Language translations for leader sayings

Redkhan uploaded all the leader dialogue onto Soundcloud. you can find the link to it on page 10, if I remember correctly

Thanks for letting me know about that. I listened to the 7 tracks and here are my translations to the best of my ability.

Defeat A 10: This is not victory. But victory is changing the hearts of your opponents with care and generosity.

Declare war from AI B 1:
I promise none of us will taste peace, until you concede.

Declare war misc A 1: It's shameful that we turn to violence, for its not the behaviour of kings to kill each other.

First meet B 1:
With the will of the one and only, the strong, the victorious, the eternal whose reign never ends, I send you my greetings my friend.

Kudos B 1: Peace be upon you. You are spreading sincerity (?) and love with your actions. By the name of Allah the greatest.

Misc Pep Talk C: The result of war is determined by preparations and equipment. And Allah's will.

Warning A: I will not accept this desecration of land. Allah will punish your blasphemy and disobedience. [?] He is the only who is whole, beloved. [/?]
Sounds good!

We could also use the return of some of our prior contributors--for example, we still don't have Trajan's Defeated line translated yet.
Sounds good!

We could also use the return of some of our prior contributors--for example, we still don't have Trajan's Defeated line translated yet.

Happy to help!

He says: una salus victis nullam sperare salutem ("the one salvation for the conquered, to expect no salvation.") This is a quote from Book 2 of Vergil's Aeneid. The Greeks have broken into Troy, and the city will surely fall. Nonetheless, Aeneas gathers as many warriors as he can and tries to make a last stand. He says this to his men, basically meaning that because they are all sure to die no matter what, they should go to battle unafraid. Though it will of course turn out that the gods have other plans for Aeneas.

Also, RisingSun, thank you for the correction--you are of course right that it is adeo, not audio, which makes much more grammatical sense. I misheard the guy :)
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Cheers! Thanks! :)

There's still quite a bit we need. Pity we don't have any Koine (?) Greek speakers around.
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Source is user Tamu from, a native speaker from Vladikavkaz. He translated them to Russian and I did the Russian-English translation.
Note: The voice actors is a native speaker, her pronunciation is good ("as a radio announcer"), but some of the sentences are broken. Well, that's an improvement compared to Attila's Chuvash. :)
Latin script versions are done according to the official Soviet script of 1920s.

Declare war:
  • Line: Паддзах дын дæ сæр агуры. Дæ туджы аныгъулдзынæ.
  • Latin script: Paddzax dyn dæ sær agury. Dæ tudžy anyhuldzynæ.
  • In-game text: The Empress calls for your head. You will be drowned in your own blood!
  • Actual translation: The Empress demands your head. You will drown in your own blood!
Note one: This is probably a reference to the story that she shoved Cyrus's head into a wineskin filled with human blood.
Note two: The word paddzax is a loan word from Persian pāti-xšāya (shah on throne). This term in different variants was used by many "eastern" ethnic groups of the Russian Empire to name the Russian emperor, so a more
appropriate translation would be "tsarina". In Russian and languages it's influenced terms tsar or tsarina are used for ancient monarchs too, for example "скифская царица Томирис" (Scythian tsarina Tomyris) or "спартанский царь Леонид" (Spartan tsar Leonidas). But I thought that in English it is strongly associated with Russian monarchs, so I used the term "empress", the term game translation uses.

  • Line: Ды Томирисы зæрдæхудты бацыдтæ æмæ ныр бафиддзынæ!
  • Latin script: Dy Tomirisy zærdæxudty bacydtæ æmæ nyr bafiddzynæ!
  • In-game text: You have betrayed the trust of Tomyris and now you will pay!
  • Actual translation: You didn't justify the trust of Tomyris ana now you will pay!
  • Line: Ус паддзах фембæлдис. Фæлæ мæн бахъуыды кæндзысты, дæу та?
  • Latin script: Us paddzah fembældis.Fælæ mæn baquydy kændzysty, dæu ta?
  • In-game text: The Empress falls, but I will be remembered. Will you?
  • Actual translation: The Empress met(?), but I will be remembered. What about you?
Introduction ("First meet"):
  • Line: Нæ фехъуыстон мачи зæгъæд. Гадзрахатæй рацæугыл туг ныууардзæн. Фæлæ кæд æцæг æмбал дæ, уæд балымæн уыдзыстæм.
  • Latin script: Næ fequyston mači zӕhæd. Gadzræxatæj racæugæjyl tug nyuuardzæn. Fælæ kæd æcæg æmbal dæ, uæd balymæn uydzystæm.
  • In-game text: Let it be known between us: I will repay treachery with blood! But, if you are a true friend, we will have peace.
  • Actual translation: May nobody say that they didn't hear - blood will be spilled of those who turn against us. But if you are a true friend then we'll become friends.
Agenda Approval ("Kudos")
  • Line: Нæ адæмтæ никуы ма уыдысты тыхджындæр. Бирæты бантъысти сабырдзинады рæстæгмæ.
  • Latin script: Næ adæmtæ nikuy ma uydysty tyxdžyndær. Biræty banthysti sabyrdzinady ræstægmæ.
  • In-game text: Our two nations have never been stronger. May you have many victories in times of peace.
  • Actual translation: Our people have never been stronger. Many were accompanied by victories to peaceful times. (the sentence is broken)
Civilopedia quote ("Pep talk"):
  • Line: Мæ уæлæдарæс у скифаг пæлæз, мæ дзабыр мын аккаг нæу, мае лыстæн(?) у æгас сых, мæ хæринаг у стонгдзинадимæ баст.
  • Latin script: Mæ uælædaræs u skifag pælæz, mæ dzabyr myn akkag næu, mæ lystæn(?) u ægas syx, mæ xærinag u stongdzinadimæ bast.
  • In-game text: My clothing is a Scythian cloak, my shoes are the hard soles of my feet, my bed is the earth, my food is only seasoned by hunger.
  • Real Translation: My overclothes are a Scythian cloak, my footwear doesn't fit me, my (?) is all around me, my food inseparable with hunger.
Note: This is a quote by Anacharsis, the Scythian philosopher who caused quite a stir in Athens.

Agenda disapproval ("Warning"):

  • Line: Ӕнцойдзинад у сæхи хорзæх, нæ йæ зыдтай?
  • Latin script: Æncojdzinad u sæxi xorzæx, næ jæ zydtaj?
  • In-game text: Loyalty is its own reward. Do you not know this?
  • Actual translation: Rest(?) is their vurtue. Didn't you know this?
Morningcalm, please update Tomyris' section with these translations

Surely, a Spanish speaker can translate Philip II's defeated line.
Added! Don't know how I missed those. It looks like with the (?) sections there are indeed some broken lines. One wonders why Tomyris' voice actress didn't suggest corrections for them (as she is a native speaker after all).

And yes, we are still missing lines for some of the major languages. Hojo, for example.
Not a native Spanish speaker, but from the bits and pieces left over from high school, I could make out this from Phillip's defeat line:

"Nuestros estados... ¿Por qué, señor? ¿Por qué nos has abandonado?"
"Our empire... Why, Lord? Why have you abandoned us?"

Keep in mind, I almost flunked Spanish, so the exact wording might be off. I'm not quite sure about "Nuestros estados", but I think the rest is accurate.
"Nuestros estados" might also mean "our land" or something. Bear in mind that United States is "Estados Unidos" in Spanish
I found these on the Civilization wiki:
Hojo Tokimune
The Divine Wind will protect us and you will fall, like the others. (Kamikaze warera wo mamori, onore wa katsute no gotoku metsubou seruran. / 神風我らを守り、己はかつての敵の如く滅亡せるらん。)

Declare War: I will not allow the Empire to suffer you any longer. The time has come to end this charade! (Kore made tari. Kono orokana shibai wo owarsen! / これまでたり。この愚かなる芝居を終わらせん!)

Greeting: Hello, I am Hojo Tokimune of Japan, a humble disciple of Bushido. (Ikaga aru. Ware wa Nihonkoku no bushido no shinnkousha, Hojo Tokimune. / いかがある。我は日本国の武士道の信仰者、北条時宗。)

Defeated: Please end this dishonor to my family…to my people. (Hojyo ke tari, waga tami no kizuna wo na kake tamai so. / 北条家たり、我が民の絆をなかけ給いそ)

Agenda-based Approval: You build your empire as the Rising Sun: powerful and brilliant. (Nanji wa hinode no gotoku tsuyoku kagayaku mikado no kuni wo kizukannya. / 汝は日出の如く強く輝く帝の国を築かんや。)

Agenda-based disapproval: To follow Bushido is to train the mind, the body, and the soul...but where can your people do so? (Karada, kokoro, tamashii wo kitaenn mono bushido nari. Nanji no tami wa, izukunite sore wo nasannya. / 体、心、魂を鍛えん者武士道なり。汝の民は、焉にてそれを為さんや。)

Philip II
Agenda-based disapproval:
Rather than penitent, you are blasphemous. The vengeance of God will be upon your head. (No seis penitente, ¡blasmefáis! La venganza de Dios caerá sobre vuestra cabeza. - lit. "You are not penitent, you curse! God's vengeance will fall on your head.")

Agenda-based Approval: I am relieved you understand that we cannot tolerate heretics. It is against God, of course. (in-game line only)
(Somos una nación de fe, y vuestro favor a nuestra devoción os honra. - lit. "We are a nation of faith, and your kindness towards our devotion honors you.")

Defeated: My lands…my Kingdom, why God? Why have you forsaken me? (Nuestros estados... ¿Por qué Señor? ¿Por qué nos has abandonado?)
I would have been happy if they all spoke english with the appropriate accent like Gandhi does if it meant more dialog over all
Looks like Reddit beat us to Hojo. XD

For Phillip's defeated line, I suggest this translation:

My lands....why sir (God)? Why have you abandoned me?

(He uses the royal we in his Spanish, hence "nos somos Felipe" in his intro--it figures his defeated line's "we" uses the same style)
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Exactly. I would prefer not to see English-only leaders, though that did work out well in Age of Empires III for their AI leaders (any one of whom, by the way, has far more lines than all the AI leaders in Civ VI combined).
Based on Youtube comments, both Gorgo and Pericles are speaking ancient Greek using the Erasmian pronunciation, which is hard for Modern Greek speakers to understand. I guess that's why no one has come forward with translations for them.

I saw conflicting comments on Gorgo speaking Attic dialect like Pericles, or Doric/Laconic dialect.
Interesting, do you have the link to the YouTube video you're remarking on?

I'm surprised we haven't gotten Hindi translations for Gandhi either...
Hm, I haven't found the comments in the videos yet...will keep searching. There's a lot of talk over Gandhi's talk of course.
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