
Nov 6, 2001
Operation "Screwed" Eagle
After all the emails I've been getting I thought it might be useful to have a Leaderhead Request thread, especially with people starting to work on scenarios now.

If you have a leader request please attach a picture of the leader you are wanting, or what you want them to look like.

I use the following codes when making my leaderheads:

xx is always the two letter abbreviation for the leader.
xx_A01 for Ancient Times
xx_B01 for Middle Ages
xx_C01 for Industrial Age
xx_D01 for Modern Times
xx_E01 for Future Age (sometimes used instead of Modern Times)

Any one who wishes to make a leaderhead that someone has suggested please post the fact that will you be making that leaderhead so we won't have several people working on the same one.:D

Leaderhead Requests and Status List
Generic Caliph -- GhengisFarb is looking for clothing and props.
Sexy Cleopatra -- GhengisFarb is working on poses.
Liz Hurley-- GhengisFarb is working on face.
Arnold Swarzenegger-- (Austria? US?)GhengisFarb is working on Preview pics.
Demosthenes -- GhengisFarb is working on model.
Lord British -- GhengisFarb will do as part of his FantasyMod.
Joan of Arc -- GhengisFarb is working on poses.
William Penn -- ?No status.
Shivaji -- GhengisFarb is looking for props.
Ivan the Terrible -- ?No status.
Robert Bruce -- sween32 is working on model.
Bill Clinton-- sween32 is trying to pry him away from interns.
Atilla the Hun -- ?No Status.
Otilla the Hung -- (Leader of the Hung Arians, arch-enemis of the Amazons) GhengisFarb doesn't want to post preview pics. :lol:
Joseph Stalin -- ?No status.
Canada, not Jean Chretien -- sween32 is researching.
David, King of Israel -- ?No status.
Duke William of Normandy -- ?No status.
younger Catherine the Great -- ?No status.
Emilo Aguinaldo -- (Filippino Guerilla commander) sween32 is working on.
Female Roman/Byzantine Empress -- GhengisFarb is working on Preview pics.
How about... um... ATILLA!!! (I'm not going to give up!)
Why would you want Atilla? IMHO, the leaderhead og Ghengis Farb is actualy less Genghis Khan than Atilla.
And someone else made an excellent historically accurate Ganghis animation.
hmm....a true stalin, a alien like, and bill clinton
Who was the Canadian leader in CtP? He looked funny :lol: I might want to make him.
How about Duke William the Bastard of Normandy? It would look great in my scenario.

Originally posted by Athelstane
How about Duke William the Bastard of Normandy? It would look great in my scenario.


I could probably make him, I gotta hold off on the male leaderheads until I install more memory in my computer. The males take a lot more memory to render.
A more attractive version of cleopatra would be nifty. Sure, there are much better choices for a leader, but currently she is not attractive. Her sleeping were what made her famous, so it would be nice if she was in civ3.
It's incredible: When searching on Google for images of Caliphs, you find NOTHING! That's probably because of some iconoclastic attitude in muslim culture...

I guess, this pic of Saladin could do for the Middle Ages, although he was no Caliph


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For industrial times:


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That was king Saud btw.
For modern times, I'd suggest suit, like western leaders. Otherwise you'd have to use the same style as before...

Maybe this could also go:
King Mohammed VI of Morocco


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Originally posted by Michael York
A more attractive version of cleopatra would be nifty. Sure, there are much better choices for a leader, but currently she is not attractive. Her sleeping were what made her famous, so it would be nice if she was in civ3.

....curtsibling at Apolyton requested her too, except he got all specific and wants her in a sort I Dream of Jeannie kinda way....

I'm thinking I'll make a more historical looking Cleopatra and then a harem-girl like Princess Cleo.....
Originally posted by Nahuixtelotzin
It's incredible: When searching on Google for images of Caliphs, you find NOTHING! That's probably because of some iconoclastic attitude in muslim culture...

I guess, this pic of Saladin could do for the Middle Ages, although he was no Caliph

That's weird, the internet isn't exclusive to the US, maybe its less available because a lot of the Islamic Cultures shun Western technology (I'm thinking of Iran) and they would be the more abundant sources of Islamic info?
A Caliph leader head, say Abd al-Rahman... hell I'd take a decent Saladin...

P.S. An animated, more full featured King David would do as well...
nobody cares about clinton...damn
Originally posted by bnmac3
nobody cares about clinton...damn

I care about Clinton. He was a great president, and years down the road people will realize that he was just that, and the scandle will just be a scandle. He would make a great 3d animated leader that would fit with the ones in the game because of his cartoonish looks. Maybe I'll try and make him just to see if I can make him.
How's this for a start? I need to work more on his facial features and find better hair.


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