Leader that you just want to punch right in the face...

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Apr 27, 2007
I haven't really played Civilization IV (spelt the ******ed American way instead of the correct Civilisation of all lands that actually speak a language that actually resembles English) all that much in recent times, but the few I have, the pesky little annoying leaders that are always at my throat seem to really keep annoying me. I mean, sometimes there are just leader who I think deserve a Cricket Bat in the face, a bit like Kevin Rudd. I mean, in the good ol' days Cyrus was just always there and in the heat of the situation. There I am, branding those bloody Frenchy’s and Americans (both at the same time) with the colour of a true Civilisation; England, Germany, Egypt or my personal favourites, the great Romans (much better than those diving little... who inhabit their great lands now)... you know, a nation with some balls. Then all of a sudden, while I'm handing certain parts of them back to them on a silver platter, Cyrus, out of nowhere decides: Opportunity and then comes through and takes all the undefended cities on the other side, like a bloody Italian (WWI, screw you Italy). So there I am, wasting all that time and effort, I have just made Washington and Napoleon kiss my shoes and then get in the kitchen and make me a Sandwich and all of a sudden I don't get to have it. Like the Italians in both world wars, just a complete snake. Now if this was real life and not a computer game, instead of quite literally chowing down on my motherboard I would have probably started by getting my good old rugby boots out and stomping the . .. .. .. .. .es face into the ground. Hopefully after this he would still be breathing so I could then make him continue what my slaves (France and the US) were doing before he Italianed up the situation. Then balence would be restored and would still have all of my teeth.

Moderator Action: Warned! - Trolling and Language
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No, he took the other Civilization's Cities... I just couldn't be bother fighting another complete war and he had taken a good 3-4 cities from both France and the US.
Leaders I want to punch in the face...that Sumerian chap, who is always sticking his big face close to my screen, that weird looking creature in charge of Khmer, Togu for never trading tech, De Gaulle for building all the wonders and expanding so damn fast and Justinian for looking so ill.

Pericles for that helmet he fools around with, Hatty for always inventing Longbows as I'm trying to finish her off and Alex for looking like a smug git.

@KittenofChaos: And Justinian because he's a vampire aswell. Seriously... That bleached skin and that spooky music... arh... and then that Sumerian creep...!
It's hard to not seem to be a troll with Italians in History...
The English characters, because they're the types to misspell Civilization with an S instead of using the improved spelling.
So now he's complaining that America spells things wrong, and that civilization (or should i say civilisation?) AI try to further their own country in the best way they can...

And just when i was getting tired of people complaining of the AI not being smart enough.
So now he's complaining that America spells things wrong, and that civilization (or should i say civilisation?) AI try to further their own country in the best way they can...

And just when i was getting tired of people complaining of the AI not being smart enough.

exactly. People want smarter ai and then the complain the AI is to smart.
Whenever I have a good, easy Cultural Victory on the way, it seems that Isabella or Wang Kong shows up with an army that's three times the size of mine. :mad: I never trust those two at all. :hmm:
Suryavarman. That guy is a jerk. He also looks like my friend, but 30 years older. Also, 'z' is way cooler than 's'.
It's hard to not seem to be a troll with Italians in History...

Also, why make fun of Italians? The former Roman empire that came from that part of the world is pretty much the basis for western European civliZation, which allowed your prison colony to exist. Get over yourself man.
Can't anyone here take a joke. You're all taking yourselves to seriously.

Maybe, but if I didn't take myself seriously, who would?
Ahhh autralia, Britain's toilet...

Come, come, come, my good man! We shan't speak that way! If there is one thing you can say about Australia, it's that it was founded by men of conviction.

On topic, I find that I often want to hit Montezuma. He's as annoying as ever, and his perfidy has regaled users on these fora many times over. When I meet him, usually that's what I do--hit him until he's not even in the ring anymore.
I don`t mind Italy pussying out of WWII, made it easier to win.

Anyhow I really want to punch Monty in the face when I try to make peace after destroying him and he shouts at me like a little fruit cake.
Come, come, come, my good man! We shan't speak that way! If there is one thing you can say about Australia, it's that it was founded by men of conviction.

On topic, I find that I often want to hit Montezuma. He's as annoying as ever, and his perfidy has regaled users on these fora many times over. When I meet him, usually that's what I do--hit him until he's not even in the ring anymore.

Ahh yes Monty. I have fond memories of one game, where I allowed the CPU to select different leaders for their civs, and he was the leader of the French. Man, even then he was still a jerk. I had to make him my vassal, just because no matter how strong I was, he would still try and attack me. DAMN YOOSE MONTY!
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