Lengthy list of bugs / annoyances


Sep 20, 2010
I've been playing online with a friend for the past fourteen hours straight (just one more turn) and here is a list of bugs and annoyances we've discovered thus far.

- No save feature in multi-player.

For some reason, the standard Save option is not available. The game even warns that the game is not saved when attempting to quit. I understand that there is an Auto-Save feature, and I'll get to that in a moment.

- Auto-Save in multi-player does not work as it should.

I have Auto-Save configured to save every three turns with a maximum of five total saves. However, when loading a saved game, it lists up to fifty saves and they are all consecutive turns.

- Loading games in multi-player seems to be bugged.

When we tried to load one of the Auto-Saved games, we were unable to launch the game. All civilizations, player and AI were ready (green), but we were unable to change the difficulty setting to its original level and the "Launch" button was always grayed out. The only solution was to have only one player.

- Work boats no longer have an explore function.

I found this to be annoying at best, as I often will use a cheap work boat to quickly explore the continental coastline early in the game. I was forced to manually move the work boat turn by turn.

-Random Loading Screens...
About every ten to twenty turns, the game would freeze for five to ten seconds and then take my friend and I both to the Loading Screen. After a minute or so wait, we would be back in the game. We now refer to these as "forced breaks". However, my interface always reset itself each time. I would often lose what I was tracking (Units, Research, etc.) and the chat window would be open again (upper right).

-Lack of Unit error messages
There have been many times where I ordered a unit to take some kind of action - attack, move, build a road, etc. and it would do nothing, but with no explanation or error message. For example, I just ordered my Worker to build a road to connect two of my cities. I had no problems doing this with previous cities. However, this time I clicked on the road's destination hex and nothing happened. I wondered if the worker had even received the command. Finally, I manually moved the worker to see what would happen. The worker moved and my turn was over. The following turn, I issued the same command to the same worker with the same hex destination. It worked. Bizarre. I'm sure there is a valid reason for this (or it could be a bug) but I have no idea how to correct it without an error message or explanation.

Having to manually move units each turn
Many times when I have tried to move a unit from Hex A to Hex B, I have been required to keep manually moving it each turn if the journey will take more than a single turn. For example, I wanted to move my Caravel to the other side of the continent. In Civilization IV, I would simply tell it where I wanted it to move and it would move there over the required number of turns. It would only stop if something happened - loss of open borders, attacked, etc. Why can't I seem to do this in Civilization V? The worst part is, it doesn't always put the halted unit into the commands / orders rotation when it stops moving. I ordered a Caravel to a hex that was several turns away, it only moved once and then just sat there for the next few turns. I had no idea it had stopped moving. Now I'm required to manually "check in" on all of my units to make sure they're actually doing something.

- No Game Clock

Self explanatory.

That's about it for now.
The issue of moving units:

The auto actions take place at the end of your turn after you hit "next turn". Civ4 randomly cycled through units that were automated. Civ5 waits till you finish manual then does your autos. It give you a chance to re-assign them without them burning their turn.
No game clock is annoying.

I agree, and of course the battery of my watch just happened to die yesterday after I returned from the store so I have to keep checking my cell phone for the current time or peak at the clock on my desktop when I alt/tab.
Myself and some friends noticed every one of these while playing multiplayer as well. The loading screen was the most annoying one and it got progressively worse as the game went on.

I -think- it has something to do with tileset swapping. It seemed like it almost always occured when one of us hit a new era (thus updating the graphics) or did something similar that would result in tile graphics being changed. Or maybe it was trying to load the "Welcome to Y era" picture and failing. Either way, it could've been coincidence, but the "X human player has entered Y era." popups right after each load screen makes it seem that way.
Myself and some friends noticed every one of these while playing multiplayer as well. The loading screen was the most annoying one and it got progressively worse as the game went on.

I -think- it has something to do with tileset swapping. It seemed like it almost always occured when one of us hit a new era (thus updating the graphics) or did something similar that would result in tile graphics being changed. Or maybe it was trying to load the "Welcome to Y era" picture and failing. Either way, it could've been coincidence, but the "X human player has entered Y era." popups right after each load screen makes it seem that way.

Towards hour sixteen of gameplay, we no longer got the loading screen. Granted, turns were taking much longer and whatnot, but we probably played 40+ turns near the end without getting the screen. However, performance drastically decreased near the end. I would often wait thirty seconds to a minute at the end of each turn while everything processed. Maybe this was due to auto-saving?
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