpfull! I'd Geuss you give it 100% or more defensive bonus, wouldn't you? I would.
skam0073 said:
How about using the original hill graphics as a base for the walls? But for me, they look fine as they are.

I really don't know how I could do that. My C&P-skills are far from adequate for such feats.
Besides, there are different terrain versions, and thus it would work with one terrain set.

One option is to leave the 'hills' completely from the graphics - just make the walls :)
Doesn't everybody using snoopy's terrain?:D
Well, the only way then to have everyone happy is ,as you said, to remove the hills completly.I like it as it is but i see that you are enjoying the wall business latetly so i am sure whatever you make with them will look fine:)
They look good for me too.

One option could be to choose a color between your hills and grasslands, closer to grassland and then paint on top of lower parts of your hills with a 60-70% opacity Photoshop paintbrush, so it would look like the grass is on your hills and not vice versa. BTW, can you read this sentence? :confused: But, that would need c&p work.
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