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Jul 25, 2006
Here is a list of all the current leaders of the included civs:
United States of America: George W. Bush (Aggressive, Imperialistic)
Canada: Stephen Harper (Protective, Organised)
Mexico: Felipe Calderón (Organised, Financial)
China: Wen Jiabao (Organised, Industrious)
North Korea: Kim Yong-Il (Protective, Aggresive)
Russia: Vladimir Putin (Expansive, Industrious)
Kazakhstan: Nursultan Nazarbaev (Protective, Charismatic)
Israel: Ehud Olmert (Protective, Expansive)
Palestine: Mahmud Abbas (Spiritual, Protective)
Egypt: Hosni Mubarak (Organised, Spiritual)
Iran: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Spiritual, Aggressive)
South Korea: Lee Myung-bak (Financial, Industrious)
Nigeria: Umaru Yar'Adua (Organised, Philosophical)
Pakistan: Pervez Musharraf (Aggressive, Expansive)
India: Manmohan Singh (Financial, Creative)
Venezuela: Hugo Chavez (Charismatic, Imperialistic)
Colombia: Álvaro Uribe (Aggressive, Financial)
Brazil: Lula da Silva (Philosophical, Charismatic)
Argentina: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (Charismatic, Financial)
Myanmar: Than Shwe (Organised, Protective)
Japan: Yasuo Fukuda (Industrious, Philosophical)
Australia: Kevin Rudd (Philosophical, Financial)
Philippines: Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (Organised, Protective)
Indonesia: Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Protective, Creative)
Saudi Arabia: Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz (Spiritual, Financial)
Sudan: Omar Hassan al-Bashir (Aggressive, Spiritual)
South Africa: Thabo Mbeki (Financial, Protective)
European Union: José Manuel Barroso (Financial, Industrious)
Permanent Neutrality: Micheline Calmy-Rey (Philosophical, Creative)
NATO: Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (Expansive, Imperialistic)
Independent African States: Muammar al-Gaddafi (Charismatic, Organised)
African Union: Jakaya Kikwete (Protective, Expansive)
Taiwan: Chen Shui-bian (Protective, Industrious)

Traits are up for discussion, and it may turn out that some leaders are no longer in power when we release the mod, so they may change too.

Also, what would everyone think to having vices like in isau's Saints and Sinners mod?
bush shouldnt be aggressive and imperialistic

which one of the two would you replace with what? i think it's appropriate. in my lifetime i haven't experienced a leader who started so many major wars and spent so much of a nation's money on war operations. hmmm wait, there's milošević...ok, he would have had these traits too, but he's dead now.

Why is there both Nato and EU?
Maybe we should link the original thread in every forum...
NATO was done too include nation states that are considered "western" or have military pacts with western states and are not really aligned with the EU but are too small to include as independent civs: UK, Turkey, Albania, Croatia etc.
which one of the two would you replace with what? i think it's appropriate. in my lifetime i haven't experienced a leader who started so many major wars and spent so much of a nation's money on war operations. hmmm wait, there's milošević...ok, he would have had these traits too, but he's dead now.

Maybe we should link the original thread in every forum...
NATO was done too include nation states that are considered "western" or have military pacts with western states and are not really aligned with the EU but are too small to include as independent civs: UK, Turkey, Albania, Croatia etc.

OK, but I think the UK and Turkey are important enough to be independent civs.
Will it be possible for leaders to change during the game, because George (Aggressive... :lol:) isn't going to be president for long. Something like "Barack Obama has been voted leader by our democracy (Barack Obama, charismatic and organized, will lead for 4 years)"... Something like that.
Ok, Medvedev is not the ruler of his country. Putin is. I don't care what Medvedev is nominally (Putin is also PM, which could have more power even on paper), Putin is running the country.
Will it be possible for leaders to change during the game, because George (Aggressive... :lol:) isn't going to be president for long. Something like "Barack Obama has been voted leader by our democracy (Barack Obama, charismatic and organized, will lead for 4 years)"... Something like that.
Interesting idea. I can imagine as we move through time, we'll change the leaders and geography to fit what happens later in the year, but something like that would be an interesting idea to work on. :)
Ok, Medvedev is not the ruler of his country. Putin is. I don't care what Medvedev is nominally (Putin is also PM, which could have more power even on paper), Putin is running the country.
Oops, I thought I'd already changed that. It's now fixed in the first post.
I really don;t want to start a forum fight here, but...Nato as Civilization? I know your explanation, but still. NATO is an organization of many Civs. Including it would force the US and Canada (its 1st and 3rd largest contributors, IIRC) in it too to make it seem 'normal' (IMO). The UK and Turkey are important enough to be separate, and the Balkan states (at least, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, and Slovenia) are in talks to join the EU by 2011. Serbia could be created to cover Kosovo, Serbia, and Montenegro, and Albania could be lumped with the EU as well. I know it sounds like I'm a minimalist, but having a 'NATO' Civ, when its just an alliance of many Civs, doesn't seem to me to be a good idea..
UK and turkey should be included as independant civs,I agree .I think that the idea that leaders should be replaced democratically is interesting as well............"Pat buchanan, has been voted leader by our democracy (Pat buchanan, Spiritual and agressive, will lead for 4 years)-maybe-possibly- have it linked with something like revolution .If your people are unhappy ,they will kick your party out.Parties could mean a change in civics ie health care etc
I mean ,france,the uk and germany are much more powerful politically than say burma,canada or taiwan-so maybe enlarge germanyto include eastern EU nations,france to include spain and italy and make turkey a 'secular middle eastern civ'.Albania +croatia dont really need to be mentioned at all,or maybe just as independants.Add taiwan +south koreato america,burma +sudan as failed states and we might have a balance-just a suggestion though.If it has to happen the im fine with a eu civ.
Will it be possible for leaders to change during the game, because George (Aggressive... :lol:) isn't going to be president for long. Something like "Barack Obama has been voted leader by our democracy (Barack Obama, charismatic and organized, will lead for 4 years)"... Something like that.

I had that idea, too. It would be nice to have something to simulate the term of office.
If the player chooses a democratic civic, every 4 years, or 48 turns there should be an election. If a lot of citizens are unhappy a fictional opponent will be elected as leader of your civilization. Then you'd have to turn over control to the AI for a couple of turns. Next time you'd win the election automatically and are in charge again...
The same system should work for AI leaders. If one AI leader loses the election, the leader name could change and there could be random but slight effects on the relationship to other leaders. Maybe even one leader trait changes...
For the human player this should simulate the pressure on a leader to neglect important issues for the sake of winning an election.

I guess it's a hard job to mod that but we could keep it in mind for a later version of this mod.
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