Leaving and Arrival Announcement Thread

Name : Noyyau
Date Leaving : 26/12/2015
Date Returning : 03/01/2016
Stories affected directly : Against All Odds: The Struggles of the Noyyau
Stories affected indirectly : The Jarls of Freyhorn
Reason: Going to London for New Year's! :woohoo::beer:
I should've done this before, but my pc is broken for a very long time and many many stuff happened during the last few weeks.

Name : Spirictum
Date Leaving : Some time prior to this post
Date Returning : 04/01/2016 14/01/2016
Stories affected directly :
Stories affected indirectly :
Reason: Many stuff

I don't have much time to use the internet right now where I am (I'm currently at São Paulo city, far away from home), so that's the most I can explain. We see each other again on January and I may explain this better ;)
I'm back, but my gf is staying here for 10 days. I doubt that I'll be able to resume my activities here until she is back home, so I'll stay away until the 14th of January. Sorry for another delay on the stuff that I should've done long ago :(

EDIT: I'm back now. Many stuff to read :crazyeye:
This also says arrival in the thread title, so here I am announcing my arrival. I'm hoping to start a DOC Mexico story and am trying to rouse some interest, so pop over to the main forum and look for Mexico Forever if you're interested.
Announcing my arrival, I've created a DoC story about phoenicia in iceland (yes, it is insane).

I hope the few of you still alive are interested
Guess who's back? :mischief:

A friend of mine and I have something in the works - assuming he keeps interest as I do not trust my own writing skills to do it alone - so look forward to that!
What a coincidence huh? Welcome back DKVM! I'm still active on Civfanatics, but not here as I really don't have the time I used to have, and I'm now playing and working on Cavemen 2 Cosmos. But I'm glad to see a familiar face around here! I just came by because I discovered some people watched a video of mine in youtube through the link I posted here in the Off-Topic thread, and I want to see if there's any commentary there.
I'm back but I don't know for how long. School's been murdering me.
I'm back, though this place is D E A D. I'm bound and determined to finish a story for the first time though, regardless of if anyone reads it or not :D
Im back because I plan on surviving the next 4 years by filtering my news consumption through this site in order to maintain healthy emotional distance and not become a seething ball of hatred
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