"Legendary starts"


Sep 14, 2017
Does anyone know what constitutes a "legendary start" position (selectable in setup)? I usually pick this option and I have had some distinctly uninspiring start locations.
I know what you mean - I can only assume there are resources as yet unrevealed in the area, perhaps?
Here's how it works, to the best of my knowledge:

The game uses some hidden point system to determine which tiles are the most valuable ones to start on. Starting bias skews these point values somewhat.

Choosing "Balanced" start location when setting up means the game tries to make sure that every player starts on a tile with the exact same point value.

Choosing "Standard" start location means the game tries to give every player a starting tile with a decently high point value, but also tries to keep the values of each player's starting tile within the same ballpark as each other.

Choosing "Legendary" start location means that all players start on tiles that have the absolute highest point values on the map, even if some of those tiles are wildly better than others.
Standard start - map is generated, civs are placed at acceptable locations (meets min fertility and min distance to majors and minors) and no extra resources added to map.

balanced - same as standard but every start location has strategic resources added to it.

legendary - same as standard but with every start location getting additional bonus and luxury resources. Legendary also removes the min start distance away from a Natural wonder for major civs and city states. Just makes every start location better than it was, but not necessarily a very strong start.
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