Latest ATI Drivers

I get the same message; I have an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. I have reinstalled my drivers from the DELL site but all I get is the game to load but no Firaxis or 2kgames video and no menu to choose from -- just the globe in the background and CIV IV logo.

I'm not the only one with the no menu problem (see the menu thread). But it seems that most people get it solved with updated drivers. But I can't update mine and my card meets the CIV IV requirements! Any more suggestions?
damason said:
I get the same message; I have an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. I have reinstalled my drivers from the DELL site but all I get is the game to load but no Firaxis or 2kgames video and no menu to choose from -- just the globe in the background and CIV IV logo.

I'm not the only one with the no menu problem (see the menu thread). But it seems that most people get it solved with updated drivers. But I can't update mine and my card meets the CIV IV requirements! Any more suggestions?

Do not use Dell for a driver update. They are behind the curve there. I know I have seen in many posts here where to look for drivers. Try a search!
Sorry not to be more clear. I have attempted to install the latest drivers via the links on this thread but none of them will install. I get error messages that INF Video Driver not found (as do a lot of the people on this thread).

The only driver that installs is the "old" one from Dell which doesn't let the game play. But the new ones don't support the 9000 (again, see earlier messages in this thread). Any more suggestions on what to do as this Card meets the requirements on the box.
ati radeon x600, latest drivers
P4 3.2 ghz

1. I used to get the render error until I unpacked the art file like the 2kgames site suggests. I still have some other problems though:

2. The main menu with the globe has several artifacts flickering.

3. During play, the screen would occassinally go black or turn into a whole mess of colors for a few seconds. The problem became more frequent the more I played.

4. Now the game just plain crashes after a few seconds of playing. The screen will either freeze or go black, and I always have to reboot my computer.

It looks like the game really doesn't like the ati radeon x series of cards.
For all of those people that got the INF not found error... here's what to do ( I got the same thing)

If you don't have XP then don't use this diver. I think that this might be only for XP. Don't use the setup file that comes in the zipped folder.
  • got to the contol panel
  • Go to System
  • select Display drivers
  • right click on your dsplay driver and select Update driver
  • select install from specific location
  • navagate to the path C:\ATI\SUPPORT\5-10-mobile_xp_dd_ccc_enu_26777\Driver\XP_INF. (where the download was unzipped)
  • proceed through the update process.
  • reboot your computer
  • hopefully everything is fine and you can now run civ4.

I'm off to do the last step. Hopefully it will fix the problem.
Thanks for the suggestion, but mine also said "did not find better software than what I currently have" etc. etc.

Anybody else come up with a solution yet for no menu, just the floating globe other than updating drivers when your drivers won't update? :-P

Ati Mobility Radeon 9000 here....
OK - took the plunge and got a new card.

I got an opened box ATI 9000 Pro -- but problem is, no CD-Rom. Figured this wouldn't be an issue, but after visiting the ADI site -- looks like this is the case. From what I can tell here -- -- I'm out of luck without the original CD-Rom.... though to be honest, ATI isn't being all that clear about what I need.

Checked around omegadrivers,, and several other sites...

I know this is an ATI issue, not a civ issue -- but any have any advice to offer?

Right now - my pc thinks I just installed a GeForce4 mx420, and Civ thinks my card doesn't meet reqs.... with 128 meg, T&L, and pixel shading, I think the HARDWARE would.... but that probably don't mean diddly without the right driver.
For all of you out there with the INF error trying to update your cards -- I'm on a Mobility Radeon 9000 and, as you've probably heard, no opening videos or main menu, just music and the earth globe and logo.

I have a request in to ATI to answer my question about updating and the INF error. I will post as soon as I hear anything! Crossing my fingers it's good news.
Radeon 7500 in my comp, same problems as everyone else tiles, can only see bonus tiles :( Sorry, really disappointed so far!
Damason I have the exact same problem and I have the Radeon 9600 card.

I too can't see the opening 2K movie. Once I click or hit escape I can see the world and the words Civilization IV, but I can;t see any of the menus. It is quite annoying to go out and buy this game only to have it not work. Catalyst isn;t working for me either.

edit: NM I finally got it to work!

Reinstalling the game, the drivers, and the directX did nothing for me. But down near the end it shows how to move the Art pack files. Once I did this I was able to see the opening movies and all the display functions. I hope this helps others.
...and got the "Render" error. Tried all the trick but to no prevail.
So this is maybe a directx prob.

Running Dell Inspiron 6000
ATI Radeon Mobility x300
XP Pro SP1
And this f*** DirectX9.0c
GREAT NEWS! First off, ATI did not respond with any useful information, BUT if you can't see the opening videos and there is no game menu, then simply do the unpack the Art Files as EagleEye says above -- nothing else works but this sure does!! (Oh, per other threads, if you can update your ATI drivers, then that has solved this problem, but if you can't then do the Art Unpack process!!!).

I can't wait to play!
I'm with simplybag. ATI 7500 (Mobility Radeon 7500C, in my case), and all I see are black tiles when I try to play. Plus, the title video jumps every couple seconds (although I'd rather the black tiles during gameplay were fixed before the jumping video). Big disappointment and waste of my time, having to update drivers and find "fix-it" info on Google, none of which worked out. I usually get paid to QA software, not the other way around.
Have ATI Radeon 9800 latest drivers, XP sp2, Net 1.1, and still it goes black screen right as the game map are about to draw, right after the last option screen!

How can this be? Did Firaxis/2KGames not test this game with ATI Radeon cards?

Had I not played this game since the first Civ and loved it, I would be tempted to send it directly to Firaxis and tell them to shough it up their kazoo!

This is an outrage! How can they ship something that does not work on ATI Radeons card without a complicated patch right off the bat!

Freaking Morons! I am deeply dissapointed and discouraged. Maybe, just maybe I'll run the "PAK" patch procedure tommorow, or maybe I'll send it back!

I'm not getting this. I have an ATI Radeon 9200 128Mb card, and I only installed the drivers from the CD. No multimedia center, no extra anything. Don't need it, don't want it.

When I go to the support site I can download drivers only for the multimedia center and the Catalyst thing, whatever that is. I don't have either. Where are the plain vanilla drivers?
I have the same black map and leaderhead problems.... I have an ATI mobility radeon 7500 card with 32 mb ram.
I left feedback at Firaxis' homepage and within an hour I have been contacted by Dshirk from Firaxis, requesting the log file from my dxdiag. I have sent that, hopefully that can help them make a patch / solve these problems for us
I can not explain the absolute fury I am feeling right now. I have a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, latest drivers, XP sp2, Net 1.1, Catalyst Installed, all the steps that they recommend on the civ 4 official site and still having major problems. I'm playing the game and something will happen 6 minutes into it that causes it to freeze up and shut off to a black screen...Not even to a windows desktop, forcing me to hit the shut down button on the tower just to get back! What the $^@#$! is wrong with this picture?!!? 3ghz Pentium 4 chip, loads of memory and space... an awesome card....and I have a breakdown in a game like I'm running Dos-5 and trying to play Civ 2! WHY DID I SPEND $60 ON AMAZON FOR 2-DAY SHIPPING AND PRE-SELL EDITION IF IT DOESN'T WORK RIGHT?! I'VE BEEN PLAYING THIS SERIES SINCE SID FIRST THOUGHT IT UP IN THE SHOWER! :mad: :mad: The only game I still play is CIV and after waiting all this time for the 4th doesn't work?! COME ON!! I'm reposting this everywhere because I'm furious... WHAT DO I DO NOW?!?!?!?! :eek: :eek: :nuke: :nuke:
I have identical issues to Thrasher0723. Radeon 9800Pro/128, latest ATI drivers, all XP patches including SP2, Catalyst. Sempron 3100+ on an Asus K8N MB, 1024MB RAM.

I was originally playing using older (2 months old, maybe?) ATI drivers, and I couldn't see the other leaders like Ghandi; there was just a blank box. The latest drivers fixed that and made my crashes less frequent, but I still can't play more than 30 minutes before 1) I lose my ability to click on anything, and 2) 5 seconds later my screen goes black and I have to reboot.
Well, after calling tech support at 2k games, I've come to at least one conclusion. While we sit and whine here, they don't seem to have a clue that there is a problem. Have any of you actually picked up a phone and called their support line??

The guy I just talked to said he had heard of the driver init problem and the unpacking solution, but seemed baffled by my black world issue. I can't do anything further till I get home cuz he wants my dxdiag logs, and while I can connect to home using remote desktop, the emulated video won't return any DX results to give him.

So my suggestion to everyone is to pick up your phone and call tech support! A live voice sometime does more good than an email, or a post on a message board. Even if one of the tech support people can't figure out our problem, they'll be aware that it is a HUGE issue and their loyal Civ community wants a fix FAST!

Phone: 1-866-219-9839
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