LEADERHEAD PACK - Flags as Leaderheads - 2

Spain - Extras


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Sweden - Extras


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Finito! Phew, that took a while this time, I don't know why...
@jamesjkirk: Sorry, man, no matter how hard I looked for it, I couldn't find the imperial Russian flag. I know how it looks like (green, yellowish-brown, white, with a coat-of-arms containing crowns, Faberge's and all...) but couldn't find the darn thing! I put all other requests in, though :D

@Ekmek: Birsey degil :) Glad you liked it, man! Just let me know if you need anything else.
Great work SpincruS :goodjob: Just a question, could you make a flag for all the Civ III, PTW, and C3C civs? I am sure that you have already done half of them already.
Originally posted by SuperBeaverInc.
Great work SpincruS :goodjob: Just a question, could you make a flag for all the Civ III, PTW, and C3C civs? I am sure that you have already done half of them already.
Yeah I did "half" of them already.

Netherlands, I guess, is the only one, but since the flag for Netherlands is included in C3C, I didn't see the point in doing it at first. But as I've already made so many flags that ARE actually included with C3C, I'll do the Netherlands, too.

I guess I'm only missing ancient civs like the Celts (could be a Celtic knot or something. Use Scotland instead :P Oh, I could also make an Irish flag, as well as a Swiss one...).

For the Egyptians, I can make a flag with an Ankh. The Babylonians, Sumerians, Hittites, etc, I have *no* idea what to make for them (oh wait a minute, nevermind, I know what to do for the Hittites).

Hmm, the Koreans need a flag, too.

A very important question, though: do you want me to do era-specific? That'd take a lot of time, though.
From what I have seen in both threads, the following need a flag:

Zulu(I will probably just use Swaziland, as it fits perfectly)

As for era specific, it doesn't really matter. I jsut want them all so that I can have a flag leaderhead for each civ. And I think that it would be a little hard to make an ancient era flag for America.
I made an Aztecish looking flag for myself, but didn't share it (together with many other that I didn't share to the public, since they are in no way historically correct but they only resemble). It's simply the eagle on the coat-of-arms of Mexico on a white background.


Iroquois - I've seen how they did this in Europa Universalis 2; a white beaver on a black background
Mongols - Mongolia or an early Mongol khaganate. easy.
Hittites - I can handle this by using the Hittite sun arc with the three deers on it.
Celts - A celtic artifact with some sort of Celtic art on it.
Babylon - Babylonian artifact of some sort.
Sumeria - No idea... Absolutely no idea... They are way too ancient to have had symbols like that which would've survived till today.
Egypt - An Ankh, maybe?
Korea - consider it done.
Mayans - Artifact?
Inca - Artifact?
Zulu - I'd say use South Africa. Swaziland really looks cool, though. I mean the flag itself is a very beautiful one.
Carthage - An elephant or what?
I would appreciate an Assyrian flag, but if your busy I respect that.


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This early Byzantine flag would also be cool. For all those wanting mesoamerican civ flags you could use modern Peru and Mexico flags, though obviously this isn't entirely accurate.


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Originally posted by Emperor Xerxes
This early Byzantine flag would also be cool. For all those wanting mesoamerican civ flags you could use modern Peru and Mexico flags, though obviously this isn't entirely accurate.

I was thinking that he could maybe find Mexican state flags from the Yucatan, and use one of those, and a Peruvian state flag for the Incans.
Thanks for the flags, Spincrus! Now, let's move to these ones...

Aztecs - Maybe something like this, but with a eagle instead of the skull... http://www.geocities.com/arandeth/aztec.html
Iroquois - The one in EU2 would be nice...
Celts - Maybe one of these: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/int-celt.html
Babylon, Sumeria, Hittites - Maybe the Saladin Eagle, the one in the Iraqi coat of arms, would suit nice these civs... http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/iq.html
Egypt - What about these: http://www.geocities.com/arandeth/egypt.html ? But I think the Isis symbol on an orange-ish field would look better.
Korea - One of these... http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/kr_hist.html
Inca - The historically-correct one would be this: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/sam-inca.html or this one: http://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/sam-qhish.html . But maybe an yellow condor - like the one on the Kazakhstan flag - on a green-brown field...?
Zulu - The Swazi flag is perfect!
Carthage - Yes, an Elephant, like this one... http://www.geocities.com/arandeth/carthage.html . But I think a yellowish field would look better than the tricolour.
Greeks - Maybe this one? http://www.geocities.com/arandeth/macedon.html
@Emperor Xerxes: Consider them done by tonight.

@SuperBeaverInc: I'll look into the Yucatan and Peruvian state flags. I'm not sure I'll be able to find them, though.

@Straczynski: I came across the same flag with the Aztecs :) The reason I didn't use that flag was the skull. I guess replacing it with an eagle won't be too difficult. I don't think the Saladin Eagle would be appropriate for Babylon and Sumeria. I'm pretty much sure that they are not Semitic cultures. More like Indo-European, I presume. Don't worry about the Hittites, though, I know how to handle that :D
I'm really enjoying your work on these!

I hope you find time to do New York State. And U.S. the Gadsden flag would be really cool, too!

Thanks for the neat graphics.
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